Of course we should take the divine Messengers seriously. Not taking them seriously is the reason the world is so screwed up. It's like a class room of students that don't want to listen to the teacher.
It is because so many Bahais hold similar views to yours, so hopelessly theocentric, that I realized that I may admire the intentions, but never the doctrine.
Frankly, I have no time for such views and hope that they become the historical curiosity that they are bound to become sooner rather than later.
Religion is not supposed to be a function of theocentrism. It has much more august functions and can't in good faith afford to neglect them.
Well islam is a revelation of old anyway. There is a new revelation for this time and age.
There are many. Arguably as many as there are living people. And some see fit to repudiate the flaws of Islaam, which are severe and crippling, not least because it is so darned theocentric. Too theocentric for anyone's good.
Fully acknowledging mistakes such as those of Islaam is sometimes necessary in order to go forward.
I can't speak for Bahais, but personally I find labelling Islaam an obsolete revelation, poetically fair as it is (since it did the same with Judaism and Christianity), just far too bland to be worth the trouble.
Not only bland, but ultimately seriously inaccurate, to the point of failing Muslims. They do deserve the encouragement to learn better, but the Bahai Faith is not presenting the proper case to encourage them. A more direct challenge to their attachments to theocentrism, legalism and scripture is necessary.