The difference is I know the truth here...................
That's the kind of dumb comment I would expect in an ignorant post. You are certain of absolutely diddly-squat.
There is no certainty about any ancient history................
The historians work with plausibility, possibility and 'balance of probability' only.
.................................. so I can see where his dishonesty lies.
You're not going to win this debate by chucking filthy posts at eminent professors.
You can disagree with them, but you don't call them liars.
The accounts and reports of and after Exodus are repeated in different parts of the OT. This does not suggest a fabrication, more of an ancient tradition of passed down memoirs.
Of course the details have been built upon and embellished, but the old tales, passed along by oral tradition, are sure to have reason for their existence, however distorted by time. The fact that so many of the old stories were an embarrassment or even a disgrace to the tribes can only help to support the fact that there is a misty foundation of truth behind them.
You discarded Schiffman's article and mentioned that it was written in 2001............ you need to consider what will be the (so-called) truth in 2030!
I feel confident that the tales of Exodus (and after) will be supported (to some extent) in the years to come.
Instead of chucking the baby out with the bathwater, there will be a time when historians can approach 'reason' for the existence of the old tales, rather than a shredding and dumping.
Stonehenge is as old as most of this, (older) and we have absolutely no OT passed down about any of it. We just know what came from where, and when......... but the cultural details? Nah! But..... since the building of the pyramids and the henges was so amazing, we should not discard the old tales quite so fast.
I blame extremist-atheism for the present trend to smash everything up. Yes, I do........