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Is original sin inherited?


Veteran Member
The Bible is saying that various lines of the human family radiated out from the plains of Shinar. -Genesis chapter 11.
Acts 17:26 says God made out of one man all nations of men.
Even ethnic groups still trace back to human kind or human race.
Heredity or common descent links people together.
What the authors were trying to convey is what is recorded at Genesis 9:18,19
along with the generations listed in chapter 10.
The word 'race' is not mentioned.
Gen 10:31,32 mentions families, or family descent, and nations.


Active Member
The Bible is saying that various lines of the human family radiated out from the plains of Shinar. -Genesis chapter 11.
Acts 17:26 says God made out of one man all nations of men.
Even ethnic groups still trace back to human kind or human race.
Heredity or common descent links people together.
What the authors were trying to convey is what is recorded at Genesis 9:18,19
along with the generations listed in chapter 10.
The word 'race' is not mentioned.
Gen 10:31,32 mentions families, or family descent, and nations.

WTF... I am not sure what I just read... Erh...

When you say "Human kind/race", are you saying that humans are not related to other animals?

And when you say other ethnic groups trace back to human kind.. Erh??? Do you mean other ethnic groups are NOT part of human kind? What do you mean?


Well-Known Member
The Bible is saying that various lines of the human family radiated out from the plains of Shinar. -Genesis chapter 11.
Acts 17:26 says God made out of one man all nations of men.
Even ethnic groups still trace back to human kind or human race.
Heredity or common descent links people together.
What the authors were trying to convey is what is recorded at Genesis 9:18,19
along with the generations listed in chapter 10.
The word 'race' is not mentioned.
Gen 10:31,32 mentions families, or family descent, and nations.
So how does this link up with
Originally Posted by URAVIP2ME
Can the three-fold division of the human family: Japhetic, Hamitic, and Semitic races all descended from Adam to Noah be successfully disputed?
The notion that all humans are descended from a common ancestral population is not in contention; it is your three-fold division deriving from Noah's sons that conflicts with reality. (That and the Shinar bit, of course.)


Veteran Member
Dear Earthlings-

We are all part of the human race. The three-fold division was meant that according to Scripture we all trace back to Noah and from Noah to Adam. Since Noah had three sons there was a fresh start after the Deluge. So according to Scripture we trace back to them, then Noah, then Adam.

According to Scripture humans are not related to animals.
Animals created first. Humans can not reproduce with animals.


Well-Known Member
Dear Earthlings-

We are all part of the human race. The three-fold division was meant that according to Scripture we all trace back to Noah and from Noah to Adam. Since Noah had three sons there was a fresh start after the Deluge. So according to Scripture we trace back to them, then Noah, then Adam.
And what I have spent post after post trying to explain to you is that this three-fold division has no basis in reality. It does not correspond to what we observe about present-day humanity. If your scripture insists it must exist, then your scripture is wrong.

Can I put this any more plainly?


Well-Known Member
Assuming that there is an 'original sin' from the 'times of Adam and Eve' is it inherited, is there a gene to determine if you get the O.S.? Has it been changed by evolution? Can it be genetically bred out of us so as to skip judegement and head right on ahead to heaven?

You make things so complicated, if I were you I wouldn't worry about it.


Veteran Member
And what I have spent post after post trying to explain to you is that this three-fold division has no basis in reality. It does not correspond to what we observe about present-day humanity. If your scripture insists it must exist, then your scripture is wrong.
Can I put this any more plainly?

Before Noah going back to Adam what potential for division existed we do not know. Where the Scriptures are silent does not make Scripture wrong, just insufficient information, but we do know each reproduces according to its kind.
People are all human kind.


Well-Known Member
Before Noah going back to Adam what potential for division existed we do not know. Where the Scriptures are silent does not make Scripture wrong, just insufficient information...
So are you finally abandoning your insistence that everyone in the world must belong to a Semitic, Hamitic or Japhetic racial group?
... but we do know each reproduces according to its kind.
People are all human kind.
Who on earth is disputing that people are all human? Our common ancestry is a given; and as a species we are remarkably genetically uniform. Where are you trying to go with this?


Veteran Member
Don't some people dispute that common ancestry is from the animal kingdom?

Going with this ? That we are remarkably genetically uniform Homo Sapiens.
All known races today developed, according to Scripture, Noah's sons, Noah....Adam.
Everyone in the world must belong, humans of all races, trace back to Adam.
All belong to the human race, but first tracing back to Noah.
So the first direct connection would be to Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Then back further through Noah.


Originally Posted by nonbeliever_92
Assuming that there is an 'original sin' from the 'times of Adam and Eve' is it inherited, is there a gene to determine if you get the O.S.? Has it been changed by evolution?

Me: The earliest Orthodox Jews (Pharisees & Sadducees) recognised from their TORAH (First 5 books of the bible), the fraudulent claims of this biblical Jesus.

The Christian understanding is that the messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah is supposed to be a human sacrifice that is the blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin.

But we are taught in this proven self contradicting bible that no one can die for the sins of another. -

In Deuteronomy 24:16 (KJV) it specifically says this:

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Online Source: http://whatjewsbelieve.org/) - What Jews believe Point 1.)


Fathers must not be put to death for what their children24 do, nor children for what their fathers do; each must be put to death for his own sin. (Deut. 24:16) NET

This was later confirmed by -

Ezekiel 18:20 RSV

"THE SON SHALL NOT SUFFER FOR THE INIQUITY OF THE FATHER. NOR THE FATHER SUFFER FOR THE INIQUITY OF THE SON; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself."

Ezekiel 18:20 also "pulls the rug out from under" Christianity's main premise, that all generations of mankind are burdened with sin and death stemming from Adam's act of disobedience. Only Christ's redeeming shed blood can end this never-ending cycle of sin and death. Quite clearly Ezekiel refutes this notion. "The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father." (Online Source: http://www.bibleorigins.net/MoabiteBloodMessiah.html)

More so -
Jews correctly also, do not believe in original sin.

IN SHORT... Jews do not believe in the existence of Original Sin. The concept of Original Sin simply states that because Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they brought Death into the world. Every human being dies because Adam and Eve committed a sin, and for their sin, all humans are punished with death. However, the Bible describes something entirely different. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because if they remained, they could eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, which would make them IMmortal. If Adam and Eve had to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life to become IMmortal, then they were created mortal to begin with. They did not bring Death into the world, and we don't die because they sinned. As a matter of Biblical fact, the answer to Question One shows that one person cannot die as the punishment for the sins committed by another. We die because Death is a natural part of existence, and has been since from the moment the first human beings were created. That is why God told the animals, before Adam and Eve ate the fruit from The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, to be fruitful and to multiply, since they needed to replace themselves. God also told the same thing to Adam and Eve before they ate that fruit as well. (Online Source: http://whatjewsbelieve.org/) - What Jews believe Point 5.)

As it turned out therefore, the biblical text unambiguously proves that the Pharisees and Sadducees were correct and this biblical Jesus rightly recognised as a fraud.

Originally Posted by nonbeliever_92
Can it be genetically bred out of us so as to skip judegement and head right on ahead to heaven?

Me: The christian concept of ' heaven going for all believers ' is also a none sense and unsupported by the story book text.




Veteran Member
No 'imperfect' person can die for the sins of another.

Doesn't Romans 6:7 say that death frees or acquits a person from sin?
That would be the sin or imperfection we all have.
[The only exception for Rom 6:7 would be Matt 12:32; Heb 6:4-6].
Although death frees or acquits from sin does not mean innocent,
but like a governor can pardon a person meaning the charges (sin)
no longer sticks.

Death, according to Rom 6:23, STAMPS the price tag of death as "Paid In Full".

If we could 'die' for oneself or another then we could resurrect oneself or another
So we can not die for another in order for them to be resurrected.

Jesus not having an imperfect human father could be born with human perfection of mind and body [as Adam originally had] so that his ransom sacrifice makes our resurrection possible.

R. Wayne

New Member
God has intentionally created man to be "less than perfect," in order that he/she can exist as a "free agency" (elect personal choices). Original sin, in the case of Adam and Eve, is just that: it is the first instance of a human being defying God's will for him/her. We did not inherit a sinful nature from Adam and Eve; our sinful nature is, in reality, our "imperfect" state of being. We are incapable of perfection here on Earth; and, absolute truth is denied the finite mind ABSOLUTELy. So all replies are less than perfect, but essential in a discussion process that is seeking the reality of any given issue.

R. Wayne

New Member
If Adam had been created "perfect of mind," he could not possibly sin inasmuch as sinning is contrary to perfection. Revisit your notion and consider this: Adam was created "in the image, in the likeness of God, but less than God. If Adam was created a perfect being, he'd still be in Eden.
Scripture does not teach that Adam's body was perfect, only that he would have continued existing in Eden. God, being All-knowing, foreknew that Adam would sin, and God forknew that His creation activity would perfectly suit his divine purpose for doing so. God foreknew that imperfect as human beings are, there would be those who would suit His purpose by loving one another, loving God in return, loving Jesus...thereby making God's love complete! Heart-felt loving, reaching out to another to nurture their spiritual growth (as stated by Dr. M. Scott Peck) is what we can do, and those that do, through Jesus Christ, can live "fully assured."


Veteran Member
Genesis says everything God created was Very Good.
Adam was created healthy or in very good health.
Obedience to God would keep him healthy and living forever.

Wasn't Satan, before his fall, created with angelic perfection or very good also?

Perfection does not mean no choices. Angels nor humans are robots.

They had perfect control to choose thoughts, feelings, actions.
Perfection indicates instant discernment to be able to make up one's mind immediately.
Did you notice that neither Satan nor Adam ever repented or felt regret.
James 1:14,15.

We were all born after Adam's downfall into imperfection.
If we could stop sinning we would not die.
We can feel regret and repent.
Since it is no fault of our own that is why Jesus is our mediator.

Right now we are incapable of making perfect choices because the time of Matthew 25:31,21; 16:27 has not yet arrived. The righteous ones living on earth at the time of Jesus 'glory' are placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, and they remain alive or keep on living right into Jesus peaceful 1000-year rule over earth.
The upright remain as Proverbs 2:21,22 says.
The humble meek [Psalm 37:11,29] remain alive on earth.
That is why during Jesus millennial rule over earth the time will be as Revelation 21:4 says there will be no more death. No more death means no sickness (Isa 33:24) and without sickness and death there will be the original human perfection that Adam originally had.
Rev. 22:2. Jesus will fulfill the promise to Abraham that all families of the earth will be blessed and all nations of the earth will be blessed.
-Genesis 12:3; 22:17,18.


Well-Known Member
"No 'imperfect' person can die for the sins of another."

I do not need or require anyone to die for my sins, in fact, I don't accept "sin" as a real thing.


Veteran Member
If one breaks man's law it is not called sin but still a crime.
If one breaks God's law, which should be in harmony with man's law, it is a crime called sin.

Who of us do not make mistakes? Who has perfect control of their tongue?
James 3:2-8 Isn't the tongue a real thing?