Whilst there are err sexual practices people do with deities even in Hinduism. I'd still recommend seeing a mental health professional.Im not considering doing it, but it reminds me of Catholics processing with their Saint Jude or virgin Mary statues and crucifixes.
Or the ancient Israelites processing the Ark of the Covenant and golden Angels, like they were real and dwelling place of God, Or figures and images that Hindus use and are devoted to.
I'm just saying it isn't a whole lot different. If he is actually having full blown sex with the doll, well that becomes quite different, but still , similar concept to Catholics becoming one flesh with Christ in holy communion (perhaps )
I've heard people swear that they had sexual intimacy with a diety, so who knows.
I just admire this mans courage to do this in public places.
I mean you do you and all that. If it makes this man happy, far be it for me to interefere. But I will kind of glance at it sideways even still.