Which makes pre-marital sex as a topic moot. The important thing isn't the marriage, here. Either a personal, religious or legal ceremony. Because the Christians here on this thread are most certainly not talking about two committed heathens having unwed sex as 'marital sex.'
I don't care. I believe that I made it quite clear in my original post that standards involving 'premarital' sex...the morality of it, anyway, is about the culture and the personal opinions of those who make that decision. My own standards are pretty strict; no premarital sex. No extra-marital sex. Both are immoral, in my belief system. However, not everybody subscribes to my belief system.
What I SAID was that aside from any morality involved, premarital (or pre-choose a permanent partner, however it's done) is stupid. There is a fairly large difference between the two concepts, I think.
I manage to be vegetarian, which is both healthier and reduces unnecessary suffering. But I understand that, realistically, not everyone is going to take what I consider a sensible step and so I encourage realistic goals for societal health and animal husbandry.
Good for you. No sarcasm or condescension intended; I mean that. Good for you. However, if everybody became a vegetarian, it wouldn't solve the problem of diseases that have plagued humans for pretty much as long as there have been humans, would it?
Might save a bunch of cows and chickens, ...but then again, probably not. All those cows and chickens would probably go extinct, since nobody would have any use for them....
Abstinence only programs exist because of the notion that 'pre-marital sex is bad.' It enforces sexual purity until marriage. I agree that making informed decisions is important though, so at least we've got that.
Again, 'absolute end' is not a realistic goal. And although hormone based birth control methods are not helpful in preventing STD's, barrier birth control methods such as condoms are (I use both by the way. There's no good reason to not double up on prevention unless you are currently trying for kids). You know what else is...?
Good for preventing STD's???
abstinence before marriage (whatever stands for that) and monogamy afterward?
Yes, I did. Granted, I was not a willing participant (and I'll leave it there.)
I'm sorry.
But do you know how we mitigated any further disaster such as spreading an STD to my husband?
I got tested. This is the other scenario in the 'effective way to eliminate STDs,' get tested between partners. Make informed decisions based on those test results.
....and what if you had 'tested positively?" For something like, oh, AIDS or another incurable STD?
I submit that, if you and your husband remained monogamous, the result would have been the same; the disease would have stopped with you two.
I am quite aware that I'm air dreaming here. Humans have been around a very long time, and this would require individual commitment from everybody; it's not something that can be forced or legislated. Too many selfish people figuring that THEY have the right to fool around all they want to, and to hell with anybody they might infect or impact.
In fact, almost all the posts in here objecting to the idea that pre-marital sex is 'immoral' are arguing from that POV....the selfish one. The one that says 'doesn't matter what risks I run, or what I expose my partners to, or what happens to a child that might result...it's more important that I get an orgasm than any of those considerations, and nobody has the right to criticize!"