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Is it Delusional to Believe You can Love Everyone?


Premium Member
Loving someone isn't equal to 1. Not being angry with someone 2. not punishing them when they break the law. Parents are often angry with their children and have to discipline them for wrong doing. It doesn't mean that they don't love them, however.

Loving someone who has truly harmed you or your family would be the ultimate challenge! Loving a rapist, child molester, and murderer would also be a great big challenge. No one said it was easy, it can be uphill work and not easy at all.


Well-Known Member
It isn't, as some people obviously manage it. G-d commands us in the Torah,

[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]Don't take vengeance on or bear a grudge against any of your people; rather, love your neighbor as yourself; I am Hashem. (Vayikra 19:18)

Hillel the Elder held this to refer to all humanity, including heretics (excluded by some Second Temple Era scholars), as did Messiah (who referred to it as the second-greatest mitzvah (Mattityahu 22:39).

In conclusion, it is not delusional. The fact that the vast majority of us fail to do so, and even the vast majority of those who try, it is truly possible to love everyone. I think someone mentioned the Amish - they seem to have it down.


The Lost One
dawny said:
I believe compassion is an expression of love.


Compassion is more about understanding those who are suffering, not love. Compassion is closer to sympathy and having pity for another person or other people than to love. It doesn't necessary link compassion with love.


Mother Heathen

Compassion is more about understanding those who are suffering, not love. Compassion is closer to sympathy and having pity for another person or other people than to love. It doesn't necessary link compassion with love.

I believe it depends on the individual and their intent. When I show compassion, I am usually expressing my love and care for a person. A display of sympathy can be an extension of love and care as well. I'm speaking for myself, of course.

The emotion is different (for me at least) when I pity someone.


The Lost One
christineES said:
Let's try this: Like is truly love. Anyone you don't hate you either like or love. That means that everyone you don't hate, you love. So if you hate no one, then you love everyone

Not necessary true.

The majority of people I don't know. Yes, I don't hate everyone, but it doesn't mean I love everyone whom I don't hate.

The people I don't hate, are the people I don't know, and could not possibly love. Basically, I just don't have any feeling for those people I don't know.

I can also admire a person I do meet without loving him or her.

(Okay, so this is flawed logic, but I never said I was logical. )

Flawed logic indeed. The logic is just a bit naive, but your heart is far more generous and full of love than mine.


Active Member
the opposaite of love is fear. hate is a product of fear. "Though the sick are the problems and the responsibilities of the doctor, the true doctor does not hate them for being sick. In this same way, though the people around one are thy problem and thy difficulty, their failure and their sick, sick degeneration does not need hate poured out upon it." - Dan~


Active Member

I don't think so.

Do know; that I am talking about psychological fear.

A thermometer express degrees at one end we call hot at the other we call cold. Hot and cold - Degrees of temperature
Love and fear are manifestations of the same thing in different degrees to the mind. Love and fear - Degrees of self.
The wonderful thing is that the mind has the ability of talking to it's self.
Other products of psychological fear are : Anger, fear, anxiety, hatred, contempt, jealousy, malice, etc.


Active Member
yes i definitely think a person can love everyone. wait, no- a PERSON cant, because a person has a mind which naturally cuts the world up into good and bad, and wants to love the good and condemn the bad. but if a person knows this is illusion, and identifies as an infinite being, of which that is all there is, then they know that they are the very same existence as the ones who they would condemn.

and then all that remains is love!


Premium Member
Is it possible to love someone who you have labeled as "bad"? I think it is possible, but it is not really easy.
Another question could be- "is anyone truly good or bad"? Maybe people are neither good or bad, just what they do can be considered bad. We use such statements as "that guy is a really nice guy and is loving but he cheats on his wife". Seems like a double standard, but it it?


Will to love
Maybe not, but as a victim I would have to say forgiveness was the most beneficial thing I could have ever done. We don't forgive to benefit the perpetrator, we forgive to benefit ourselves. Carrying hatred or revenge in our hearts makes them cold and bitter. When in that state, we cannot love or feel the love of others imo. Then we are allowing further abuse after the fact. Besides forgiveness does not mean you have to condone the act. It is more a self benediction I guess. Not sure I'm communicating this very well.........

That's an important point and I think you said it very well.

I also agree with Dawny, love is wanting the best for someone...even if it is someone you can't be around because you can't trust them not to hurt you. Love is also an emotion and sure, it's impossible to feel the same way about a stranger as you do your spouse or child. But love is more than a feeling. Tomspug said it is an action and I agree with that too. Yet, we can still want the best for people we don't even know, and pray for them.


Well-Known Member
Is it delusional to believe you can love everyone? Why or why not?

Is it possible that love is categorical? I suppose it is delusional to believe in categorical love until it is personally experienced. It is probably a delusion when categorical love is held as an ideal.
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