Either the mother or father could have been born with one, and pass it on to their child. And sex isn't the only way STIs can be transmitted.
Exactly what she said. Health care workers are even at a high risk of infection from accidental pokes and accidentally coming into contact with infected blood. It is immoral and illegal for them to have any sexual contact with patients.
And enough aren't doing it to promote abstinence only, and when abstinence only is promoted they are still having sex.
You are officially irritating me. I have NEVER promoted 'abstinence only' for school courses. I have simply stated one scientific fact; if everybody came to their permanent partner virgin, and stayed monogamous to that partner, STD's would be eliminated in one generation.
That is absolutely true. Whether humans are willing to do that? That's a whole 'nuther discussion, and has nothing whatsoever to do with that stated fact. It doesn't matter how ELSE STD's might be transmitted...sexual contact is by far the most prevalent one. Yes, mothers can give it to their children, but when that happens the disease is recognized pretty quickly. Yes, one can get certain STD's through blood contact (AIDS being the most scarey) but in order to get it in those ways (did I see someone ACTUALLY say that one could get an STD from a toilet seat?) one must first be dealing with someone who got that disease...from sexual contact.
Like I said; smallpox is eradicated. Nobody is vaccinated against smallpox any more. Why? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST outside some stupid laboratory. It doesn't matter how many different ways one can get an STD if it has been so completely defeated that nobody HAS one to transmit.
BTW, if everybody came virgin to the 'wedding,' and stayed monogamous afterward, it wouldn't matter if one of the partners did have an STD. It wouldn't go any further. It's too easy to guard against transmission through other means.
Actually with robots it is the same exact logical processing that is required for "adding long lists of numbers."
Uh Huh. I bet you are one of those people who don't believe that dyslexia is real, and that the only reason kids with dyslexia 'can't' read is because they are "too stupid," or "don't try hard enough," aren't you?
I have news for you. Dyscalculia is real. I have it. It is a condition that, like dyslexic kids, messes with the ability to manipulate numbers. Look it up, if you have the time and are interested.
What happens to ME is that I have problems adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing...arithmetic. Oddly enough, I don't have problems with algebra or any higher form of math, as long as these things are presented to me as equations, with letters and symbols rather than numbers. Those who have 'examined' me figure that it is because I turn equations into a language....and I"m pretty good at language.
However, once numbers are plugged into those equations, I'm lost. The greatest thing that ever happened to me was the electronic calculator, and I got one of the very first ones when they were hundreds of dollars. I've been dependent upon them ever since.
So, it's not the 'logical process' that eludes me...or anybody else with dyscalculia. It's the numbers themselves. They....how can I put this...don't stand still. Someone called it 'dyslexia with numbers,' and that's pretty much true.
But dyslexic kids can be the smartest kids around, understanding what is written just fine. Sometimes they understand more than the kids who can read easily. It's the method of communication that messes them up. There are ways around that....and there are ways around being dyscalculaic, too. What that means is that I'm no worse at math than you....if I have a calculator in my hand and am allowed to use it.
In fact, were you aware that some people believe that Thomas Edison may have been dyscalculaic? He was neither stupid nor unable to function.
And the point still stands - personal anecdotal evidence of "I did it, so why can't others" isn't a valid reason on how to expect other people to behave.
Of course it is...unless one thinks of oneself as somehow being superior to everybody else. But that doesn't matter.
Two things: it is obvious that if people would DO this for one generation, STD's would go away...nothing to do with morals, just medical fact.
It is also obvious that this ain't gonna happen, because the idea of waiting until a permanent partner shows up, and then being 'true' to that partner, makes some selfish people cringe.
Because they believe that their personal pleasure trumps all other considerations.
And I don't get that. Exactly how much time does one spend having sex, anyway? Seems to me that even the most, er, active person spends a considerable minority of his/her time actually engaging in sexual intercourse. So the REST of life is at least as, if not more, important. You know...talking, playing, working, interacting with, your chosen 'other,' etc.
I can tell you this much; no human accomplishment ever made was done while having sex. As much fun as sex is (and it is...) if you have a scientific or philosophical 'eureka' moment while doing so, you aren't doing it right.
This assumes that most people having premarital sex are self centered and hedonists. That would be a very massive chunk of the population.
Yep. But don't use 'premarital' in terms of legal contracts. I'm talking about choosing a permanent partner, which doesn't necessarily require legal marriage.
Nope. I took precautions and got to know partners some before doing anything.
Good for you...and no condescension or sarcasm is meant by that. However, as you have argued before, no precaution is 100% reliable.
But being celibate before finding a permanent partner, and being monogamous after, pretty much is. Even if one has the lousy luck of getting an STD in some other way, it stops with you.
Again; this isn't about morals or ethics. It's about...how disease is spread.
The reason nobody under fifty has a smallpox vaccination scar is because smallpox doesn't exist. The reason it doesn't exist is because EVERYBODY in the world co-operated in the vaccination policy until it was gone, and nobody spread it, or could catch it. So now...nobody has to be vaccinated against it.
Since there don't seem to be any vaccinations against AID's, or gonorrhea, or syphilis, or any of the other nasties, except Hepatitis and herpes, I can see only one way to get rid of them.