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Is it good to mix Reason with Religion?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Church comes first because I care more for my soul than for the comfort of my body. I am angry at anything, which without sufficient reason harms my Church wellbeing.
So you're primary concern isn't the objective truth of your theology, but the well-being of your team?
Alas, a lot of religious, from various religions, feel the same way.

As long as religion sticks with community solidarity and feel-good ceremonies I've no problem with it, but when it starts making objective truth claims it's venturing into the realm of science, and may be held to the same standards.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I do not mix Science and Religion together. I mix Natural Theology and Religion. Science appears to be an anti-religious organization (for example, Darwin's Theory of Evolution has greatly reduced the number of members of the Church). Natural Theology studies nature as well, but welcomes and does not prohibit references to Religion and God; before the beginning of any study or research activity, prayer takes place to drive out demons and UFOs from devices, computers, and brains. And what demons influence the measuring equipment is evidenced by the fact that cosmic rays flew out directly from the Earth, not the cosmos:

"Antarctica's Spooky Cosmic Rays Might Shatter Physics As We Know It,"
Bizarre Particles Keep Flying out of Antarctica's Ice, and They Might Shatter Modern Physics

Derek B. Fox, et.al., The ANITA Anomalous Events as Signatures of a Beyond Standard Model Particle, and Supporting Observations from IceCube, arXiv:1809.09615 [astro-ph.HE]
The ANITA Anomalous Events as Signatures of a Beyond Standard...

So, to make the "peace deal" between Reason and Faith, one needs back the Natural Theology with its school prayers. How is prayer indifferent to God, when Jesus Christ often prayed and through His prayers, the Lazarus has been resurrected and many miracles have been made and are documented for example in the Holy Bible? Are you questioning the Bible? Even the satan did not do so when he has tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness: satan did not tell the Christ that the one who appeared to Him is an alien, and that "there is no God." Be the way, the alleged presence of alien life at stars or even galaxies contradicts the dogma of the conciliarity and uniqueness of the Church.

The true purpose of any research is to point God's folk to the spiritual realm:
"I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?" John 3:12 NIV.

The Dark Matter is invisible in the sense that it is not found in underground detectors, and it is not produced at CERN. Another fact is that the human soul is invisible as well. Simple logic tells then, that the soul is a living invisible matter, whereas the Dark Matter around the galaxies is inanimate invisible matter. Mathematical proof: Gravity Law Without Universalism is Solving Many Tasks, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2007.0112

Look at your legs: the left leg has exactly the same length as the right one. It is a fact for the overwhelming majority of us. With a coordinating soul inside the body, is it any wonder that both legs of a person grow to the same length?
I was not aware you could :)


- viole


Well-Known Member
I have invented the term "Natural Theology" by improving the term "Natural Philosophy". Look: there is "Science and Religion", not the "Science, Philosophy, and Religion." The true philosophy should be part of Religious activity. Natural Theology has the CERN, has all the research facilities, but it differs from Science in the love for God. Natural Theology allows equations to have the function of freedom X, which explains all the miracles: Gravity Law Without Universalism is Solving Many Tasks, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2007.0112
Not really sure how that answered any of my questions. What is the purpose behind Natural theology, do you have an example of how or where it have been apply? I still don't know what it is suppose to be used for? Is it an alternative way of doing science just with a twist?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Not the scripture itself, but the interpretation of it given by my Church. "The Bible does not interpret itself" - is the dogma of my Religion.

Fair enough. Does your interpretation hold up to logical scrutiny? It would be rare if it did.


Well-Known Member
Not really sure how that answered any of my questions. What is the purpose behind Natural theology, do you have an example of how or where it have been apply? I still don't know what it is suppose to be used for? Is it an alternative way of doing science just with a twist?
Google: "the US navy has confirmed: these UFO videos are real." The size of UFO can be so small, that it fits into a laptop, PC, iPhone. Thus, the results of calculations in Science, the work with large data is not reliable. One needs Natural Theology: one needs holy people doing ordinary research.


Well-Known Member
Google: "the US navy has confirmed: these UFO videos are real." The size of UFO can be so small, that it fits into a laptop, PC, iPhone. Thus, the results of calculations in Science, the work with large data is not reliable. One needs Natural Theology: one needs holy people doing ordinary research.
A bit lost here... are Natural theology studying UFOs, because science can't or won't? And in that case, what have they discovered about UFOs?


Well-Known Member
A bit lost here... are Natural theology studying UFOs, because science can't or won't? And in that case, what have they discovered about UFOs?
Let us start from the beginning then. As introduction, Google: "methodological naturalism". It is more atheism than theism method?


Well-Known Member
Let us start from the beginning then. As introduction, Google: "methodological naturalism". It is more atheism than theism method?
I would say both, however there is a larger amount of theists that might deny certain parts of it than that of atheists. So lets say its more atheism then.


Well-Known Member
I would say both, however there is a larger amount of theists that might deny certain parts of it than that of atheists. So lets say its more atheism then.
This method of science means, that if the UFO is devil, then science can not adequately study it. The method cuts demons out of research subjects.
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Well-Known Member
This method of science mean, that if the UFO is devil, then science can not adequately study it. The method cuts demons out of research subjects.
Ok, but you agree that is good right?

UFO stands for "Unidentified flying object", so if we assume that it is the devil, then it is no longer unidentified, it would be the devil then. Also don't you need a reason to assume that it is the devil, rather than just jumping to that conclusion? What if someone said it was something else, then we have to different possibilities of what this "former unidentified object" is, doesn't that cause more confusion than answers?


Well-Known Member
Ok, but you agree that is good right?

UFO stands for "Unidentified flying object", so if we assume that it is the devil, then it is no longer unidentified, it would be the devil then. Also don't you need a reason to assume that it is the devil, rather than just jumping to that conclusion? What if someone said it was something else, then we have to different possibilities of what this "former unidentified object" is, doesn't that cause more confusion than answers?
The UFO violates material laws, in particular Newton's first law. This means it is the devil.


Well-Known Member
The UFO violates material laws, in particular Newton's first law. This means it is the devil.
What do you mean it violates material laws?

And even if it did, if we assume that it is an exterterials lifeform that is one million years ahead of us in regards to technology, would it be unreasonable to assume that they might know some things we don't? Imagine humans today, compared to just 5000 years ago? So still don't know why it would make it the devil?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean it violates material laws?

And even if it did, if we assume that it is an exterterials lifeform that is one million years ahead of us in regards to technology, would it be unreasonable to assume that they might know some things we don't? Imagine humans today, compared to just 5000 years ago? So still don't know why it would make it the devil?
Let us agree upon definitions:

New Physics - the violation of known laws,

New technology - new use of known laws.


Well-Known Member
Let us agree upon definitions:

New Physics - the violation of known laws,

New technology - new use of known laws.
But let's assume, that these aliens, know physics that is unknown to us, given the time they have been around and they have used that physics to create technology that is also unknown to us. I don't think anyone, scientist or none scientist, expect aliens to travel the Universe using technology at our current levels. Would that work for you?


Well-Known Member
But let's assume, that these aliens, know physics that is unknown to us, given the time they have been around and they have used that physics to create technology that is also unknown to us. I don't think anyone, scientist or none scientist, expect aliens to travel the Universe using technology at our current levels. Would that work for you?
Well, again there are definitions:
Material thing - acts within known material laws.
Non-material thing: violates known laws.


Well-Known Member
Well, again there are definitions:
Material thing - acts within known material laws.
Non-material thing: violates known laws.
Ok, but for the fighter jets in the video to lock on to the UFOs, it must be some sort of physical material. Which means that the devil is made of the same physical material as we are, so he is breaking the material laws as well in that case?
I don’t recommend adding religion to any mixture.

But for those who must have religion, it’s best tolerated when diluted with a lot of reason.


Well-Known Member
Ok, but for the fighter jets in the video to lock on to the UFOs, it must be some sort of physical material. Which means that the devil is made of the same physical material as we are, so he is breaking the material laws as well in that case?
The interplay between visible and invisible matter first time in the history of research is published here: Gravity Law Without Universalism is Solving Many Tasks, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2007.0112 It is the connection between spirits and material, and it describes the change from spiritual matter into physical matter and vice versa.

To prove you, that I am a very talented young researcher, I am showing the one-page proof of the Riemann Hypothesis and much more: Five million man: proofs of key problems


Well-Known Member
The interplay between visible and invisible matter first time in the history of research is published here: Gravity Law Without Universalism is Solving Many Tasks, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2007.0112 It is the connection between spirits and material, and it describes the change from spiritual matter into physical matter and vice versa.
Where is the peer review?
"Vixra.org is a pre-print repository rather than a journal. Articles hosted may not yet have been verified by peer-review and should be treated as preliminary"


Well-Known Member
The interplay between visible and invisible matter first time in the history of research is published here: Gravity Law Without Universalism is Solving Many Tasks, viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:2007.0112 It is the connection between spirits and material, and it describes the change from spiritual matter into physical matter and vice versa.
Are you saying the virtual term or virtual matter is "spiritual matter"? How do you connect a mathematical device to "spirits"? Or with anything associated with a God, afterlife, souls or such?

While the Navy admitted the ufo videos are real they did not say they are actual alien spaceships. Nothing in the video really defies physics either. The part that might be beyond our technology is the part that is a description from the pilot. We do not know what's actually on the video.

For someone who seems to respect science why would you jump to the conclusion that something beyond out current technology is related to a devil? Devils are things we know FOR SURE are characters written about in mythic fiction. We are fairly sure the Persian version is most likely is where the modern concept was borrowed from and the mentions of Satan in the OT before this actually have Satan working with Yahweh and sending sickness to cities and bothering people at the request of Yahweh. Pretty clear that this is fiction.