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Is logic over-rated?


Well-Known Member
A lot of atheists put their faith in logic, but isn't that a bit... illogical?

Yes, but they believe what the Machine tells them...

How many times have you watched CSI and, using your logic, thought, "Ah-ha! It was that Steevenson guy!" only to find out, "What? It was the victim's transexual, one-legged, homosexual bodyguard!? I didn't see that one comming!"?

Don't watch CSI, but know what you mean. TV programmes are just that: Programs. They affect your mind. Some limit you, others enhance - like software for the subconscious. Seeing the recurring themes, they become predictable and thus, rather boring.

And you can watch pretty much any Star Trek episode and the Vulcans logic gets trumped by the Human concept of, "gut".

One of the Star Trek franchise's few concessions to human primacy. The Vulcan's are too stuffy, y'see...and humans can think outside the box of "pure" logic, it's our gift (one of many).

So, why do atheists put so much stock in logic?

Don't worry about it. Most of them haven't the faintest grasp of the rules of Logic. If they did, for example, they might question cherished concepts like "randomness" and "objectivism", or the oft-displayed proud ability to rationalize the irrational via shaky premises and woefully unsubstatiated assumptions.

Always remember, the intellect is a tool; a means, not an end. That is the most important thing.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but they believe what the Machine tells them...

Don't worry about it. Most of them haven't the faintest grasp of the rules of Logic. If they did, for example, they might question cherished concepts like "randomness" and "objectivism", or the oft-displayed proud ability to rationalize the irrational via shaky premises and woefully unsubstatiated assumptions.

Totally illogical.

I took a couple of mathematical courses in logic in college, I dare say atheists as a rule have a better handle on the rules of logic than your average theist.

"Unsubstatiated assumptions" are the hallmark of theism.


Well-Known Member
Totally illogical.

I took a couple of mathematical courses in logic in college, I dare say atheists as a rule have a better handle on the rules of logic than your average theist.

"Unsubstatiated assumptions" are the hallmark of theism.

Lol! Oh, very convincing. :p:sarcastic


Well-Known Member
Lol! Oh, very convincing. :p:sarcastic

ALong the way to a degree in mathematics(probability and statistics) and a masters in business.(MBA).

Of course, that was a long time ago, formal education is only a stepping stone, I've learned much more in my favorite subjects since school than I did in school.


I am Who I am
Logic and Spirituality... Both have there places. To me the world is filled with children much less adults watching over them. Logic is like a new toy in that we explore and tinker with it. However, children have been known to spend alot of there time with the new toy and neglect the other and more older ones (eg Spirituality).

In time there will be a balance and children will grow up, these toys will become tools when humanity stops acting like children. Logic and the Spiritual aspect of humanity will have there useful place and we will not over due one or the other.

People tend to over-rationalize many things or they tend to be absurdly superstitious. Sometimes both, nonetheless logic to an atheist just as God to a theist can become bent out of shape or taken to extremes, when it wasnt meant to be that way at all.
A lot of atheists put their faith in logic, but isn't that a bit... illogical?
Faith in logic is not the same as Atheists preferring logic to convince of truth.

So, why do atheists put so much stock in logic?
Because they are logical? ;)
Logic is not the enemy of those who have faith in God but of those who fear logic will prove their God nonexistent. Have some faith in the Almighty, my friend.
He does not hide behind His desk, trembling, when the intellectual logic groupies stand up. As a Christian Apologist, I have found logic and Science to be my friend. ;)

Oh, and I "put much stock in logic" and I am Christian. :drool:


I am Who I am
Faith in logic is not the same as Atheists preferring logic to convince of truth .... Logic is not the enemy of those who have faith in God but of those who fear logic will prove their God nonexistent .... As a Christian Apologist, I have found logic and Science to be my friend.

I'm a Christian as well let me break this down...

1. Faith in general means confidence in a person or plan. Atheist put there confidence in Logic. If faith leads to salvation in Christianity than the salvation of the atheist is logical thought, in that to them logic ALONE saves them. The same way a Protestant would say FAITH ALONE saves you.

2. Most of Christianity cringes at the site of logic and reason, and according to what your saying it would prove the Christian God Nonexistent. However, you said "their god" which to me implies the possibility of there still of being a transcendental source if you will.

3. I hope you stand strong in your faith, ignore the doctrine and dogma lest you fall to the over-rationalizing arguments prepared by most atheist who pride themselves over one aspect of the mind rather than the whole mind.
1. Faith in general means confidence in a person or plan. Atheist put there confidence in Logic. If faith leads to salvation in Christianity than the salvation of the atheist is logical thought, in that to them logic ALONE saves them.
The definition of faith is actually "belief"
So if faith/belief leads to salvation, there is nothing unbiblical about atheists coming to believe in to God by logic.
Ask one of the Christian's most loved authors, a former atheist, C.S Lewis, who did just that.

The same way a Protestant would say FAITH ALONE saves you.
Actually, JESUS said that, not the Protestant.
  1. Luke 7:50
    Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."
    Ephesians 2:8
  2. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
Most of Christianity cringes at the site of logic and reason, and according to what your saying it would prove the Christian God Nonexistent.
Most of Christianity? Hardly. There is an entire branch of the Body (Apologists) who can and do defend our faith, using both. Through the grace of God, I have stood strong against atheists in debate using logic and reason.
However, you said "their god" which to me implies the possibility of there still of being a transcendental source if you will.
I never said their god, me thinks you misread.
I hope you stand strong in your faith, ignore the doctrine and dogma lest you fall to the over-rationalizing arguments prepared by most atheist who pride themselves over one aspect of the mind rather than the whole mind.
[/quote] One cannot ask them to disregard that "one" aspect of their mind, that you speak of either. God gave them the power and ability to reason, He will not be proved nonexistent by it and has been actually proved to exist by doing so.
Logic is underrated by all religious folks.
Generalizations are both dangerous and easy ways to be proven wrong, my friend. ;)

Really, how?
You got about 6 hours?;) We would need a large lot of time to tackle this monster.
Im new here (Sup, everybody!) but if we can set a date and time, Im game, doll.

Oh, and just for clarification..
Intelligence is infact praised in the Word of God.
Deuteronomy 4:6: This great nation is truly a wise and intelligent people.

Proverbs 1:5: A wise man by hearing them will advance in learning, an intelligent man will gain sound guidance.

Proverbs 10:13: On the lips of the intelligent is found wisdom.

Proverbs 11:12: He who reviles his neighbor has no sense, but the intelligent man keeps silent.

Proverbs 14:33: In the heart of the intelligent wisdom abides, but in the bosom of fools it is unknown.

Proverbs 15:14: The mind of the intelligent man seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on folly.


I am Who I am
(Pseudo)Paul is part of the Ephesians... Paul was large on faith hell he didnt even encourage good works lest I should boast. Good Works and Faith are only a part of it... As for faith as belief or confidence when Jesus was walking on water and one of the apostles fell in the water didnt Jesus said he lacked in faith him. It takes confidence to put forth and believe something, if you were unconfident about something you wouldn't believe it would you? Than you would be lacking in faith... Therefore, Faith is Confidence in a Person or a Plan.

When I say most I mean Quantity not Quality. Many Christians are limited to use of logic and reason especially fundamentalist and evangelical Christians are the ones that typically cringe and get bent out of shape. I have to stood strong in arguments against atheism and in fact brought me to wear I am today.

I'm not asking them to disregard simply to tone it down. Logic can only take you so far before you begin to over-rationalize... Just as being a devoted [fill in your religion] could lead to fundamentalism and even fanaticism.


New Member
What do you suppose we do in it's stead? Take it on faith?

God is a flying spaghetti monster.
Logically, you would find some sort of reason to reject this claim. but i'm telling you to take it on faith.

Logically, you would question what reason you have to believe me. Again, i would say take it on faith.

So, whats your choice? do you abandon whatever religious affiliation you have and commit obedience to a ridiculous deity that i can't prove, or do you logically deny its existence?


I evolved.
Logically, there is no compelling evidence showing God(s) exist.
Therefore, I choose to believe in God(s).


Correct logic forms a perfect argument. That is why I am an atheist.


Logically, there is no compelling evidence showing God(s) exist.
Wrong. How weightily sound evidence actually is doesn't account for how appealing or compelling it is.

Your opening appeal to logic at the beginning of your sentence confuses all the more, as what YOU likely standardize as "compelling" evidence is not a strict excercise in logic.

Correct logic forms a perfect argument. That is why I am an atheist.
Then show that math. Should be easy, right?

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
It's not emotion humans lack, but logic, look who we selected as our POTUS for the last 8 years - there was no logic involved there.

Both have sufficient potential in humans. Logic is evidenced by our technological advances, and emotion by our procreative success.