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Is it Fair to Incarcerate Christians for their Belief?

Is it fair to send Christians to Hell for their beliefs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • Other...?

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Wow, how bizarre.

1. Reality is vexing enough, why invent hypotheticals so you can get meaningless answers to meaningless questions?

2. There is no reason to take a concept, mangle it beyond all recognition and then ask what others think about the mess you have left over.

3. Explain what laws. God's laws are meant to govern individuals not governments. If your referring to merely the laws of man then if God does not exist our laws are amoral. Our law libraries are filled with tens of thousand of laws, which are you referring to.

4. Christians do not spend much time telling others they are going to Hell. Since 80% plus of Nobel laureates are Abrahamic theists we are plenty smart enough to know you can not reach people by condemning them.

5. However if we do claim someone will go to Hell that merely reflects what we believe to be the truth. We did not invent t

1Robin everytime you try to tell everyone here Christianity is the only way you tell us were going to ll. You preach it and tell all your God is the only God, its the same thing, saying there is no other way, and you you do tell us that whole entire threads around here with a free ticket from hell .

Your God is the only one way,so its a dictatorship, everyone else is going to hell. I think the point of this thread is that we wouldn't tell Christians they're going to hell so why do they tell us were going to hell.


1Robin everytime you try to tell everyone here Christianity is the only way you tell us were going to ll. You preach it and tell all your God is the only God, its the same thing, saying there is no other way, and you you do tell us that whole entire threads around here with a free ticket from hell .

Your God is the only one way, so its a dictatorship, everyone else is going to hell. I think the point of this thread is that we wouldn't tell Christians they're going to hell so why do they tell us were going to hell.
You cannot quote a single post in the over 13,000 that I have made where I said another specific person is going to Hell. However if Christianity is true then those who refuse God's sacrifice on their behalf will get exactly what they wanted, an eternity without God. That is what Hell is, eternal and final separation from God and everything that comes with him. No love, no hope, no meaning, no purpose, no contentment, no peace, etc...... and eventual annihilation of the soul. God gives us life and he has complete sovereignty over everything including that life, if we use the life he gave us to rebel against him then he eventually takes that life back.

New International Version
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

I believe Hell is ultimately, non-existence. I do not sentence people, I can't actually condemn them, and I cannot execute any eternal penalties or rewards. What I can do is explain those things to others. My arguments concern the evidence for God's existence, moral ontology, the biblical textual tradition, and draw the best conclusion from the evidence.

I am required to explain the reasons for my faith. I am not required to make you like it, accept it, give you a safe space, prevent your feeling triggered, or give you a participation trophy. Reality does not care how much you hate it, it still prevails in the end, without exception. You should spend less time posting whether you like a thing or not, and instead start investigating whether it is true or now.

I did not threaten anyone with Hell but if I had it would have been just a virtuous as the doctor who told his patient he had cancer, and not warning people about Hell would be as cruel as not telling someone they are seriously ill.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
1Robin everytime you try to tell everyone here Christianity is the only way you tell us were going to ll. You preach it and tell all your God is the only God, its the same thing, saying there is no other way, and you you do tell us that whole entire threads around here with a free ticket from hell .

Your God is the only one way,so its a dictatorship, everyone else is going to hell. I think the point of this thread is that we wouldn't tell Christians they're going to hell so why do they tell us were going to hell.
Yes, and this is the problem I also have with extreme fundamentalists that can be found in pretty much all religions who take the "my way or the highway" approach. To me, it's just a variation of the "my daddy is bigger than your daddy" arguments we heard as children, thus failing to recognize that "belief" and "fact" are not synonymous terms.

To me, a mature faith has it that one may believe in X but still acknowledge that maybe some others could be more correct. How many people over the centuries have been killed because they didn't have the "correct" religious beliefs?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
1. We perceive an objective moral realm, there are more reasons to trust that perception than it's negation. Why do you have confidence an external reality exists and corresponds to your sensory perceptions except in the cases of God and morality?

Well, I don't have any confidence. Anything I sense, or I could possibly have an intuition of, is fundamentally wrong. Maybe good enough to survive and have a life, but utterly wrong nevertheless.
After all, our brains evolved for survival and not for having an intuition of things like QM, so we should not be surprised that what they can naturally perceive is wrong.

2. Why does every poster defending homosexuality demand biblical arguments when I make secular claims, and secular arguments when I make biblical claims?

I don't know. For what concerns me, I find your biblical arguments more convincing than the secular ones. If the Bible were true, then it is obvious to me that homosexuality is a sin. But I find many secular arguments unconvincing. A typical example is the advantage of executing a criminal vs. spending tax money to mantaining her in a prison.

3. Why does reality look exactly the way it should if we have freewill, yet you hold to hard determinism anyway? I can't imagine a theory with more evidence against it than hard determinism.

Because what looks like X, does not entail X.

And I don't like the adjective "hard". Either determinism is true or it is not. And it also implies that we should treat people like automata with no responsability, if it were true. It is possible to have a fundamental truth but use other methods to handle with it.

For instance, if you go to a Casino to play roulette, are you taking with you several millions, if not billions, dollars worth equipment so that you can measure the detailed initial momentum of the white ball, the spin of the wheel, the gravitational field around the casino, air resistance, all the fine imperfections of the ball and wheel......so that you can always guess where the ball will land?

Nope. You are going to use probability theory. You are going to assume that a play of roulette is completely random. Does that work? Yes, Casinos make a fortune with probability theory. Is the roulette game really random? Nope.

4. Logical laws, numbers, mathematical principles, etc....... are probably not explained by anything in the universe but that does not make them necessary beings or mean they have internal explanations. Something explains them, logic does not explain logic's existence, mathematics and science cannot be proven by mathematics or science, and morality does not explain it's own existence. Yet all of them must have an explanation. My world view has a perfect explanation for them, yours does not.

Well, you are only guessing that everything has, or must have, an explanation. And I think you are applying special pleading by leaving God out of this chains of explanations. True, you are using internal vs. what, external? But this is just a defintion arbitrarily set to another definition. So, it really looks like question begging. It is like saying only God has the properties of God. And I really do not see how the seemingly obvious truth of logical predicates like "either God exists or He does not" can possibly depend on the existence of God.

By the way, a worldview that has all explanations is not necessarily better than a worldview that does not have complete knowledge. Apart from being slightly boring, It is just vastly more likely to be wrong. As the souls of my ancestors can testify concerning their explanation of Thor as origin of lightnings.

5. I was going to type a list at this point of all the things that most of us consider cherished truths that can't exist unless God does but in 2 minutes I thought of so many I decided not to spend a half hour typing them.

To have at least one, would be nice.

I have a source that perfectly explains the existence of everything you mentioned and even everything you didn't. So it is you who need to sufficiently account for everything you have brought up. From what you said it sounds like your choice is between God and moral delusion. Delusion is what Michael Ruse' famous choice was, Dawkins' was pitiless indifference, and Sam H said what the truth actually is: that he likes to assume the morals he likes actually exist, what else is there without God?

However perhaps the best description I have ever heard from your side of the fence was from the lovable teddy bear that is Nietzsche:

THE MADMAN----Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market place, and cried incessantly: "I seek God! I seek God!"---As many of those who did not believe in God were standing around just then, he provoked much laughter. Has he got lost? asked one. Did he lose his way like a child? asked another. Or is he hiding? Is he afraid of us? Has he gone on a voyage? emigrated?---Thus they yelled and laughed

The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. "Whither is God?" he cried; "I will tell you. We have killed him---you and I. All of us are his murderers. But how did we do this? How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving? Away from all suns? Are we not plunging continually? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there still any up or down? Are we not straying, as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is not night continually closing in on us? Do we not need to light lanterns in the morning? Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do we smell nothing as yet of the divine decomposition? Gods, too, decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.

"How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us---for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history hitherto."

Internet History Sourcebooks

That poem still gives me the chills.

i believe old Fred had the belief of God in mind. I think he was smart enough to realize that you cannot shoot and bury God, if He existed. Because of His majesty and omni attrbutes, you know.

But the belief in God, well, I mean, why not shoot the belief in God? :)


- viole


aged ecumenical anthropologist
When it comes to morality, religion is a double-edged sword. There's no doubt that it has given a great many people a sense of direction both personally on socially, but then there's all too often the opposite result whereas it builds walls instead of bridges that leads to a "we" versus "they" mentality whereas the "they" are demonized.

As for myself, I am affiliated with my synagogue and also attend my wife's church, so I feel the value of both or I wouldn't be attending either. But what I also hope for is a more "bridge" approach that allows us to have differences of opinion and theology, while at the same time encouraging us to be not so arrogant as to believe we got "the answers" and all those other schmucks out there who don't agree with us are idiots.

Fortunately, there's been much progress in this area over the last several decades, but unfortunately there are still a great many who take the "my way or the highway" approach.


Well, I don't have any confidence. Anything I sense, or I could possibly have an intuition of, is fundamentally wrong. Maybe good enough to survive and have a life, but utterly wrong nevertheless.
After all, our brains evolved for survival and not for having an intuition of things like QM, so we should not be surprised that what they can naturally perceive is wrong.
Then your in the most unlikely place I can imagine.
1. You say you do not have any confidence in anything.
2. Then you confidently claim everything you know is false.
3. Then you made a statement for which I am the source. I said the truth survival thing a few posts back.

I don't know. For what concerns me, I find your biblical arguments more convincing than the secular ones. If the Bible were true, then it is obvious to me that homosexuality is a sin. But I find many secular arguments unconvincing. A typical example is the advantage of executing a criminal vs. spending tax money to mantaining her in a prison.
You find a book you reject more convincing than a cost benefit argument? You only posted a conclusion, I need a premise to consider concerning criminal penalties.

Because what looks like X, does not entail X.
It does more often that it doesn't. If it was the other way around it would be against the law to drive.

And I don't like the adjective "hard". Either determinism is true or it is not. And it also implies that we should treat people like automata with no responsability, if it were true. It is possible to have a fundamental truth but use other methods to handle with it.
No, the "kind" of determinism that describes reality is determinism with the exceptions of choice. You can pick whatever word you want for that type of determinism but it would be the only one that accounts for reality.

For instance, if you go to a Casino to play roulette, are you taking with you several millions, if not billions, dollars worth equipment so that you can measure the detailed initial momentum of the white ball, the spin of the wheel, the gravitational field around the casino, air resistance, all the fine imperfections of the ball and wheel......so that you can always guess where the ball will land?
I do not see the relevance but some MIT students did just that and won a lot of money.

Nope. You are going to use probability theory. You are going to assume that a play of roulette is completely random. Does that work? Yes, Casinos make a fortune with probability theory. Is the roulette game really random? Nope.
I actually did a paper on probability concerning gambling. I would see the wheel and turn around and go home.

Well, you are only guessing that everything has, or must have, an explanation. And I think you are applying special pleading by leaving God out of this chains of explanations. True, you are using internal vs. what, external? But this is just a defintion arbitrarily set to another definition. So, it really looks like question begging. It is like saying only God has the properties of God. And I really do not see how the seemingly obvious truth of logical predicates like "either God exists or He does not" can possibly depend on the existence of God.
No that is an observation without a known exception. However your not getting it anyway.

1. Anything that exists has an explanation of it's self either within it's self or external to its self. God's is internal, everything else external.
2. Things that begin to exist have causes, God did not begin to exist, everything else did except for a few bizarre possible exceptions.

By the way, a worldview that has all explanations is not necessarily better than a worldview that does not have complete knowledge. Apart from being slightly boring, It is just vastly more likely to be wrong. As the souls of my ancestors can testify concerning their explanation of Thor as origin of lightnings.
A theory that explains all of the data is always considered better than a theory that doesn't. Doesn't make it true, but it does make it the best working conclusion. The description of Thor does not make him a good explanation for lightning nor much of anything else (that is probably why so few ever believed in him and far fewer still do). God is not only a good explanation for most of what we think we know but the best possible solution for the most cherished beliefs of mankind.

To have at least one, would be nice.
Ok, how about a half dozen? An objective foundation for racial equality, morality, justice, the sanctity of human life, inherent rights, ultimate meaning and purpose. Bonus: An explanation for the existence of every atom in this and all other universes.

i believe old Fred had the belief of God in mind. I think he was smart enough to realize that you cannot shoot and bury God, if He existed. Because of His majesty and omni attrbutes, you know.

But the belief in God, well, I mean, why not shoot the belief in God? :)
Did you forget everything Freddy said in between posting the last 2 or 3 sentences above?

BTW people have been shooting, crucifying, enslaving, and outlawing our faith for millennia.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Then your in the most unlikely place I can imagine.
1. You say you do not have any confidence in anything.
2. Then you confidently claim everything you know is false.
3. Then you made a statement for which I am the source. I said the truth survival thing a few posts back.

I don't have any confidence that my senses and intution are reliable for the fundamental truths. No. everything I see is just an approximation of what might be true. Any student in modern physics will confirm you this. You also have problems to have an intuition for us coming from a very tiny creature with its mouth serving as anus as well, I suspect.

You find a book you reject more convincing than a cost benefit argument? You only posted a conclusion, I need a premise to consider concerning criminal penalties.

Sure. If I were a Christian, I would probably share your opinion. Alas, the only evidence we have is that the Bible has been written by humans. That it is inspired by God is only your belief.

It does more often that it doesn't. If it was the other way around it would be against the law to drive.

One exception is sufficient to invalidate the whole inference. Especially with our unreliable beliefs forming mechanisms in the brain, as we have seen.

No, the "kind" of determinism that describes reality is determinism with the exceptions of choice. You can pick whatever word you want for that type of determinism but it would be the only one that accounts for reality.

There is no exception. Not even QM is an exception, if we use the correct model. We are ultimately computing machines changing state depending on the current state and the sensorial inputs.

And that our choices cannot change the physical status of things in ways not reducible to ancient antecedents, is just implicit in the laws of physics as we know them today. Could they be wrong? Sure, but they do not seem to be wrong and I could use your defective previous inference to deduce that they are surely right. You see, also your intution is misfiring ;)

If you decide to kick a ball, the new state of the ball could have been inferred, in principle, one million years ago. Or 6000 years ago, depending on the cosmological model. :) This is just a fact entailed by the current state of knowledge: you cannot possibly surprise the Universe. This principle is entailed by the conservation of information. You are free to deny it, but you will not pass the first exam in theoretical physics. So, I suggest you stick with theology.

I do not see the relevance but some MIT students did just that and won a lot of money.

I actually did a paper on probability concerning gambling. I would see the wheel and turn around and go home.

My point was that you can treat something inherently deterministic by using tools which are inherently not deterministic without suffering a lot of cognitive dissonances.

No that is an observation without a known exception. However your not getting it anyway.

1. Anything that exists has an explanation of it's self either within it's self or external to its self. God's is internal, everything else external.
2. Things that begin to exist have causes, God did not begin to exist, everything else did except for a few bizarre possible exceptions.

Did 1+1=2 begin to exist? Do your choices begin to exist? What are then their cause? And what the cause of that cause? Can you trace them back to the BB? If not, why not?

A theory that explains all of the data is always considered better than a theory that doesn't. Doesn't make it true, but it does make it the best working conclusion. The description of Thor does not make him a good explanation for lightning nor much of anything else (that is probably why so few ever believed in him and far fewer still do). God is not only a good explanation for most of what we think we know but the best possible solution for the most cherished beliefs of mankind.

Being cherished is irrelevant. Things do not become automatically true because they are cherished. I am sure the old Romans cherished their belief in Jupiter, but I doubt you would use that as a metric for the plausibility of Jupiter.

And no, a theory that explains everything does not explain anything. Newton and his predecessors must have been idiots for not seeing the very simple theory that planets are carried around by invisible angels in love with conic sections. Look how simple that theory is. No differential calculus, no sweat, no thinking, no complicated epicyclics, no admission of ignorance.... a perfect valid explanation of planetary motion that explains all data available.

Ok, how about a half dozen? An objective foundation for racial equality, morality, justice, the sanctity of human life, inherent rights, ultimate meaning and purpose. Bonus: An explanation for the existence of every atom in this and all other universes.

Again, if you were right, you might be wrong. Because all those things are subjected to a certain kind of God, namely one who cares for all these things. Do you have independent evidence that this God exists? If yes, then all you need is to use only that. If you do not, then you cannot exclude that either there is no God or one who does not give a rip about the sanctity of human life. In both cases, your foundations would be illusions and you would be on square one.

All other Universes? And what ultimate meaning and purpose are you talking about? Where is it? You are still begging the question, I am afraid.

Did you forget everything Freddy said in between posting the last 2 or 3 sentences above?

I don't care. He is using poetic language. Do you think he really meant that we killed God, or isn't maybe more plausible that he meant the belief in God?

I would like to ask you a question. Suppose that only one of the two following alternatives are possible

1) God does not exist, but everybody believes in Him
2) God exists, but nobody believes in Him

Which one would you choose for the world you live in?

BTW people have been shooting, crucifying, enslaving, and outlawing our faith for millennia.

Yes, now they are just ignoring it. Or put it at the same level as Kopimism. Don't you miss the times when you were taken somewhat seriously, even if that costed a few believers to be turned into lions fast food?


- viole
Last edited:


I don't have any confidence that my senses and intution are reliable for the fundamental truths. No. everything I see is just an approximation of what might be true. Any student in modern physics will confirm you this. You also have problems to have an intuition for us coming from a very tiny creature with its mouth serving as anus as well, I suspect.
If you have no confidence in anything you believe to be true then why on Earth are you in a debate? Debating is a war between ideas, if you have no confidence in your ideas your the debate equivalent of the UN. This is another instance of your world view resulting in nihilism. What you stated is a paraphrase of the Nietzsche quote I posted. Who gave you the sponge to wipe away the horizon?

Sure. If I were a Christian, I would probably share your opinion. Alas, the only evidence we have is that the Bible has been written by humans. That it is inspired by God is only your belief.
Wait a minute, you did not qualify your statement, which was: I don't know. For what concerns me, I find your biblical arguments more convincing than the secular ones. Now your saying that only if you were a Christian you would find biblical arguments the most convincing.

There are many ways to investigate the bible's divine origin. Miracles like being born again, over 2500 prophecies, the integrity of the authors concerning what can be verified, etc........

One exception is sufficient to invalidate the whole inference. Especially with our unreliable beliefs forming mechanisms in the brain, as we have seen.
No, it merely invalidates absolute certainty, not the inference to the best conclusion. The burden of faith is only the absence of a defeater, however my post's burden are to the best conclusion.

There is no exception. Not even QM is an exception, if we use the correct model. We are ultimately computing machines changing state depending on the current state and the sensorial inputs.
Every time anyone acts with rational intention is an exception. I thought we went over this. If determinism were true intentionality shouldn't exist. The causal chain that leads to my wanting to buy a doughnut would not also allow my to make the hundreds of decisions necessary to go get a doughnut. There are literally trillions of examples of what determinism cannot explain. I know of few things as blatantly false as universal determinism. As for QM there are at least 10 possible mathematical models used to try and decipher it, lest I heard 5 were non-deterministic.

And that our choices cannot change the physical status of things in ways not reducible to ancient antecedents, is just implicit in the laws of physics as we know them today. Could they be wrong? Sure, but they do not seem to be wrong and I could use your defective previous inference to deduce that they are surely right. You see, also your intution is misfiring ;)
The laws of physics are only one of the two necessary causes for certain events. Thermodynamics may explain why water boils, but to explain why the kettle is on the stove requires the choice I made to have some tea. Again we have been over this, many things (actually all things in the ultimate sense) require an agent as well as a mechanism.

If you decide to kick a ball, the new state of the ball could have been inferred, in principle, one million years ago. Or 6000 years ago, depending on the cosmological model. :) This is just a fact entailed by the current state of knowledge: you cannot possibly surprise the Universe. This principle is entailed by the conservation of information. You are free to deny it, but you will not pass the first exam in theoretical physics. So, I suggest you stick with theology.
Physics explains where the ball goes, it does not explain how I chose to kick it. When Newton discovered Newtonian physics he did not say look how great determinism is, he marveled at the wonder in God's lawful mechanisms. Natural laws are descriptive not prescriptive.

My point was that you can treat something inherently deterministic by using tools which are inherently not deterministic without suffering a lot of cognitive dissonances.
You said above that no exceptions to determinism exist, now your suggesting the use of non-determinist tools.

Did 1+1=2 begin to exist? Do your choices begin to exist? What are then their cause? And what the cause of that cause? Can you trace them back to the BB? If not, why not?
Even if it has always existed, so that means that it still requires an explanation. If it existed before the universe began to exist then there is no natural explanation for it and thousands of other abstract concepts. If you include God then you have a perfectly adequate explanation for the existence of abstract concepts.

Being cherished is irrelevant. Things do not become automatically true because they are cherished. I am sure the old Romans cherished their belief in Jupiter, but I doubt you would use that as a metric for the plausibility of Jupiter.
I do not know the right word to use, maybe profound. The most common core beliefs humans like to affirm (or you could also say the top ten questions humanity has) include origins, destinations, equality, the sanctity of human life, the hierarchy of nature, moral values and duties, purpose, meaning, etc..... only exist or can only be answered if God exists. I don't care about the semantic labels you put on this it remains just as true.

And no, a theory that explains everything does not explain anything. Newton and his predecessors must have been idiots for not seeing the very simple theory that planets are carried around by invisible angels in love with conic sections. Look how simple that theory is. No differential calculus, no sweat, no thinking, no complicated epicyclics, no admission of ignorance.... a perfect valid explanation of planetary motion that explains all data available.
First of all most of the physicist and mathematicians for hundreds of years have looked for the unifying theory of everything. I think they call it the super unified theory or something similar. Second if you set out to explain the current state of affairs, you must appeal to a previous state of affairs, and keep going backwards until you wind up at the singularity but the singularity requires both a cause and an explanation but you have run out of nature. To ultimately explain everything else you must appeal to something that transcends nature (supernatural). You also cannot have a infinite regress of causation. You must eventually come to something that looks very much like the biblical God to account for everything else. As even C.S Lewis knew all to well, natural law explains how A leads to B, but first you must catch your A.

Again, if you were right, you might be wrong. Because all those things are subjected to a certain kind of God, namely one who cares for all these things. Do you have independent evidence that this God exists? If yes, then all you need is to use only that. If you do not, then you cannot exclude that either there is no God or one who does not give a rip about the sanctity of human life. In both cases, your foundations would be illusions and you would be on square one.
Exactly, that is why I am defending or positing that exact type of God, and it gets far deeper that human institutions which a God exactly like mine alone explains.

All other Universes? And what ultimate meaning and purpose are you talking about? Where is it? You are still begging the question, I am afraid.
You confusing epistemology and ontology. I am talking about the nature of whatever the purpose of creation is if God exists. I am not talking about how I perceive that purpose. I can spit out the biblical purpose for creation but what the specific purpose is, is not what I was talking about.

I don't care. He is using poetic language. Do you think he really meant that we killed God, or isn't maybe more plausible that he meant the belief in God?
There exist no objective moral values and duties which exist simply because someone believes in them. They only exist if God actually exists. However for this context it does not matter whether he was talking about faith or God himself.

I would like to ask you a question. Suppose that only the two following alternatives are true

1) God does not exist, but everybody believes in Him
2) God exists, but nobody believes in Him

Which one would you choose for the world you live in?
Well that is bizarre. First you need to identify which God your referring to. If it is the Christian God I would say choice 1.

Yes, now they are just ignoring it. Or put it at the same level as Kopimism. Don't you miss the times when you were taken somewhat seriously, even if that costed a few believers to be turned into lions fast food?


- viole
Christianity grows by the equivalent of the population of Nevada every year, and no mainstream faith I have ever heard is currently being persecuted as much as Christianity. The only thing people are not doing concerning Christianity is ignoring it. Those were pretty low ball claims for you to make. I gave you more credibility than that.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
If you have no confidence in anything you believe to be true then why on Earth are you in a debate? Debating is a war between ideas, if you have no confidence in your ideas your the debate equivalent of the UN. This is another instance of your world view resulting in nihilism. What you stated is a paraphrase of the Nietzsche quote I posted. Who gave you the sponge to wipe away the horizon?

I was talkng of fundamental truths. Like for instance that time does not flow. Or that a photon senses all possible paths in the Universe in order to go straight. Or that spacetime bends like a rubber.

And how unreliable my intuition is. That does not entail that my arguments are based on my intuition, and what my senses say, only. They are not. Please, do not confuse rationality with sensorial or intuitional perception. I hope your arguments are not based on your intuition only.

Wait a minute, you did not qualify your statement, which was: I don't know. For what concerns me, I find your biblical arguments more convincing than the secular ones. Now your saying that only if you were a Christian you would find biblical arguments the most convincing.

Yes, sorry. i meant more convincing if you debate them with a Christian. For it would make no sense to use Biblical arguments to anyone who does not believe in the divinity of the Bible.

There are many ways to investigate the bible's divine origin. Miracles like being born again, over 2500 prophecies, the integrity of the authors concerning what can be verified, etc........

It is easy to write about a prophecy on a book, and its fulfillment in the same book. The same with miracles, of course.

But let's be honest. Even if all those miracles were possible, the rest is totally implausible. The twelve skeptical abut the first reports of Jesus return? C'mon. The whole narrative does not hold logical water.

No, it merely invalidates absolute certainty, not the inference to the best conclusion. The burden of faith is only the absence of a defeater, however my post's burden are to the best conclusion.

Best conclusions do not have any guarantee to be true, unless you define what you mean with best. Best for you? Or best for me? Especially if the inference is not necessary, in general.

Every time anyone acts with rational intention is an exception. I thought we went over this. If determinism were true intentionality shouldn't exist. The causal chain that leads to my wanting to buy a doughnut would not also allow my to make the hundreds of decisions necessary to go get a doughnut. There are literally trillions of examples of what determinism cannot explain. I know of few things as blatantly false as universal determinism. As for QM there are at least 10 possible mathematical models used to try and decipher it, lest I heard 5 were non-deterministic.

That is not what I asked. What I asked is: did your choice to wanting to buy a doughnut begin to exist?

The laws of physics are only one of the two necessary causes for certain events. Thermodynamics may explain why water boils, but to explain why the kettle is on the stove requires the choice I made to have some tea. Again we have been over this, many things (actually all things in the ultimate sense) require an agent as well as a mechanism.

Physics explains where the ball goes, it does not explain how I chose to kick it. When Newton discovered Newtonian physics he did not say look how great determinism is, he marveled at the wonder in God's lawful mechanisms. Natural laws are descriptive not prescriptive.

No Robin, the laws of physics dictate that the new position of the ball was inferrable by the prior physical state of the Universe. Much prior to your existence. That ball cannot be anywhere else than where you kicked it. There are no exceptions. There is no mysterious agency that introduces irreversibility or surprise in the process. None whatsoever. This is actually a rule all physical laws must obey to. Take a look at lesson one of Dr. Susskind internet course about the theoretical minimum from Stanford. No math in that introduction.

You said above that no exceptions to determinism exist, now your suggesting the use of non-determinist tools.

Yes, probability theory. Meaning: tools that treat things as if they were not deterministic. And if such tools can effectively represent ultimately deterministc things, then you cannot exclude a priori that the tool between your ears, that evolution gave you, is not doing the same.

Even if it has always existed, so that means that it still requires an explanation. If it existed before the universe began to exist then there is no natural explanation for it and thousands of other abstract concepts. If you include God then you have a perfectly adequate explanation for the existence of abstract concepts.

Are you planning to use logic to deduce the explanation of logical abstracta? Do all your other logical arguments to prove God assume God in the premise?

If that was so easy, why do you complicate your life with Kalam, Modal logic, ontological arguments, teleological arguments, etc. when you could simply say:

1) (either is X true or false) is true
2) ergo a God exists, for without Him I could not make that logical inference

Oops. I am not sure that would work either, without begging the question.

Anyway, all those arguments were ridiculously redundant and useless if you really believed to have strong evidence that all those miracles and prophecies in the Bible were true.

It would be like looking for phylosophical evidence of the existence of at least one generic cartoon hero, when you have already strong evidence that Batman exists. A waste of time, don't you think?

Ergo, you, and your fellow believers, attempts to use those complicated arguments intended to prove a generic God, prove to me that you are not so confident about the other evidence that a well specified kind of God already exists, after all.

I do not know the right word to use, maybe profound. The most common core beliefs humans like to affirm (or you could also say the top ten questions humanity has) include origins, destinations, equality, the sanctity of human life, the hierarchy of nature, moral values and duties, purpose, meaning, etc..... only exist or can only be answered if God exists. I don't care about the semantic labels you put on this it remains just as true.

Yes, I am sure that Apollo or the great Juju at the bottom of the sea are very profound conclusions about the existence of the Universe and those deep things. Fact is, your belief is not substantially different from theirs.

First of all most of the physicist and mathematicians for hundreds of years have looked for the unifying theory of everything. I think they call it the super unified theory or something similar. Second if you set out to explain the current state of affairs, you must appeal to a previous state of affairs, and keep going backwards until you wind up at the singularity but the singularity requires both a cause and an explanation but you have run out of nature. To ultimately explain everything else you must appeal to something that transcends nature (supernatural). You also cannot have a infinite regress of causation. You must eventually come to something that looks very much like the biblical God to account for everything else. As even C.S Lewis knew all to well, natural law explains how A leads to B, but first you must catch your A.

Singularity is a moniker for "what we do not know". That is what our theories do not cover, yet. So, I completely agree. The cause of "what we do not know" is God. And since without a macroscopic time context causes and effects are interchangeable, we could translate that into: the effect of what we do not know is God. Which looks more or less what you are saying.

God, the ultimate patch that covers our ignorance.

Exactly, that is why I am defending or positing that exact type of God, and it gets far deeper that human institutions which a God exactly like mine alone explains.

Cool. Unfortunately, you are begging the question by doing that. For, if I believed in a gay God who blesses gay parades, how would intend to make your case convincing to me?

You confusing epistemology and ontology. I am talking about the nature of whatever the purpose of creation is if God exists. I am not talking about how I perceive that purpose. I can spit out the biblical purpose for creation but what the specific purpose is, is not what I was talking about.

Begging the question, again. This is a bad habit of yours. You assume that there are ultimate purposes and meaning.

If I told you that Mickey Mouse is a true existing being in love with Swiss cheese, and you just don't see the truth of this because you confuse ontology with epistemology, would you find that convincing?

There exist no objective moral values and duties which exist simply because someone believes in them. They only exist if God actually exists. However for this context it does not matter whether he was talking about faith or God himself.

Again, you assume that they exist.

Well that is bizarre. First you need to identify which God your referring to. If it is the Christian God I would say choice 1.

Are you sure? That would entail that you prefer to live in a world where everybody, including you (yes, I said everybody), does not believe in an existing (Christian) God. What does that bring to you?

Christianity grows by the equivalent of the population of Nevada every year, and no mainstream faith I have ever heard is currently being persecuted as much as Christianity. The only thing people are not doing concerning Christianity is ignoring it. Those were pretty low ball claims for you to make. I gave you more credibility than that.

Come to Sweden. Nobody will persecute you. In the same way we do not persecute Kopimists, or Jediists. We take all of them equally seriously :)

Imagine, we do not even have a war on Christmas. Which would be completely inconceivable here. You could still enjoy those cute nativity scenes with baby Jesus, ok, together with some pagans goats, in public space and nobody will complain. Isn't that a dream not to see those posters from all those pesky atheists during the holydays season?

Caveat: your beliefs about abortion and gay marriages, possibly among other things, will not take you anywhere. But I make the safe assumption that rejecting your ideas is not the same as persecution. Or at least, I hope so.

Take a look to that youtube video of that Pastor from Georgia visiting Scandinavia. You will see that Christians here have nothing to fear, even if they are really fundamentalistic. True, they might laugh at you, but that is a whole lot better than being hanged, waterboarded, crucified, or whatever.

Don't you think so?


- viole
Last edited:


I was talkng of fundamental truths. Like for instance that time does not flow. Or that a photon senses all possible paths in the Universe in order to go straight. Or that spacetime bends like a rubber.
The line of reasoning concerning this point is now lost on me.

And how unreliable my intuition is. That does not entail that my arguments are based on my intuition, and what my senses say, only. They are not. Please, do not confuse rationality with sensorial or intuitional perception. I hope your arguments are not based on your intuition only.
This is really weird, I went back to your post #110 to see what the context was here and I can't even find the above statements at all. I do not know why you seem to be equating experiential and intuitional perception. Also the concept of intuition is far too general to be of use. Some intuitive beliefs are virtually certain while others can not possibly be validated.

Yes, sorry. i meant more convincing if you debate them with a Christian. For it would make no sense to use Biblical arguments to anyone who does not believe in the divinity of the Bible.
That still does not explain this. You said that YOU find MY biblical arguments more convincing than my secular arguments. Your worldview is the relevant one in that statement, not mine.

It is easy to write about a prophecy on a book, and its fulfillment in the same book. The same with miracles, of course.
Are you suggesting that the ancient text with by far greater textual integrity than any other text or any type, cannot possibly be dated? Secular scholars continuously claim accurate dating for things with far older and with far less textual support. Are you saying that 2500 prophecies were all faked? You must have never researched biblical prophecy. One that I like to defend because it is so often attacked is the Tyre prophecy. I could give a hundred people a hundred to predict the next fortress city that will be wiped of the face of the earth with the same level of detail that Ezekiel gives for Tyre and none of them would even get close.

But let's be honest. Even if all those miracles were possible, the rest is totally implausible. The twelve skeptical abut the first reports of Jesus return? C'mon. The whole narrative does not hold logical water.
Nice shooting from the hip. There is no probability concerning the possibilities of miracles. If they occur they are simply brute facts. What return, his second coming has not occurred yet nor should it have. Instead of my conclusion let me quote the conclusion from one of (if not the) greatest experts on testimony and evidence in human history.

If then their testimony was not true, there was no possible motive for this fabrication.
Testimony of the Evangelists by Simon Greenleaf

Best conclusions do not have any guarantee to be true, unless you define what you mean with best. Best for you? Or best for me? Especially if the inference is not necessary, in general.
I did not say they were. I am saying that all things being equal we are wise to go with the best conclusions for the evidence. You do so in virtually every aspect of your life except for your world view. I am referring to an objective best conclusion, not our subjective preferences.

[/quote] That is not what I asked. What I asked is: did your choice to wanting to buy a doughnut begin to exist? [/quote] You did neither, but I assume you using my analogy, and will respond accordingly. It is hard to consider the ontology of something so abstract as choice but fortunately there is no need. I am willing to grant (and again we already went down this same road not long ago) for the sake of argument that what I refer to as my choice to go get a doughnut was caused by determinism even though that is absurd. So far the universe made me want a doughnut, my argument is that the chain of causation that led to my wanting a doughnut does not care if I ever get that doughnut. Yet in life we find trillions of desires that precede trillions of rational actions to satisfy those desires. At this point I am trying to find a justification for going through the arguments that show these same things over and over again. Its like that whack - a - mole game. As soon as you whack one mole another pops up, until eventually the same whacked mole pops up again anyway. I must have given you 3 knock down arguments that show that choice defies deterministic states of affairs, rarely are counter arguments as clear as those against pure determinism.

No Robin, the laws of physics dictate that the new position of the ball was inferrable by the prior physical state of the Universe. Much prior to your existence. That ball cannot be anywhere else than where you kicked it. There are no exceptions. There is no mysterious agency that introduces irreversibility or surprise in the process. None whatsoever. This is actually a rule all physical laws must obey to. Take a look at lesson one of Dr. Susskind internet course about the theoretical minimum from Stanford. No math in that introduction.
Since physics is resolvable through equations please show the physical chain of causation which forced a kid to kick a ball.

Yes, probability theory. Meaning: tools that treat things as if they were not deterministic. And if such tools can effectively represent ultimately deterministic things, then you cannot exclude a priori that the tool between your ears, that evolution gave you, is not doing the same.
I think you have your burdens all confused. The positive conclusion usually carries the burden. Claims about universal negatives usually do not. For example if I posit a God then I have the burden that claim to belief carries, it is not the burden of the Atheist to show that no God can possibly exist any where, at any place, at any time. Your claiming physics determines everything. Please show the physics which explains how you had no choice but to rationally respond to my previous post. I will make this even easier. Show the equations which alone fully explain any choice you have ever made.

That is like saying look at that turbojet that thermodynamics gave Frank Whittle? BTW where did evolution get me to begin with?

Are you planning to use logic to deduce the explanation of logical abstracta? Do all your other logical arguments to prove God assume God in the premise?

If that was so easy, why do you complicate your life with Kalam, Modal logic, ontological arguments, teleological arguments, etc. when you could simply say:

1) (either is X true or false) is true
2) ergo a God exists, for without Him I could not make that logical inference

Oops. I am not sure that would work either, without begging the question.
I read this 4 times, I never could figure it out. None of my arguments I can think of have God's existence as a premise including any of the 4 you listed your self. BTW I do not use the ontological argument because I do not really get it.

Anyway, all those arguments were ridiculously redundant and useless if you really believed to have strong evidence that all those miracles and prophecies in the Bible were true.
What on Earth are you talking about? I do not remember making any classic arguments for God. There were certainly none in what you replied to. In recent memory I said Choice defies determinism, that there is a perfectly God shaped hole in our explanation of reality, and I do not understand why you as an atheist find biblical arguments better than secular arguments. Oh and I mentioned agent causation.

BTW for my world view to be true just one actual prophecy or miracle need be true, for yours they must all be untrue.

It would be like looking for phylosophical evidence of the existence of at least one generic cartoon hero, when you have already strong evidence that Batman exists. A waste of time, don't you think?
Pretty much, that is probably why I didn't make any philosophical arguments for miracles. I am not sure your actually responding to me at this point.

Ergo, you, and your fellow believers, attempts to use those complicated arguments intended to prove a generic God, prove to me that you are not so confident about the other evidence that a well specified kind of God already exists, after all.
Vis a Vis, concordantly, me and my fellow believers have an overabundance of arrows in our quivers. How about Germ theory, Luke's use of little known Roman title's of office, or the argument from personal experience?

Yes, I am sure that Apollo or the great Juju at the bottom of the sea are very profound conclusions about the existence of the Universe and those deep things. Fact is, your belief is not substantially different from theirs.
No they are not, that is the whole point. Apollo is a terrible explanation and the other one sounds like a joke. My computer keeps locking up. I am going to post this and worry about the rest later.


Singularity is a moniker for "what we do not know". That is what our theories do not cover, yet. So, I completely agree. The cause of "what we do not know" is God. And since without a macroscopic time context causes and effects are interchangeable, we could translate that into: the effect of what we do not know is God. Which looks more or less what you are saying.
No it isn't. I have no idea what it feels like at the north pole of Saturn, I do not therefor say it must feel like a singularity. The singularity refers to 0 - 10^-47th seconds of this universes lifespan. Not that anyone even mentioned the singularity.

God, the ultimate patch that covers our ignorance.
If you imagine a jigsaw puzzle that was missing a piece and you looked around and found a piece that perfectly fit it. Do you put it in place so you have a coherent overall picture or do you throw it out because you disagree with it's philosophical implications?

Cool. Unfortunately, you are begging the question by doing that. For, if I believed in a gay God who blesses gay parades, how would intend to make your case convincing to me?
There were no premise' or conclusions in what your referring to. I wish you would stop with the accusations, I have to go back layer by later and more times than not I do not find anything you could possibly be referring to. What you responded to was my clarifying that I was talking about a specific type of God, not a generalized god. There is no begging the question possible.

Begging the question, again. This is a bad habit of yours. You assume that there are ultimate purposes and meaning.
Again, a clarification can't beg any question. Maybe your talking about 4 layers of posts ago but I can't justify but going so far back. Heck I can even remember at least 2 - 3 posts back where I said that only if God exists do the cherished (profound, valued, whatever the semantic police want to label them) traditions I mentioned exist. I didn't assume they existed, I said they couldn't exist unless God exists. What question was begged? Talk about bad habits, I know of nothing more abused than atheists and claiming logical fallacies have occurred.

If I told you that Mickey Mouse is a true existing being in love with Swiss cheese, and you just don't see the truth of this because you confuse ontology with epistemology, would you find that convincing?
The terms nor even the character of whatever possible supreme entity have any bearing on my believing in them. I do not like all kinds of things about Yahweh, the fact I believe in him despite that fact testifies to how strong the evidence must be. I have more reason to hate God than most people, but what I prefer has nothing to do with what I believe in.

Again, you assume that they exist.
Ok, I have had it. Please post where I assumed anything existed in what you responded to. Until you do I am not responding to any more accusations of question begging.

Are you sure? That would entail that you prefer to live in a world where everybody, including you (yes, I said everybody), does not believe in an existing (Christian) God. What does that bring to you?
I chose option 1 which was:
1) God does not exist, but everybody believes in Him
That means Murder would not actually be objectively wrong yet we would still believe it was. Are we better off believing it even if it wasn't true, or not believing it even though it was true? X 1000 similar things.

Come to Sweden. Nobody will persecute you. In the same way we do not persecute Kopimists, or Jediists. We take all of them equally seriously :)
Since you lack our economy and department of defense I will take my chances with the US. Since our secular revolution we have committed a delayed but inevitable economic and social suicide, but the US will probably last longer than I will. One of our Naval fleets has more firepower than most of your part of Europe.

Imagine, we do not even have a war on Christmas. Which would be completely inconceivable here. You could still enjoy those cute nativity scenes with baby Jesus, ok, together with some pagans goats, in public space and nobody will complain. Isn't that a dream not to see those posters from all those pesky atheists during the holydays season?
Make some Swedish F-15s so I can do my job over there and I will consider it. Is the Saab draken Swedish?

Caveat: your beliefs about abortion and gay marriages, possibly among other things, will not take you anywhere. But I make the safe assumption that rejecting your ideas is not the same as persecution. Or at least, I hope so.
Does abortion shorten or extend the time before mankind discovers the cure cancer? Would you say a country that legalizes what you see as murder is more or less attractive because of it? Do you guys make Christians marry gay people, pay for abortions, or pay for contraception?

Take a look to that youtube video of that Pastor from Georgia visiting Scandinavia. You will see that Christians here have nothing to fear, even if they are really fundamentalistic. True, they might laugh at you, but that is a whole lot better than being hanged, waterboarded, crucified, or whatever.
Outside of the middle east that is not how it normally works. In the US operation secularism is in its legal phase. The direct violence comes later.

Don't you think so?


- viole
I do not know much about Sweden. You really never hear anything about it, are those strangely dressed Vatican guards Swedish.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I am still lost. Does being Swiss mean your from Switzerland, Sweden, or some where else? And why are they guarding the Vatican with 1000 year old weapons?
Switzerland. It's more ceremonial at this point in time as it's really the Italian police that do most of the "heavy-lifting". Even if one is not Catholic, it's well worth going there even for just the history alone.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
No it isn't. I have no idea what it feels like at the north pole of Saturn, I do not therefor say it must feel like a singularity. The singularity refers to 0 - 10^-47th seconds of this universes lifespan. Not that anyone even mentioned the singularity.

The singularity refers to a physical state that is not covered by our actual theories. The name comes from math: a point where some variables become meaningless. It is just a sign that our theories are incomplete. A bit like the precession of Mercury: something that was not covered by Newton.

If you imagine a jigsaw puzzle that was missing a piece and you looked around and found a piece that perfectly fit it. Do you put it in place so you have a coherent overall picture or do you throw it out because you disagree with it's philosophical implications?

Yes. The problem in this case is that those (metaphysical) pieces of the puzzle filling those gaps have been removed and replaced many times (by physical ones). So, induction is on my side. Do you have one case where a metaphysical piece ever replaced a physical one?

There were no premise' or conclusions in what your referring to. I wish you would stop with the accusations, I have to go back layer by later and more times than not I do not find anything you could possibly be referring to. What you responded to was my clarifying that I was talking about a specific type of God, not a generalized god. There is no begging the question possible.

Yes, but all your moral arguments rest on this premise. Ergo, a God that does not like gays. So, I could you use the same premise with a God who loves gays, and your arguments would be as moot as mine.

Again, a clarification can't beg any question. Maybe your talking about 4 layers of posts ago but I can't justify but going so far back. Heck I can even remember at least 2 - 3 posts back where I said that only if God exists do the cherished (profound, valued, whatever the semantic police want to label them) traditions I mentioned exist. I didn't assume they existed, I said they couldn't exist unless God exists. What question was begged? Talk about bad habits, I know of nothing more abused than atheists and claiming logical fallacies have occurred.

Every religion says that. Since I suppose you agree that Apollo is not true, then it follows that whomever cherished the belief in Apollo did not make the plausibility of Apollo any higher. She was, for all practical purposes, cherishing a delusion.

The terms nor even the character of whatever possible supreme entity have any bearing on my believing in them. I do not like all kinds of things about Yahweh, the fact I believe in him despite that fact testifies to how strong the evidence must be. I have more reason to hate God than most people, but what I prefer has nothing to do with what I believe in.

That is not evidence Robin. My Muslim friend told me the exact same things. All of this just testfies how strong the evidence is, for you both.

Ok, I have had it. Please post where I assumed anything existed in what you responded to. Until you do I am not responding to any more accusations of question begging.


I chose option 1 which was: That means Murder would not actually be objectively wrong yet we would still believe it was. Are we better off believing it even if it wasn't true, or not believing it even though it was true? X 1000 similar things.

Oops, sorry. i should stop drinking Negronis when I post :).

But this is good news. Because it gives a bit of substance to my claims. Namely, that you can debate things even if we just delude ourselves that objective morality exists.

And an indirect confirmation that it is possible to give more importance to the belief rather than to the actual existence of that belief. I suspect many theists would respond like you.

And that is what old Freddie meant and was concerned about. What should we do now that we buried the (belief in) God? What happens now that we lost a reference, a compass, something that, albeit false, was giving a direction that seems to work?

Since you lack our economy and department of defense I will take my chances with the US. Since our secular revolution we have committed a delayed but inevitable economic and social suicide, but the US will probably last longer than I will. One of our Naval fleets has more firepower than most of your part of Europe.

How is that relevant? Would you prefer to live in Switzerland, or the Fijii islands, or Bora Bora, or Russia? What about North Corea? It might be able to nuke Bora Bora into oblivion any day.

Make some Swedish F-15s so I can do my job over there and I will consider it. Is the Saab draken Swedish?

Yes. Always been a fan of double deltas. Not sure those planes still have double delta wings, though. But they were cute. By the way, I think the best plane ever made was the ME 109.

Does abortion shorten or extend the time before mankind discovers the cure cancer?

Does it increase or decrease the probabilities of another Hitler?

Would you say a country that legalizes what you see as murder is more or less attractive because of it? Do you guys make Christians marry gay people, pay for abortions, or pay for contraception?

Yes, with their taxes. Since all those things fall within social welfare. Like basically everything else. But we try our best to avoid abortions, among other things, by extensive sexual education at very early age. Those things are very expensive. Also in emotional terms. I remember that my old school in the village had a deal with a sex shop to provide the material and tools for us kids so that we could train the correct deployment of condoms.

I suspect you guys have more or less the same. If not, I would strongly recommend it.

Outside of the middle east that is not how it normally works. In the US operation secularism is in its legal phase. The direct violence comes later.

What violence?

I do not know much about Sweden. You really never hear anything about it, are those strangely dressed Vatican guards Swedish.

Strangely dressed? You have not seen the pope.

Oh dear, no. They are Swiss guards. Switzerland and Sweden are two different countries.

But you are lucky, I am citizen of both countries, so that you can freely confuse what nationality I have, without any risk.


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I am still lost. Does being Swiss mean your from Switzerland, Sweden, or some where else? And why are they guarding the Vatican with 1000 year old weapons?

Swiss means coming from Switzerland. Swedish means coming from Sweden. Sweden is in the far North. Switzerland sits in the middle of Europe. Swedes speak Swedish. Swiss have four official languages which do not include Swedish.

And those weapons are not 1000 years old. 16th century I guess.

By the way, those guys are real well trained military and have a real modern arsenal hidden inside the Vatican. So, those alabards are just for official occasions and for the tourists. A bit like sunday clothes.

Don't ask me why they need automatic guns and granates to protect the deputy of the Almighty on earth. Especially when it has been shown that our Lady of Fatima is able to remotely and miraculously deviate single bullets aimed at the Pope (albeit not completely reliably).


- viole


Switzerland. It's more ceremonial at this point in time as it's really the Italian police that do most of the "heavy-lifting". Even if one is not Catholic, it's well worth going there even for just the history alone.
Whoever those ceremonial guys are now, I read that they were fearsome soldiers back in their day. I would love to visit the Vatican but I do not really anticipate being able to. I am probably going to go to Saudi Arabia in a year or two (but not really by choice) and then hang up my traveling shoes for good.


Swiss means coming from Switzerland. Swedish means coming from Sweden. Sweden is in the far North. Switzerland sits in the middle of Europe. Swedes speak Swedish. Swiss have four official languages which do not include Swedish.
Well do you guys make the SAAB Draken's at least? That is pretty much the only theoretical fact about Sweden I am aware of. I think I look at a map at some point.

And those weapons are not 1000 years old. 16th century I guess.
It was just a figure of speech. Weren't those guys at their peak during the 30 years or the 100 years wars?

By the way, those guys are real well trained military and have a real modern arsenal hidden inside the Vatican. So, those alabards are just for official occasions and for the tourists. A bit like sunday clothes.
Now that you mention it I remember seeing a documentary on them and what you say is accurate.

Don't ask me why they need automatic guns and granates to protect the deputy of the Almighty on earth. Especially when it has been shown that our Lady of Fatima is able to remotely and miraculously deviate single bullets aimed at the Pope (albeit not completely reliably).


- viole
You will find few people as skeptical of miracles than me (or I). I pretty much think every single one is fake unless I can dig up some convincing evidence for them. I have seen people slain in the spirit, talking in tongues, and read medical reports concerning healings but consider at best 10% of them to be genuine. I have even experienced a dozen or so things I believe were miracles, some you wouldn't believe. However in general I think they are all fake unless convincing evidence exists. Also have you ever read the requirements modern Catholic priests are required to confirm before the church officially declares an event supernatural? For some events the secular doctors said the priests were harder to convince than they themselves were. Regardless I do not think the Pope is anything special, and at times they have been downright evil. I am no fan of Catholicism but they have done the best job concerning spiritual warfare of any theological group IMO.

I responded to this one first because I do not have much time and your other post will take a while to reply to. I will go back when I can and respond to it.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
The line of reasoning concerning this point is now lost on me.

Np. What I claim is that what I know is not supported by my senses nor my intution. That does not mean that I am a nihilist or a universal skeptic. It justs means that our natural belief creation machines are defective and therefore you need different tools. Plantinga identified that very well. If naturalism was true, then our belief forming systems would be unreliable. They indeed are.

This is really weird, I went back to your post #110 to see what the context was here and I can't even find the above statements at all. I do not know why you seem to be equating experiential and intuitional perception. Also the concept of intuition is far too general to be of use. Some intuitive beliefs are virtually certain while others can not possibly be validated.

Maybe. But intuition is unreliable in general. And that is why we test nature and check feedbacks., intead of thinking things out based on our thought alone. Intuition led even people like Aristoteles to conclude ridicolus things.

That still does not explain this. You said that YOU find MY biblical arguments more convincing than my secular arguments. Your worldview is the relevant one in that statement, not mine.

Since your secular arguments have zero convincing power, then it is obvious that your biblical ones have more than zero convincing power. They convince at least the Christians, even if not all of them.

Are you suggesting that the ancient text with by far greater textual integrity than any other text or any type, cannot possibly be dated? Secular scholars continuously claim accurate dating for things with far older and with far less textual support. Are you saying that 2500 prophecies were all faked? You must have never researched biblical prophecy. One that I like to defend because it is so often attacked is the Tyre prophecy. I could give a hundred people a hundred to predict the next fortress city that will be wiped of the face of the earth with the same level of detail that Ezekiel gives for Tyre and none of them would even get close.

Yes, and people believe in the prophecies of Nostradamus. And, again, such hits could have been written a posteriori. Or just have been artificially selected among tons of other prophecies by keeping out the ones which did not turn out true. Or a mix of the two things plus some statistical coincidences.

It is not very difficult really. I could easily anticipate the stock market results for the next 10 sessions by using the same methods.

Nice shooting from the hip. There is no probability concerning the possibilities of miracles. If they occur they are simply brute facts. What return, his second coming has not occurred yet nor should it have. Instead of my conclusion let me quote the conclusion from one of (if not the) greatest experts on testimony and evidence in human history.

Well, I told you. Even if miracles happened, the stories on the NT are completely implausible.

If then their testimony was not true, there was no possible motive for this fabrication.
Testimony of the Evangelists by Simon Greenleaf

Yes, and after having witnessed the miracles of Jesus, including the resurrection of Lazarus, His anticipation of being killed and return after the third day, the perfect realization of those anticipations, including the three times betrayal of Simon, all the amazing things that happened at His death, including an army of resurrected saints popping out from their graves, earthquakes, disappearing suns, centurions admitting that He must indeed be the son of God, etc. .......

.... the twelve did not even wait an additional couple of days to see if what he anticipated (His resurrection) would not happen? They suddenly turned back to their normal lives and into rational skeptics even after the first reports of the anticipated rising of the master?

I don't know you, but if I had been a disciple having witnessed all these things, I would have called the CNN, or its Roman Empire equivalent, to record His resurrection live.

C'mon Robin. This one really looks like a second rate script, at least for what concerns plausibility.

I did not say they were. I am saying that all things being equal we are wise to go with the best conclusions for the evidence. You do so in virtually every aspect of your life except for your world view. I am referring to an objective best conclusion, not our subjective preferences.

History teaches us that what looks like the best explanation. Is not.

That is not what I asked. What I asked is: did your choice to wanting to buy a doughnut begin to exist? You did neither, but I assume you using my analogy, and will respond accordingly. It is hard to consider the ontology of something so abstract as choice but fortunately there is no need. I am willing to grant (and again we already went down this same road not long ago) for the sake of argument that what I refer to as my choice to go get a doughnut was caused by determinism even though that is absurd. So far the universe made me want a doughnut, my argument is that the chain of causation that led to my wanting a doughnut does not care if I ever get that doughnut. Yet in life we find trillions of desires that precede trillions of rational actions to satisfy those desires. At this point I am trying to find a justification for going through the arguments that show these same things over and over again. Its like that whack - a - mole game. As soon as you whack one mole another pops up, until eventually the same whacked mole pops up again anyway. I must have given you 3 knock down arguments that show that choice defies deterministic states of affairs, rarely are counter arguments as clear as those against pure determinism.

Fine. But did that choice of yours begin to exist or not? I just need one bit of information. Yes, or no?

Since physics is resolvable through equations please show the physical chain of causation which forced a kid to kick a ball.

i don't need to. I just need to know that any physical state of the Universe is contained and inferrable from any of its prior states. I only need to know that information is conserved.

It's like solving problems by means of conservation laws. Energy conservation for instance. You do not need to go through all the detail mechanics. You reach a solution that is much more parsimonous and elegant.

I think you have your burdens all confused. The positive conclusion usually carries the burden. Claims about universal negatives usually do not. For example if I posit a God then I have the burden that claim to belief carries, it is not the burden of the Atheist to show that no God can possibly exist any where, at any place, at any time. Your claiming physics determines everything. Please show the physics which explains how you had no choice but to rationally respond to my previous post. I will make this even easier. Show the equations which alone fully explain any choice you have ever made.

Again, I do not need to. I just need to invoke conservation laws and the principle of information constancy. If that ball could have really been somewhere else, for the same state of the Universe 1 billion years ago, then I can throw all of physics in the garbage can.

I think that our ego dictating that we are free agents, for some reason, is not worth the price.

I read this 4 times, I never could figure it out. None of my arguments I can think of have God's existence as a premise including any of the 4 you listed your self. BTW I do not use the ontological argument because I do not really get it.

If you believe that logic could not exist without God, and you use logical arguments to prove Him, you are circular. You cannot prove God if you believe that the proof requires God given properties.

What on Earth are you talking about? I do not remember making any classic arguments for God. There were certainly none in what you replied to. In recent memory I said Choice defies determinism, that there is a perfectly God shaped hole in our explanation of reality, and I do not understand why you as an atheist find biblical arguments better than secular arguments. Oh and I mentioned agent causation.

Take Kalam. Why do you use it, since you claim to have strong evidence of the Christian God? Why do you need Kalam, that says nothing about Jesus, when you have already evidence of JEsus?

BTW for my world view to be true just one actual prophecy or miracle need be true, for yours they must all be untrue.

I anticipate that either the Dallas Cowboys win the next superball or they will not. Am I divine since I will surely have one fulfilled prophecy?

Pretty much, that is probably why I didn't make any philosophical arguments for miracles. I am not sure your actually responding to me at this point.

And who is talking of miracles? I am talking of people who use things like Kalam when they are already, allegedely, sure that the stunts of Christ are true. Same for people believing in the evidence of the stunts of other prophets, obviously.

Vis a Vis, concordantly, me and my fellow believers have an overabundance of arrows in our quivers. How about Germ theory, Luke's use of little known Roman title's of office, or the argument from personal experience?

No Robin. If I have strong evidence for electrons, I do not look for additional evidence for the existence of more generic subatomic particles. I have my electron. i do not need further support. I know there are subatomic particles. My electron being it.

I would simply waste my time.

No they are not, that is the whole point. Apollo is a terrible explanation and the other one sounds like a joke. My computer keeps locking up. I am going to post this and worry about the rest later.

Sure they are. Do you really think you would not believe in Apollo if you were not born in ancient Greece? And what you call a joke is what people believe in West Africa. So, a bit of respect, please.

From my vantage point they are all equally plausible. Since they all share the same exact evidence. Namely, zero.

I am quite ecumenic about the thousands of God pleople believe, or believed in.


- viole
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