People, please, come one, come all... Listen to me... I'm just kidding.
Such things are a necessity when there are billions in need. However, greed has perpetuated much fallacy in our lives.. We do not NEED 90% of what we are encouraged to possess.
You can live off water for months at a time. I'm sure we do not need 3 square meals a day.
Our culture is obsessed with vanity, glam, money, wealth, ludacy... Our culture is being designed to perpetuate our economy in the US and numerous other cultures.
If I could get a solid 2k a month that would be easy living for me, other than taking up professional vagrancy and wondering the states, checking out the Aztecan and Mayan ruins.
People don't understand why I'm not obsessed with riches, fame, estate, notoriety, status... It's just stuff I wasn't in life for. I wanted Glory in battle one way or the other for sure, but that's not going to happen. I must let it go, you see, I'm sort of in hell already. Explosions, women, children screaming, people dying, theatrics, that's the real world to me. Where I can die with honor, glory and dignity in tact while experience massive loss of bowel control there at the bad bit, death rattle. It's got to be dumbed down, the Government is insultingly pushing stupidity and ignorance on people. In the US anyway, it's all just become one big god forsaken insult to your intelligence. And peace of mind is what people want, it's what they get.
So income is a necessity, just make peace with it. I quite contrasting with other peoples lives and values. The depravity and corruption is sensational to me, and that's how people want it. It's a bit of a reaction from all the centuries of religious oppression, the Church should have expected such an outcome.
I'm not one to judge, honestly. Strive for riches, fame and wealth... Have an estate, huge bank account and ingrateful family to provide for.