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Is it possible that Christianity is true, yet the Bible contains errors?


Veteran Member


Well-Known Member
There does emm to be some editorializing by the Gospel authors. At first, Jesus was justified as a man, Then, his shemeful death needed ti have reasoning. "Ah!" he needed to become divine to justify his suffering and death. How so? He did it for you.

The fact that he did it is meaningful for me. I don't need some cosmic scheme to make it relevant.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm sure this has been asked before. But not since I joined. I'm mainly concerned with Biblical authority and/or inerrancy. What's the verdict so far as you can tell?

Is Christianity true because the Bible says so?

Or does the Bible say so because it describes the truth of Christianity?
Christianity isn't true because the Tanakh says so. Given an historical Jesus, he was not recognizable as a Jewish messiah.

And if Christianity is true because the NT says so, there are many problems, since the gospels don't agree on many important things, such as who Jesus was or how he came to be the Anointed One as far as Christians are concerned. Was Jesus an ordinary Jewish boy who became God's son because God adopted him, as in Mark? Was Jesus born of a virgin by divine insemination, thus having God's Y-chromosome, as in Matthew and Luke? Did Jesus pre-exist in heaven with God, and create the material universe, as with the Jesuses of Paul and of John? Was Jesus descended from David, as Paul and the author of John say their Jesuses were? Was Jesus NOT descended from David, and had no need to be, like Mark's Jesus? Was Jesus trying to fake a descent from David, as in the irreconcilable and imaginary genealogies for him in Matthew and Luke, which are ludicrously not for Jesus but for Joseph who expressly was NOT Jesus's father?

And so on and so for many pages.


N. Germanic Descent
2 Timothy 2:15 would suggest that it's a known and understood dynamic regarding the word of truth and I will assume the "scriptures". Otherwise, what are we discerning and dividing through our efforts and study?
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Active Member
Christianity predates the Biblical canon
A misleading claim...

Christianity predates the compilation which includes new testament cannon...the Old Testament writings were mostly already agreed upon before Christ.

Given that christ came in fulfillment of old testament writings, this claim isn't accurate.

I'd suggest that whoever thinks this way doesn't understand the old testament sanctuary service at all.

What the O.P will find is that its Theistic Evolutionists within the Christian movement who deny bible inerancy. Creationists will usually take the view its the inerrant inspired word of our Almighty Creator.

If God is for example, as powerful as Isaiah the prophet claims He is, then His Word is without error.

For me, if the bible has error, then it isn't credible. If it's not credible, it's a lie. If it's a lie, then why follow any of its teachings as we could get our morality from other sources...even Hitler had his own sense of morality.

Moses wrote the first 5 foundational books of the bible and was claimed to have spoken with God face to face. If Moses account isn't accurate, from whom did he get his revelation? Was he simply conning the people into a new form of his own Egyptian royalty Influences? Did he come back to Egypt, perform new powerful miracles even Egyptian magicians couldn't outdo, thus conning them all and starting his very own nation in order to take back all that he had lost? A strange one given Moses lost his royalty by killing an Egyptian in support of the enslaved israelites and then spent the rest of his life wandering a desert and never attaining the riches of a pharoah.

Given pharoah died at the Red Sea along with his main army, Moses probably could have turned right around and marched 600,000 jewish men straight back into Egypt and become Pharoah.
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N. Germanic Descent
A misleading claim...

Christianity predates the compilation which includes new testament cannon...the Old Testament writings were mostly already agreed upon before Christ.

Given that christ came in fulfillment of old testament writings, this claim isn't accurate.

I'd suggest that whoever thinks this way doesn't understand the old testament sanctuary service at all.

What the O.P will find is that its Theistic Evolutionists within the Christian movement who deny bible inerancy. Creationists will usually take the view its the inerrant inspired word of our Almighty Creator.

If God is for example, as powerful as Isaiah the prophet claims He is, then His Word is without error.

For me, if the bible has error, then it isn't credible. If it's not credible, it's a lie. If it's a lie, then why follow any of its teachings as we could get our morality from other sources...even Hitler had his own sense of morality.

Moses wrote the first 5 foundational books of the bible and was claimed to have spoken with God face to face. If Moses account isn't accurate, from whom did he get his revelation? Was he simply conning the people into a new form of his own Egyptian royalty Influences? Did he come back to Egypt, perform new powerful miracles even Egyptian magicians couldn't outdo, thus conning them all and starting his very own nation in order to take back all that he had lost? A strange one given Moses lost his royalty by killing an Egyptian in support of the enslaved israelites and then spent the rest of his life wandering a desert and never attaining the riches of a pharoah.

Given pharoah died at the Red Sea along with his main army, Moses probably could have turned right around and marched 600,000 jewish men straight back into Egypt and become Pharoah, n

Your first statement had me questioning your understanding. The biblical cannon, not the Torah is what was stated specifically, so I'll suggest your statement is misleading. Not that it's any of my business, but Christianity predating the biblical cannon is accurate. We all fall short of God's glory, or so it has been written, and given our duty to search and study and discern, separating truth from error, I'll suggest human error to be present in the text, if only due to us falling short of the glory of God. I've already brought up 2 Timothy so this might be something noteworthy and worth consideration. There's lots of eggs and one basket isn't quite large enough nor secure enough to be the end all be all end of discussion on truth.


Premium Member
I'm sure this has been asked before. But not since I joined. I'm mainly concerned with Biblical authority and/or inerrancy. What's the verdict so far as you can tell?

Is Christianity true because the Bible says so?

Or does the Bible say so because it describes the truth of Christianity?
God is indescribable being. God communicates through images and dreams. Man interprets those images and dreams and write them down in man's words. All holy books are full of misinterpretations.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Christianity isn't true because the Tanakh says so. Given an historical Jesus, he was not recognizable as a Jewish messiah.
Messiah and Christ actually refer to an "Annointed One".

Expectations in Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths have been built on man's interpretation and expectations.

I see the Bible shows a progression of Messiah's, which does include Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

I see the Messiah (Annointed One) that the Jews and Christians are expecting in this age, was fulfilled in the Messages of the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

A perusal of what they offered shows how this is so, in never before given detail. As "Annointed Ones, Messiahs, Christs", what they have given us to consider is the Word given by God.

Thus, when one reads the Tanakh, the New Testament and the Quran in conjunction with the Writings of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, all the pieces to complete the full puzzle are found.

Regards Tony


N. Germanic Descent
Messiah and Christ actually refer to an "Annointed One".

Expectations in Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths have been built on man's interpretation and expectations.

I see the Bible shows a progression of Messiah's, which does include Jesus, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

I see the Messiah (Annointed One) that the Jews and Christians are expecting in this age, was fulfilled in the Messages of the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

A perusal of what they offered shows how this is so, in never before given detail. As "Annointed Ones, Messiahs, Christs", what they have given us to consider is the Word given by God.

Thus, when one reads the Tanakh, the New Testament and the Quran in conjunction with the Writings of the Bab and Baha'u'llah, all the pieces to complete the full puzzle are found.

Regards Tony

I won't disagree with much, but I will question the all the pieces part of your presumptions. In my view, we know about as much about the larger puzzle as we know about what lies beyond black holes. In contex of humananity, I would suggest that the pieces scattered are no less important than those found and embraced.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I'm sure this has been asked before. But not since I joined. I'm mainly concerned with Biblical authority and/or inerrancy. What's the verdict so far as you can tell?

Is Christianity true because the Bible says so?

Or does the Bible say so because it describes the truth of Christianity?
I see the Words contained within unfold as the truth, as they are the standard given for the Dispensation of the Messenger. They are the standard given of God. The Stories of Abraham, Moses and Jesus (All the "Annointed Ones")show us of the Supremacy, Bounty, Mercy and Justice of God, a God we only know because of these Messengers, Words and stories.

Thus the highest aspirations that humanity can obtain to, are given by the Messengers and recorded for prosperity.

The moment they utter the Word that is recorded, a new creation comes into being, that Word becomes the required standard by which all humanity is judged. This is also the gague we can use for the Truth to be determined.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm sure this has been asked before. But not since I joined. I'm mainly concerned with Biblical authority and/or inerrancy. What's the verdict so far as you can tell?

Is Christianity true because the Bible says so?

Or does the Bible say so because it describes the truth of Christianity?
I've thought about this more. The Gospels I would not believe are still from God if they didn't narrate the truth in an exalted way fabricators cannot fabricate. So the truth needs to be shown, and not created by it, but at the same time, the way it tells the truth has to be in a way a miracle or at least exalted beyond capabilities of fabricators.

As for Torah and books up to the Gospels, some of it is amazing, but it also has the opposite to what makes it amazing. There is a huge contradiction in the Bible where it emphasizes on God's chosen only to emphasize they are all that great and that the choice is not best necessarily. Some verses have the emphasis of God's choice and that is the best. And others show some deviate like Solomon (a) dying a pagan and deviating.

Like the sister of Moses (a), Mariam (a) and Aaron (a) vying about leadership of Musa (a).

The Quran agrees with some parts but disagrees with a lot. And the number of successors of Moses (a) is Aaron (a) to Jesus (a) (inclusive) is Twelve.

Aaron (a) and his offspring are emphasized only for the same text to go 180 against it. The Quran agrees on the emphasis and disagrees with the 180.

The Quran must show truth but it must also be a sign and proof. Therefore the way it describes the truth is important.

As for if it can contain errors, the answer is no. And since it does, there needs to be an update by a new scripture. If Quran was filled with errors, it would need to be replaced by a new revelation.

But part of the plan of God ending it with Mohammad (s) is that the Quran is protected and that it's interpretation is safeguarded with a means as well to arrive at it safely.


N. Germanic Descent
I see the Words contained within unfold as the truth, as they are the standard given for the Dispensation of the Messenger. They are the standard given of God. The Stories of Abraham, Moses and Jesus (All the "Annointed Ones")show us of the Supremacy, Bounty, Mercy and Justice of God, a God we only know because of these Messengers, Words and stories.

Thus the highest aspirations that humanity can obtain to, are given by the Messengers and recorded for prosperity.

The moment they utter the Word that is recorded, a new creation comes into being, that Word becomes the required standard by which all humanity is judged. This is also the gague we can use for the Truth to be determined.

Regards Tony

I've considered that God speaks through everyone and that the messengers have been better received than most of us. This doesn't imply less importance, but rather a less acceptable resonance in our own work. The difference, I will presume, may be in what we ourselves determine to be less beneficial to all. Then again, without the difficulty, would we still be so motivated to increase our wellbeing and life quality? Beyond this, would our compassion be less noticeable or less developed with less calamity in life?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I won't disagree with much, but I will question the all the pieces part of your presumptions. In my view, we know about as much about the larger puzzle as we know about what lies beyond black holes. In contex of humananity, I would suggest that the pieces scattered are no less important than those found and embraced.
Thank you for the reply and the point of question.

I agree 100% that we will not see and built the complete puzzle, as that is life.

I like your metephor and I would see that is the current state of the complete puzzle, that all the pieces are still widely scattered, many yet to be found and assembled.

I draw my thoughts from this passage, which is about the tradition of the 27 letters of knowledge, which only 2 letters had been released up to 1844. In 1844 the remaining 25 letters (or all the puzzle) were released. (The Message of the Bab). A link if interested and an extract behind my thoughts. Brackets in quote are mine.

".......Thus it is related in the "Biháru'l-Anvár," the "'Avalim," and the "Yanbú'" of Sádiq, son of Muhammad, that he spoke these words: "Knowledge is twenty and seven letters. All that the Prophets have revealed are two letters thereof. No man thus far hath known more than these two letters. But when the Qá'im shall arise, He will cause the remaining twenty and five letters to be made manifest." Consider; He hath declared Knowledge to consist of twenty and seven letters, and regarded all the Prophets, from Adam even unto the "Seal," (Muhammad) as Expounders of only two letters thereof and of having been sent down with these two letters. He also saith that the Qá'im will reveal all the remaining twenty and five letters. Behold from this utterance how great and lofty is His station! His rank excelleth that of all the Prophets, and His Revelation transcendeth the comprehension and understanding of all their chosen ones. A Revelation, of which the Prophets of God, His saints and chosen ones, have either not been informed, or which, in pursuance of God's inscrutable Decree, they have not disclosed...."

The purpose of the Bab was like John the Baptist, it was to prepare the way for the promissed one, the "One God would Make Manifest", which the Bab gave in his writings as Baha'u'llah.

Regards Tony
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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I've considered that God speaks through everyone and that the messengers have been better received than most of us. This doesn't imply less importance, but rather a less acceptable resonance in our own work. The difference, I will presume, may be in what we ourselves determine to be less beneficial to all. Then again, without the difficulty, would we still be so motivated to increase our wellbeing and life quality? Beyond this, would our compassion be less noticeable or less developed with less calamity in life?
I see your faith is strong. My idea of what you said is that we receive our inspiration from God via all the Messengers.

That is to me the meaning of the Bible Passages that offer we must be born again. We need to be born from the human spirit into the Holy Spirit, which is the Essence of the Messengers.

Great topic, much to consider. Regards Tony


N. Germanic Descent
Thank you for the reply and the point of question.

I agree 100% that we will not see and built the complete puzzle, as that is life.

I like your metephor and I would see that is the current state of the complete puzzle, that all the pieces are still widely scattered, many yet to be found and assembled.

I draw my thoughts from this passage, which is about the tradition of the 27 letters of knowledge, which only 2 letters had been released up to 1844. In 1844 the remaining 25 letters (or all the puzzle) were released. (The Message of the Bab). A link if interested and an extract behind my thoughts. Brackets in quote are mine.

".......Thus it is related in the "Biháru'l-Anvár," the "'Avalim," and the "Yanbú'" of Sádiq, son of Muhammad, that he spoke these words: "Knowledge is twenty and seven letters. All that the Prophets have revealed are two letters thereof. No man thus far hath known more than these two letters. But when the Qá'im shall arise, He will cause the remaining twenty and five letters to be made manifest." Consider; He hath declared Knowledge to consist of twenty and seven letters, and regarded all the Prophets, from Adam even unto the "Seal," (Muhammad) as Expounders of only two letters thereof and of having been sent down with these two letters. He also saith that the Qá'im will reveal all the remaining twenty and five letters. Behold from this utterance how great and lofty is His station! His rank excelleth that of all the Prophets, and His Revelation...."

The purpose of the Bab was like John the Baptist, it was to prepare the way for the promissed one, the "One God would Make Manifest", which the Bab gave in his writings as Baha'u'llah.

Regards Tony

The letters of knowledge ... I will presume you're speaking of the letters or testimonies of the messengers. My question would be, which messengers are being counted as a letter to us. If only two have been sent and 25 still to come, then what of the other prophets and sages, and teachers who have been counted already as messengers in our world?