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Select the ones you agree with:

  • 01: Truth has nothing to do with Religion

  • 02: Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion

  • 03: Peace has nothing to do with Religion

  • 04: Love has nothing to do with Religion

  • 05: Non violence has nothing to do with Religion

  • 06: True Religion exists

  • 07: Superior Religion exists

  • 08: There are inferior Religions

  • 09: My Religion is superior

  • 10: My Religion is not superior

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HaShem said in the Torah that there is one G-d. Either you believe the Torah or you don't, and we don not have the luxury of pluralism or picking and choosing parts to accept. "Superior" is a strawman and classic loaded language.


Veteran Member
Is it smart to claim "my Religion is superior"?

No need to claim that, the truthful religion from Adam to Muhammad has been the same, right, please?:

3:20 Surely, the true religion with Allah (One G-d) is Islam (complete submission). And those who were given the Book did not disagree but after knowledge had come to them, out of mutual envy. And whoso denies the Signs of Allah, then surely, Allah is quick at reckoning. Holy Quran: Read, Listen and Search


Original narration/text from Muhammad's time, is below:- Friend @John D. Brey .
3:20 اِنَّ الدِّیۡنَ عِنۡدَ اللّٰہِ الۡاِسۡلَامُ ۟ وَمَا اخۡتَلَفَ الَّذِیۡنَ اُوۡتُوا الۡکِتٰبَ اِلَّا مِنۡۢ بَعۡدِ مَا جَآءَہُمُ الۡعِلۡمُ بَغۡیًۢا بَیۡنَہُمۡ ؕ وَمَنۡ یَّکۡفُرۡ بِاٰیٰتِ اللّٰہِ فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ سَرِیۡعُ الۡحِسَابِ ﴿۲۰


. . . Although you do have the luxury of choosing which interpretation to accept.


Actually I don't... look up halakha some time. No teaching or "interpretation" that contradicts the Torah will be accepted.

Edit: Oh, you're the creepy guy with the phallus obsession. I'll just back away now.


John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Actually I don't... look up halakha some time. No teaching or "interpretation" that contradicts the Torah will be accepted.

. . . But doesn't the Torah have to be interpreted before you can reject a teaching or interpretation that contradicts it? In other words, are you under the impression that all the sages agree on what the Torah actually says? Are you unaware that Nachmanides and Rashi don't always agree, and that much of the Talmud is an ongoing argument about what the Torah says and means? Which interpretation of the Torah contradicts the Torah, Rashi's or Nachmanides'?

Are you also unaware that in the most sacred and meaningful ritual within Judaism, people gather around to celebrate an eight year old having his phallus pruned? The mohel places his mouth over the bloody organ as part of the ritual. He expectorates some of the blood into a cup of wine and places some on the child's lips.

The third stage of the circumcision procedure is called metzitzah, or "sucking." The mohel briefly extracts blood from the child's wound, traditionally using his mouth. He then expectorates the blood into a goblet, which, as I discuss shortly, the boy and his parents sip.​
Professor Eric Kline Silverman, From Abraham to America: A history of Jewish Circumcision.
After performing metsitsah, sucking blood from the circumcised penis, the mohel would spit some blood into the cup of wine from which he would place drops on the child's lips.​
Leonard B. Glick, Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America, p. 63.​
These Jewish practices might be called the mirror image of the Eucharist.​
David Biale, Blood and Belief: The Circulation of a Symbol between Jews and Christians, p. 98-99.​

There are things that stand in the heights of the universe, yet people take them lightly.​
Talmud, Berachos 6b.​

Poor Rabbi Samson Hirsch would roll over in his grave if he had to contend with today's Jews. Even in his day he wrote:

Among Jews, however, nothing is less well-known than Judaism itself. . . If I knew of even one person more capable than myself of pleading the true cause of Israel, my incapable and inexperienced pen would have rested for a long time yet. As it is, however, I see an older generation in which Judaism has become an inherited mummy; a generation which shows veneration for Judaism, it is true, but a veneration without spirit; some of that generation, therefore, see only tombstone inscriptions in Judaism and thus despair of the eternal validity of the only thing that makes life worth living. On the other hand, I see a younger generation aglow with noble enthusiasm for Judaism---- or rather for Jews. These young men do not know authentic Judaism, and what they believe they know of it they consider as empty forms without meaning.​
From a letter written by Rabbi Hirsch concerning the purpose and writing of The Horeb.​

When a Jewish person accuses someone studying brit milah of being obsessed with the phallus, you can be pretty sure they've inherited Judaism as a dry, dusty, mummy, devoid of any still living spirit. They're proud of being a Jew when they haven't a clue.

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John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
Edit: Oh, you're the creepy guy with the phallus obsession. I'll just back away now.

. . . Says the one somewhat confused about the nature of interpretation. Even male flesh disappearing into a bush can be interpreted sexually if that's how a person wants to interpret it.



Veteran Member
Is it smart to claim "my Religion is superior"?

No need to claim ,"my religion is superior", as the truthful religion from Adam to Muhammad has been the same, "complete submission to G-d", if Zoroaster completely submitted to G-d, Krishna completely submitted to G-d, Moses completely submitted to G-d and (Jesus)Yeshua completely submitted to One G-d, there is no point in claiming any superiority over others, right, please?:

3:20 Surely, the true religion with Allah (One G-d) is Islam (complete submission). And those who were given the Book did not disagree but after knowledge had come to them, out of mutual envy. And whoso denies the Signs of Allah, then surely, Allah is quick at reckoning.
3:21 But if they dispute with thee, say, ‘I have submitted myself to Allah, and also those who follow me.’ And say to those who have been given the Book and to the unlearned, ‘Have you submitted?’ If they submit, then they will surely be guided; but if they turn back, then thy duty is only to convey the message. And Allah is Watchful of His servants.
3:22 Surely, those who deny the Signs of Allah and seek to kill the Prophets unjustly, and seek to kill such men as enjoin equity — announce to them a painful punishment.
3:23 Those are they whose deeds shall come to naught in this world and in the next, and they shall have no helpers.


Original narration/text from Muhammad's time, is below:- Friend @John D. Brey .
3:20 اِنَّ الدِّیۡنَ عِنۡدَ اللّٰہِ الۡاِسۡلَامُ ۟ وَمَا اخۡتَلَفَ الَّذِیۡنَ اُوۡتُوا الۡکِتٰبَ اِلَّا مِنۡۢ بَعۡدِ مَا جَآءَہُمُ الۡعِلۡمُ بَغۡیًۢا بَیۡنَہُمۡ ؕ وَمَنۡ یَّکۡفُرۡ بِاٰیٰتِ اللّٰہِ فَاِنَّ اللّٰہَ سَرِیۡعُ الۡحِسَابِ ﴿۲۰
3:21 فَاِنۡ حَآجُّوۡکَ فَقُلۡ اَسۡلَمۡتُ وَجۡہِیَ لِلّٰہِ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِ ؕ وَقُلۡ لِّلَّذِیۡنَ اُوۡتُوا الۡکِتٰبَ وَالۡاُمِّیّٖنَ ءَاَسۡلَمۡتُمۡ ؕ فَاِنۡ اَسۡلَمُوۡا فَقَدِ اہۡتَدَوۡا ۚ وَاِنۡ تَوَلَّوۡا فَاِنَّمَا عَلَیۡکَ الۡبَلٰغُ ؕ وَاللّٰہُ بَصِیۡرٌۢ بِالۡعِبَادِ ﴿٪۲۱
3:22 اِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ یَکۡفُرُوۡنَ بِاٰیٰتِ اللّٰہِ وَیَقۡتُلُوۡنَ النَّبِیّٖنَ بِغَیۡرِ حَقٍّ ۙ وَّیَقۡتُلُوۡنَ الَّذِیۡنَ یَاۡمُرُوۡنَ بِالۡقِسۡطِ مِنَ النَّاسِ ۙ فَبَشِّرۡہُمۡ بِعَذَابٍ اَلِیۡمٍ ﴿۲۲
3:23 اُولٰٓئِکَ الَّذِیۡنَ حَبِطَتۡ اَعۡمَالُہُمۡ فِی الدُّنۡیَا وَالۡاٰخِرَۃِ ۫ وَمَا لَہُمۡ مِّنۡ نّٰصِرِیۡنَ ﴿۲۳
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Would it offend you if I did? Are you slandering homosexual sex?

I couldn't possibly care less what other people do in their personal lives. It's usually the people most negatively obsessed with sexual matters that are the most hypocritical, hence why I pointed it out.

Are you a licensed physician able to give such advice on such a sparse interview? And can you also help me with my failing eyesight which I suspect is from watching too much gay porn. I'm losing my sight and the hair on my head at the same time I'm growing fur on my palm from a salacious misuse of eye-balm.

Ya know babe, when a Jewish person accuses someone studying brit milah of being obsessed with the phallus, you can be pretty sure they've inherited Judaism as a dry, dusty, mummy, devoid of any still living spirit. They're proud of being a Jew when they haven't a friggin clue.


First of all, and listen very carefully: I am not your babe. I can guarantee you that on the smartest day of your life you still aren't half as smart as I am on my dumbest, so do not talk down to me again with your misogynistic garbage. I can't even take your blatant antisemitism seriously because you are so obviously disturbed. Maybe perhaps you're just a pervert trying to titillate himself at the expense of others, who knows.

A person doesn't need to be a licenced anything to know someone has psychological issues anymore then one needs to be one to see a guy with an axe in his face needs a doctor. In order for the snark "are you a licensed physician" to be apt, I would have had to of diagnosed you with something, which I didn't do.

I suppose the issue is I see you in all these threads going on about phalluses, sex and Jewish rituals in (incorrect) detail, and no one seems to even notice and carries on like it's normal. It's like a Frank Grimes moment when no one acknowledged Homer was incompetent:

Maybe you've been here a long time therefore all the regulars are shell shocked and now impervious to your posts, but I'm new and I'm not.

John D. Brey

Well-Known Member
First of all, and listen very carefully: I am not your babe. I can guarantee you that on the smartest day of your life you still aren't half as smart as I am on my dumbest . . ..

. . . Well there is the slight counter-factual truism that whereas I quote the Talmud you quote Homer Simpson. And fwiw, the "ya know babe," was in response to your calling me "dude," which, "dude," isn't the sort of lingo one expects from a brilliant polymath like yourself. It's more like something a bird brain learns along with "poly wants a cracker."



अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe the Bible states the exception. You read it and see if it fits.
The Bible isn't my scripture and is not relevant to my worldview.

In addition to that, saying "the Bible states" without pointing to a verse does nothing to support your claim.


Jesus in me
A lot of religions don't believe there religion contains clear proofs and evidence. And that's subject to experience and views. So from that perspective, it's more understandable if a religion sees itself relatively equal to others.
I believe there are very few clear proofs and evidence and not everyone believes even those if they are not personal to them. The question is whether you believe God or not.


Jesus in me
The Bible isn't my scripture and is not relevant to my worldview.

In addition to that, saying "the Bible states" without pointing to a verse does nothing to support your claim.
Then I believe I can predict that in the end time fire will come upon the earth and burn you up but reincarnation will take a long time because Christians will not be having babies since they have eternal life and the few temporal people left are not having enough babies to accommodate all those wishing to return to life. As for the in-between lives, I believe what you believe will determine where you spend that time waiting.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
The I believe I can predict that in the end time fire will come upon the earth and burh you up but reincarnation will take a long time because Christians will not be having babies since they have eternal life and the few temporal people left are not having enough babies to accommodate all those wishing to return to life.
And I do not.


Veteran Member
Is it smart to claim "my Religion is superior"?
"The I believe I can predict that in the end time fire will come upon the earth and burh you up but reincarnation will take a long time because Christians will not be having babies since they have eternal life and the few temporal people left are not having enough babies to accommodate all those wishing to return to life."
And I do not.
The poster #76 might be, if not certainly, just gossiping, or one could say for sure, as the emboldened is not from (Jesus) Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, please, right?
