What’s your question? ‘Lord’ is a TITLE and is just a word that has synonyms such as ‘Master’ / ‘Teacher’ / ‘Great one’ / etc.
God, the Father, is Jesus’ Lord…
Jesus, the Christ, is our Lord…
‘Lord’ is not a personal title. Satan is ‘Lord’ of darkness (which means, anything bad, debauched, sinful!) A Judge is ‘Lord’ of his courtroom, hence a barrister addresses him as ‘my Lord’…
A title can belong to many, each of whom of whom qualifies IN CONTEXT.
That's your interpretation.
I go with scripture, it says "me as Lord"
There is no adjective after Lord.
*Predicate adjectives are adjectives that modify or describe the subject of a sentence or clause and are linked to the subject by a linking verb.
*The Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of God
The three “omni” attributes of God characterize him as all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present. Each of these involves the other two, and each provides a perspective on the all-embracing lordship of the true God.
God is Lord of all , since he is All Powerfull,all-knowing and everywhere present.
So, is God Lord of Satan ;is God the Lord of the darkness also?
So,can the Judge be the accused in his courtroom?
Let's see how context qualifies.
Malachi 3:1
“I will send my messenger, who will
prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord
you are seeking will come to his
temple; the messenger of the
covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.
Who is the messenger of the covenant , whom they desire ?
I would like an answer to that