Your scenario would be exactly the same if the new generations NEVER GOT MARRIED but remained monogamous to one partner, having clean, endlessly premarital sex.
True. this solution is about monogamy, not marriage, but in many cultures, 'marriage' is about picking a partner and sticking to him/her, with our without legal sanction. In reality, it would be pretty much the same thing.
But, like your scenario, you'd be better off encouraging regular medical testing and family planning over the utopian pipe dream you've got going here.
It's not an impossible dream, is it? I mean, as I mentioned, *I* managed to do it. I know many others who have...and y'know what else?
Those of us who have done so have lived long, healthy, happy and fulfilled (even sexually fulfilled) lives while doing so.
I remind that 'the science' shows abstinence only education states have the worst record of STI and teen pregnancies.
I don't remember saying anything about sex education or the 'abstinence only' option. In fact, it seems to me that we would have to, if we were going to try this, make sure that everybody knows precisely WHY it is important. People do stupid stuff in ignorance.
(The science so far also shows that in most cases balanced vegetarian diets is healthier than balanced omnivorious diets for humans, that certainly hasn't made meat eating end.) That you CAN be abstinent doesn't mean it's laudable, when there are more realistic tools at our disposal to curb both things.
I don't know of any other thing that would absolutely ensure the end sought, do you? Birth control measures are not 100% effective against pregnancy, after all, and, in fact, aren't all that helpful in preventing STD's.
I had lots of sex with my husband before we got married. But we also doubled protection, had plans in case something went wrong, and had a commitment to each other that transcended the largely empty gesture of marriage (which we literally did for tax/financial/legal convenience). And y'know what? We're living happy, fulfilled lives, too.
Did either of you have sex with anybody ELSE?
Remember; I'm not talking about morals or the ceremony of marriage here, or what 'marriage' means to the different cultures. In many of them, you are quite OK to have sex with your spouse before that ceremony...because for all intents and purposes, your commitment is permanent the first time you have sex, or consider yourselves to be 'betrothed.'
That's where the term 'hand-fasted' comes from, for one thing. The same as 'marriage,' to the participants and the religion/belief system they hold to, it lacks only the legal contract that the government views 'marriage' as.
So I hate to break this to you, but it doesn't really matter in terms of what I mentioned, whether one is legally married or not.
It's about choosing, and sticking to, one partner and not fooling around before you do, or after you do.
Wiccans sometimes do the 'handfasting' and not the legal contract. Doesn't matter what you call it, if the result is monogamy, does it?
As far as the scientific realities of getting rid of STD's are concerned, it really doesn't matter what the government or the church or your own 'but...but...." happens.
If one entire generation of people would come to their marriages (or partnerings, however it is called) virgin, and then stay monogamous throughout that relationship, then STD's would pretty much disappear.
It is possible for people to do this and live good, solid, fulfilled lives. Therefore it is possible to do this.
Doesn't matter how much one argues against it, it's possible...and all arguments against it pretty much come down to selfishness; "But....but...I want my jollies!"
I know it won't happen. Doesn't mean I'm not right about what such an action would mean.
Oh....even now, even with all the selfish 'I wanna screw around and nobody can stop me!" people whining about doing this, those who DO?
Well, they aren't going to get STD's, are they?