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Is owning Guns good or bad?


klubbhead024 said:
I believe that gun ownership is a good thing!
More guns = people thinking twice before pulling their illegal gun out to scare = less crime = keeping the Constitution the way it was meant to be!

While I come from a home that didn't have any sort of gun, and having parents strongly against gun ownership, I will be getting a small handheld gun to keep next to the bed in case some idiot decides he wants to rob me!

you will probably find that all illegal guns were legal at one point. and stocking up with more guns will just provide more illegal guns tomorrow. It's like nukes, somebody had a few so somebody else got scared and made more, then the other person had to get even more, etc etc, now we live in a world filled with nukes, some legal alot illegal and nobody knows who's got what and how many, so we all sit arround s@#tting ourselves incase someone uses one!


Res Ipsa Loquitur


Veteran Member
SoyLeche said:
I don't think anyone doubts that it is possible in some situations. In others it isn't. For those cases, I'd like to have a gun.
We aren't living in the wild west anymore and if you were in that type of situation, without the proper military, police or other type of defense training you wouldn't be able to react properly and you would only get yourself shot for sure or end up in prison for using a deadly weapon...

The police don't care what the story is.

Tell it to the judge...

Dale Schanze is a classic case in which he knew he was in the right and tried to fight it but lost in the end. A woman came forth and paid his bail at which he graciously thanked her.

The story was unbelievably unfair in my opinion.

His gun problems made him freak out and even more wacky than he already was, but at least before his gun problems he had a succesful business and was very religious and repeatedly aired a half hour program on how to be succesful based on prayer.

He is a decent guy with a decent family who wacked out because of his gun related problems...

He has a nice home on the point of the mountain where all the hang gliders, paragliders and radio controled sail plane flyers go. I've personally spent many hours there watching the hang gliders and paragliders and have flown my RC glider there and used to ride an off road bike there with my father as a kid before it was developed.

Dale was a thrill seeker and loved to shoot all types of weapons at his shooting range and other gun clubs and loves to fly in his motorized paraglider. No different than what I would consider normal. Just a milti million dollar thrill seeker who carried a gun for protection, which he needed being so high profile, but that's what body guards, security and police officers are for to keep us safe....

Dale did not have the proper defense training to avoid all the gun related laws that could get him in trouble...

He lost in the end..

He should have spent the extra money on a body guard or lived in a gated community, but he chose to live literally at the top of the point of the mountain next to where the hang gliders all congregate... Not the best place to live....


Well-Known Member
jmaster78 said:
yes well you may be the bright spark of the gun totting bunch but i wonder how many of your fellow gun owners keep their guns in pieces in a separate safe to the amunition?

This is a pretty basic rule of gun saftey. I don't store my ammunition, clips and weapons together. I know people who keep their clips in safe deposit boxes in the bank.


Veteran Member
SoyLeche said:
I don't mind going to prison if my family is safe.
Funny.... but seriously in extreme situations a jail or prison sentence ruins your chances of ever getting a descent job in the future so you'll lose custody of your kids and your wife will leave you...

Consult your wife before bringing a gun in the home.

I rented a home with Henry Moyle, (son of Henry D. Moyle, General Authority) who came from a wealthy family and they always had guns and he had a few rifles and wouldn't be caught without one, but his wife hated that they had them and wanted him to get rid of them...

Don't assume your wife is okay with you having a gun in the home...


FFH said:
Funny.... but seriously in extreme situations a jail or prison sentence ruins your chances of ever getting a descent job in the future so you'll lose custody of your kids and your wife will leave you...
You don't know my wife
Consult your wife before bringing a gun in the home.
Do you really think that I would without consulting her???

Actually, we've already talked about it. I'm not planning on getting one soon though. I'll probably wait until my friend who knows a lot more about guns than I do gets home from his mission. That way he'll be able to help me pick out the right one, and we can go to the shooting range together so I can learn how to use it right.


In my honest opinion, guns can be used for many different things.
Some for Hunting, some for people, and some for protection

Hunting to me is fine, if not some populations would take off, and then there would be way to many, just like Deer in some area.
Protection is needed, In wars, (whether your for or against it, you should be glad that our men and women over there have the right things to have safety for themselves)
and in other situations. Therefor having a gun for either is fine by me.

Killing someone, for goods, out of jealousy, and stuff of the sort is not what guns should do, so IMO people who have guns for that, should have them taken away


Veteran Member
SoyLeche said:
You don't know my wife
I thought you might say something like that
Do you really think that I would without consulting her???
I guess consult was a bad word to use. I mean ask if it's really okay with her, verses just igmoring her negative reactions to having a gun in the home... I could tell my wife I'm bringing a gun in the home and try to convince her it was the best thing for us but she would still be of the opinion that we should not have one at all no matter what the rationale... Is it really okay with your spouse or have you convinced her it's what we "should" do.

It seems most would just say tough we are going to have a gun whether you like it or not if you were determined to have one for whatever reason....

Actually, we've already talked about it. I'm not planning on getting one soon though. I'll probably wait until my friend who knows a lot more about guns than I do gets home from his mission. That way he'll be able to help me pick out the right one, and we can go to the shooting range together so I can learn how to use it right.
Yeah, you better get the dude in the heart or head because he'll probably get a shot off at you, if only hit in the arm or leg...

You seriously are playing with fire and are misled if you think you can defend yourself against someone who may have already killed or at least had been using a gun most of his life...

I work with a serious gun owner who has suggested he has taken shots at people, but has not admitted to killing anyone....

Seriously trying to steer this young hispanic kid from a nice part of California in the right direction.

He said he didn't know what a a Mormon was until he came to Utah.

He has a gun with a laser scope on it, you know a red laser dot to pinpoint his target.

Better get a laser scope on yours too or you'll be down before you can even reach for the keys to the trigger lock...


Veteran Member
I don't let anyone at my work know where I live, unless they are above me in rank...

I've been involved with firing people and it is extremely scary because you don't know how they will react later on....

I've had dreams of people we have had to fire in the past because of theft within the company, who have come after me with guns drawn...

I've had several dreams of this type and in the end if I just didn't antagonize them further or acted as if I had nothing to do with the firings then they just seemed to go away...

It's all a mental game between you and the person who wants to harm you.

The worst thing that has happened though is sugar in my gas tank, to which I just put a locking cap on...


The Devil's Advocate
comprehend said:
Jonny inspired this thread with his becoming a man thread... and I happened to have purchased another gun yesterday (I have many).

QUESTIONS: (pick any or all)

Do you think owning guns is good or bad. (generally).

Would you personally ever own a gun? why?

Is an armed populace good or bad? Does it protect against despotism?
Is driving a car good or bad?
Is disco dancing good or bad?
Is eating at all you can eat buffets good or bad?

Geez louise, why does there have to be a moral judgement regarding owning guns?


Res Ipsa Loquitur
FFH said:
It's not even an option, unless I am a security or police officer, on or off duty...
Of course it is an option, what do you mean?

This isn't the wild west anymore....

Do you think they would just let me into the mall with a gun holster and a gun such as the police have ???
yep. it's called a concealed weapon permit. I have one. I carry a gun everywhere. (except the court house, post office, and other federal buildings where guns are prohibited).

It's illegal to carry a concealed weapon in the U.S. and if you have a gun in your car you must display it in clear view, such as rifles hung in the back window or if you are ever caught with one under the seat or glove compartment you will face serious fines and/or jail time...

Really? then how do I have a concealed weapon permit?


Res Ipsa Loquitur
lilithu said:
Is driving a car good or bad?
Is disco dancing good or bad?
Is eating at all you can eat buffets good or bad?

Geez louise, why does there have to be a moral judgement regarding owning guns?

Because so many people have a moral opinion of them. :D I just wanted to know what it is.


Active Member
FFH said:
We aren't living in the wild west anymore and if you were in that type of situation, without the proper military, police or other type of defense training you wouldn't be able to react properly and you would only get yourself shot for sure or end up in prison for using a deadly weapon...

I have military training FFH. I can get a kill shot at 500 yards. That doesn’t have any relevance on someone protecting themselves or their family. I don't know what the law is where you live but here in Texas if someone comes into your house; you have the legal right to kill them. No if ands or buts...One thing I like about Texas law. Does this mean if someone breaks into my house that I will kill them? That will depends on the circumstances...I will not hesitate if there is a question that my family is in danger. Like I said, I am extreme pacifist. I do not believe in harming anything unless you have Universally justified reasoning for doing so.

Protection crosses that boundary. As in the mall situation, I would have stopped that man if I had any means to do so. If it meant killing him I would be karmically justified because I would be protecting the innocent.


Active Member
FFH said:
It's illegal to carry a concealed weapon in the U.S. and if you have a gun in your car you must display it in clear view, such as rifles hung in the back window or if you are ever caught with one under the seat or glove compartment you will face serious fines and/or jail time...

Not in Texas FFH...it's legal here...:D


Charismatic Enigma
Guns sicken me and so do the people who own them, I'm shocked that so many people that I have known and respected on here can loose all of my respect in just one thread!
Anyone who owns a gun has the blood of the victims of any gun crime on their hands!