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Is it true that the world will end in the year of 2012?


Agnostic Pantheist
doppelgänger;1394575 said:
BTW, does this mean that the Mayans and Cherokee were prophets of "God" and now Christendom has the Blood of the Prophets(TM) on its hands?

Also doesn't this mean we should all convert to the worship of Ah Xoc Kin, since his prophets were waaaaay more impressive in getting the date right than Jesus? In fact, if right, it sort of makes a liar of Jesus, who said no one would know the appointed hour. . . d'oh! If I were emotionally wrapped up in mainstream Christianity, wouldn't I be better off pulling for a happy 2013?

No, no. its not New-Age only if its fits our agenda. :yes:


Through the Looking Glass
No, no. its not New-Age only if its fits our agenda. :yes:
This of course assumes that one's agenda includes getting everyone to start engaging in human sacrifice to appease the Sun God (oh wait, Christianity has already been doing that with considerable frequency :) ).


Done here.
Many Eastern Orthodox Christians believed that the world would end in the year 7000 according to the calendar of the Eastern Roman Empire -- that is, in 1492. I think there's a sense in which it did. :)


Complex bunch of atoms
Mankind has reached the point of no return. So i really believe that the 'end' of the human race as we know it is fast approaching.

Imagine the works of each man as continually filling up his cup. That cup when it is full is poured out on man. Nobody does not get what they deserve.

I believe that god has in fact kept mankind from destroying themselves up to this point. All he really has to do, is make them drink the cup of their iniquity. When that happens, the wrath of god will be poured out on mankind.

So they will drink what they have put into that cup. And so they will in effect destroy themselves. And that is why jesus had to come and save us. Because unless there is a saviour the fate of all mankind is the same. Destruction.

When jesus came to this earth, i believe that the earth had already, by then filled their cups up to the brim. But god forgave mankind their inquity and gave them a new start. But since jesus can not and will not be put on the cross again, all that is left for mankind without god is an awefull destiny.

The bible says that jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it. And he did. He saved mankind from gods wrath. But the next time we see the son of god it will be a different story. God's wrath will be poured out on mankind. And there is no 'saviour' in the pipeline again. Only false christs which make elaborate promises of peace and goodwill to all mankind.

God will not let his son be mocked. Neither will he be mocked. Whatever we sow we must ultimately reap.

The only way to keep your cup from overflowing with iniquity is to be forgiven and to repent. Without repentance the cup remains full. Without a change in heart, the cup will continue to fill up with iniquity. God can only save those that belong to his son. He is faithfull to his son and therefore faithfull to those who is 'in' the son, and the son is in them.

It is gods kindness that leads us to repentance. He has waited very long for mankind to change their ways. To turn to him that he may heal them and their land. That is kindness. He does not wish for anybody to perish, but god works in seasons like the seasons of the earth. There is a time for everything under the sun, and the time for gods judgement and wrath has come.

If the righteous makes it by the skin of their teeth....what hope do those have who have mocked, rejected and trampled on the son of god?

I believe that by 2012 this world will be in utter mayhem. I have no doubt in my mind that the son of god is on his way back.

It seems to me, that everywhere I look the state of mankind is like the following scriputure indicates:

2 Tim 3: 2

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God

I am sure glad I don't live in such a depressing bubble. I'm looking forward to living to a ripe old age, and my son to do the same...and his kids...


Veteran Member
There's all this commotion about the end of the world approaching, supposedly in the year 2012 because that is when the Mayan calendar ends. I am trying to create a blog about the apocalyptic year 2012, and your comments, and your view would help me a lot to compile a great research. Please take a side on this debate whether you believe the world will end in that year or not, and briefly explain your point of view. Thank you

no, it is not true. there are some people who must control masses with giving them fear. don't buy it.



Well-Known Member
All I know is there is just under four years remaining to throw away my moral center and cash in on these prophecies.

I envy Daniel Pinchbeck. To think I could be popping psychedelics and spewing forth spiritual nonsense and earning a living at it. Rather than being honest.


Miss Independent
I am sure glad I don't live in such a depressing bubble. I'm looking forward to living to a ripe old age, and my son to do the same...and his kids...

I hope you do, you know.... live to a ripe old age, though as i see things i wouldnt count on it.

There is more to this life. If this life is all you have hope for then you are to be pittied. That is rather depressing to me.

I understand you ...i dont know...arrogance maybe? of being so sure that you are going to be around tomorrow?

How do you know? How can you be sure? If you really think it about it, you have no gaurentee whatsover that you will be here tomorrow. Not you or your sons.

For you your world might end today, or tomorrow. And it would truly be the end.


Miss Independent
All I know is there is just under four years remaining to throw away my moral center and cash in on these prophecies.

I envy Daniel Pinchbeck. To think I could be popping psychedelics and spewing forth spiritual nonsense and earning a living at it. Rather than being honest.

God was rather sure that most people would pay very little attention to end time prophecies. He wouldnt say that most people would be going on with their lives like nothing is going to happen...if thats not the way it will be.

Even this infatuation that people have with 2012 is just that. It will wear off. All the other 'doomsday' scares were just that...scares. And now people are not taking any 'scare' seriously. I remember this 'story' in the bible where noah went around for hundreds of years warning the people. By the 400th year people must have stopped listening. And so they did, and then the flood came.


Through the Looking Glass
doppelgänger;1394660 said:
Yes, the Plantation of Ulster was the beginning of the End.
Okay, that was probably a confusing post. I've somehow managed to have the wrong date for the plantation of Ulter in my memory for several years now (off by a whole century in fact). Oh well . . . sorry. :eek:


Well-Known Member
God was rather sure that most people would pay very little attention to end time prophecies. He wouldnt say that most people would be going on with their lives like nothing is going to happen...if thats not the way it will be.

Even this infatuation that people have with 2012 is just that. It will wear off. All the other 'doomsday' scares were just that...scares. And now people are not taking any 'scare' seriously. I remember this 'story' in the bible where noah went around for hundreds of years warning the people. By the 400th year people must have stopped listening. And so they did, and then the flood came.

People take scares seriously that are founded on experience.

My whole issue with prophecies, especially later ones such as 2012, are the sources. We know that much about the Dogon and the star Sirius and so called aliens was a hoax. We also know that Mayan 2012 prophecies are pretty much later inventions. The vast host of Mayan knowledge was lost over time and what was left was destroyed by European explorers.

There's no doubt that there are Hopi, Cherokee, etc. prophecies but what interpretation possibly lends to 2012 being important to these. Buddha's vision of end times holds no comparison to what I have read supposedly marks the Hopi vision or other age rebirths.

Also, given the record of Mayan baktun's existing during the historical record with no known events to mark those periods or even lead themselves to be indicators of the times before or after any special significance the whole Mayan end time 2012 usually portrays those who trumpet such sentiments as cultural rapists more than anything. Digging and tearing through the culture of indigenous groups throwing out wholesale that which will not fit their own desires.

End time prophecies also hold a devious moral element. If it is prophecy and that the resultant will be greater than there is no concern for the suffering of those today. This is quite common among evangelical fundamentalism with regards to their attitude towards environmental issues.

I much prefer humanism unfettered by speculative mysticism.


Complex bunch of atoms
I hope you do, you know.... live to a ripe old age, though as i see things i wouldnt count on it.

There is more to this life. If this life is all you have hope for then you are to be pittied.
Please don't pity my awareness of the reality of life. It makes my every day that bit more special, knowing there is nothing after it. :)
That is rather depressing to me.
One of the main reasons I guess why many fall to the crutch of religion.

I understand you ...i dont know...arrogance maybe? of being so sure that you are going to be around tomorrow?
I don't know if I will be around, but the odds are good ;)

How do you know? How can you be sure? If you really think it about it, you have no gaurentee whatsover that you will be here tomorrow. Not you or your sons.
Indeed. One of the wonderful aspects of mortality.

For you your world might end today, or tomorrow. And it would truly be the end.

Yes, it would truly be the end, for me, or for any other living creature that dies for that matter. But there is nothing to fear... in nothing.