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Is it possible for believers to believe the Bible has mistakes in it?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
So, you are able to do peer review, right? :rolleyes:
There is a multitude of different christian denominations. Each of them will have a justification to have certain interpretations of the scripture. Each of them will give you a different context through which you are supposed to interpret the text. There isn't even a consensus among believers on many matters. Do I need to mention YEC to you?

An accurate interpretation doesn't rely solely on it being reasonable. Unless you are well-versed on biblical studies, how can you make the blunt affirmation that unbelievers are worse, in general, at interpreting scriptures than believers?

Sure, but your criticisms are so well reasoned right?:rolleyes:

And, yes, believers generally present the best arguments. It isn't just about belief, it's about language study etc. Seriously I don't think you are reading the same threads I am.


Outstanding Member
Sure, but your criticisms are so well reasoned right?:rolleyes:

Are you really trying to bring me down to your level after admitting your lack of forethought ?

And, yes, believers generally present the best arguments. It isn't just about belief, it's about language study etc. Seriously I don't think you are reading the same threads I am.

Even if that is true, you are aware there is a difference between being a good debater and being correct about something, right?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Are you really trying to bring me down to your level after admitting your lack of forethought ?

You're joking right...:rolleyes:

Even if that is true, you are aware there is a difference between being a good debater and being correct about something, right?

Aha there it is. The assumption of 'correctness'.

Anyways, this discussion is over as far as i'm concerned, feel free to disagree with me.


Oldest Heretic
According to the Gospels, Jesus quoted text from the Jewish Bible several times.

A list of Old Testament books quoted by Jesus and other New Testament writers.

It is unclear how much he felt bound by them, though.

Of course Jesus knew the Jewish texts
and we all know that some of them are incorporated into the Christian bibles. However he knew nothing of what we call the Christian bible .
another point of interest is that we have no idea if Jesus could read.

He seemed to promote a strange mixture of jewish laws but extend and reinterpret them in what has become a very Christian way.
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Well-Known Member
I was going to name the thread "Is it possible the Bible has mistakes in it". And I heard a little voice in my head say "Dah?".

Then I had to add "believers" to the title.

If nothing else, it's funny.

Savage wind,
It has been proven over and over:No human can copy the entire bible without making mistakes!!
That does not make the Bible have errors on it. When copies are made, which had to be done, these are compared with other copies. By comparing these different copies, mistakes were found, but the same mistakes were not found in all the different copies, so when one copy says one thing and several copies say something else, on a particular place, the error is found and corrected.
This process has been done many times to compare, what are called; families of copies, compared with other families of copies, errors are found and corrected.
The Almighty God, Jehovah has promised that He would not allow His word to be corrupted, without a way to find it out, to make sure that the Holy Scriptures are The true Word of God. Ps 12:6,7.
God is going to judge this world by His Word. It would not be righteous to judge mankind if God allowed His word to be adulterated.
Many Theologians say that the last reason to mistrust God's word has been found and corrected, so that today we have the true message from Got to mankind.
The real problem is not the Word of God, but that very few people study God's word, to make sure what it says. Every one of the major religions have as their foundation, nothing but false doctrines, but how many search the scriptures and know the truth? The process by which this was done was Syncretism.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Almighty God, Jehovah has promised that He would not allow His word to be corrupted,

This one?

Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What scripture does God say "I promise the written word will not be corrupted"? Actually there should be at least two scriptures. Three is better. This will be my third visit to you. "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." (2 Corinthians 13:1) Is scripture a witness or not?


Veteran Member
Proverbs 30:5-6
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.
Even these?
Solomon had 4,000 stalls and 12,000 horsemen - 2 Chron 9:25
Solomon had 40,000 stalls and 12,000 horsemen - 1 Kings 4:26

Jesse had eight children - 1 Sam 16:10-13
Jesse had seven children - 1 Chron 2:13-15

David takes 1700 horsemen - 2 Sam 8:4
David takes 7000 horsemen - 1 Chron 18:4

David destroys 700 chariots - 2 Sam 10:18
David destroys 7000 chariots - 1 Chron 19:18
Or aren't these the words of god? If not, what criteria do you use to differentiate between his words and those of others?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Even these?
Solomon had 4,000 stalls and 12,000 horsemen - 2 Chron 9:25
Solomon had 40,000 stalls and 12,000 horsemen - 1 Kings 4:26

Jesse had eight children - 1 Sam 16:10-13
Jesse had seven children - 1 Chron 2:13-15

David takes 1700 horsemen - 2 Sam 8:4
David takes 7000 horsemen - 1 Chron 18:4

David destroys 700 chariots - 2 Sam 10:18
David destroys 7000 chariots - 1 Chron 19:18
Or aren't these the words of god?

Sorry "true" is translated from refine. A word need not be true to do refining. Also, I am not a believer in the legend that God wrote the Bible. Men (and possibly some women) wrote it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If not, what criteria do you use to differentiate between his words and those of others?
The only words I know for sure are God's words are these; "This is my son, listen to him".

Whenever the ancients said "the word of Jehovah" they might mean the word that leads us there. Not from God, but to God.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
False teachers erroneously teach "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial" means it all came from God and every scripture of it fits the definition "beneficial for teaching reproving and setting things strait". But it means not each and every one, but all of it, wholly. How do I know? I can see it.


Mother Heathen
I was going to name the thread "Is it possible the Bible has mistakes in it". And I heard a little voice in my head say "Dah?".

Then I had to add "believers" to the title.

If nothing else, it's funny.

There are believers who view the bible as fallible.

I don't believe that the bible is fallible in the sense that it contains incorrect information/accounts/instruction. Considering the lens (historical time period/culture) of the authors is important, I think. I find it helps to approach biblical text in this way.


Either the bible lines up with this or it doesn't, you decide.

Lets work with facts, not iased opinion.

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin


Either the bible lines up with this or it doesn't, you decide.

Lets work with facts, not iased opinion.

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:
•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin

I agree. The facts say this, and I agree with the facts.


Veteran Member
Sorry "true" is translated from refine. A word need not be true to do refining.
Actually, the original Hebrew word is qal, and according to Strong's means:
"to smelt, refine, test

  1. to smelt, refine
  2. to test
  3. to test (and prove true)"
Now, I assume its use in Proverbs 30:5 would not be referring to smelting (refining of ore) because this makes no contextual sense, but rather to testing: to prove true. And even in the sense of simple refining of god's word it makes little sense---would god's word really need refining? So, I see taking the word in the sense of truth to be the most reasonable translation.

Also, I am not a believer in the legend that God wrote the Bible. Men (and possibly some women) wrote it.
Neither am I, but that's beside the point.

The only words I know for sure are God's words are these; "This is my son, listen to him".
And how do you know this? What is the basis for your certainty?
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Actually, the original Hebrew word is qal, and according to Strong's means:
"to smelt, refine, test

  1. to smelt, refine
  2. to test
  3. to test (and prove true)"
Now, I assume its use in Proverbs 30:5 would not be referring to smelting (refining of ore) because this makes no contextual sense, but rather to testing: to prove true. And even in the sense of simple refining of god's word it makes little sense. So, I see taking the word in the sense of truth to be the most reasonable translation.

Neither am I, but that's beside the point.

And how do you know this? What is the basis for your certainty?

Basis? No basis. I want to believe it. You understand. :)

Anyway. We are talking about "every word of God proves true" which you think should mean all the words are true. Right?

Does it mean all God's words are for refining? The words aren't refined. The words are FOR refining. They are loyal words. Maybe not so true. The Erath wasn't created in six days fyi.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Fire is for refining. Do not add to the words of fire. Why not? It might be water you are adding.


Veteran Member
Basis? No basis. I want to believe it. You understand. :)
Wanting is good. Wanting can often establish worthy goals. But be careful, you just may get what you want. :run:

Anyway. We are talking about "every word of God proves true" which you think should mean all the words are true. Right?
All her words anyway. :shrug:

Does it mean all God's words are for refining? The words aren't refined. The words are FOR refining. They are loyal words. Maybe not so true. The Erath wasn't created in six days fyi.
Yes the Erath was. It says so in a book I once read part of, the Bibel.