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Is prostitution "immoral"?


Admiral Obvious
What is against moral is immoral. Now, how do we define morality?

The term “morality” can be used either

descriptively to refer to some codes of conduct put forward by a society or,
some other group, such as a religion, or
accepted by an individual for her own behavior or
normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.
You do realize that in all that you forgot to actually answer to question..


Well-Known Member
... In the 'natural order' women do not compete as DNA recipients, because in the NO, men will sleep with all the women they can, therefore there is no need in the NO for women to compete to receive DNA. They may compete for other reasons (such as better nesting spots, better food etc) but not for something that both will get if they want it (and quite possibly even if they do not).

they will not be able to compete for better nesting spots and food by using the carrot of sexual gifts.

In a previous example, someone said that 1 woman would have a child with Adonis but get her money off another chap.

Now this is wrong - the other chap only gives her his money through the carrot of sex , which she gives to keep him in his place whilst secretly having an adulterous love child with the Adonis type.

Now this is wrong as the woman is being decietful here acting like the Whore of Babylon.

so when we legalise prostitution this unequal power situation is reduced and mr nice guy financier will be able to circumvent the decietful power play of his wife.

The Natural Order is hence maintained.
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Do you 'know' or believe?
What is your point? That is adultery, combined with deceit (a common combination), how does that relate to prostitution? It is unlikely to be altered one whit by legalisation of prostitution, for one simple reason, most men do not know it is happening to them, paternity tests are not a standard thing for most men to request when their partner gives birth (for obvious reasons). This has nothing to do with the natural order....

I pay no heed to any laws that regulate my body and my habits which effect none but myself and willing partners.


Well-Known Member
true, legalising prostitution will not stop adultery as such but it will level the playing field and thus diminish the power of using titillation as a device to extract money and favours from people.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Probably not, but legalising it enables better controls over the industry to hopefully help reduce exploitation, increase safety levels in terms of workers and of health screening etc.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Well nnmartin, as how it goes, prostitution is still amoral.

It´s natural, and you haven´t given one reason why should it be immoral.

So there :shrug:


Well-Known Member
ok, well forgetting about the morality issue for now , do you think it should be legalised and would it benefit society?

I say yes and yes.

(by the way I also agree with the other reasons given for legalisation to be a good thing, ie: safety, working conditions etc..)

as for morals, in todays secular capitalist world , they have gone out of the window a long time ago and sadly count for very little any more.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nothing is immoral in my mind at least not intrinsically. It is just grounded in rules which keep on forever changing at the whim of the Zeitgeist.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Martin, it is rather.... rare for you to advocate legalising something yet ignoring its morality; usually you insist that if it is immoral it should be illegal...

Personally I do not believe it is immoral (I believe it is amoral - as is almost anything else in my view as as morality is subjective), nor do I believe it should be illegal (provided they give informed consent).


Well-Known Member
Is prostitution "immoral" to you, and why or why not?

To me, it's not. As long as the person doing so has made the choice to do so fully aware of what they are doing and is taking proper precautions against spreading disease, then I don't really see an issue with it. Now, pimping and coerced/forced prostitution is an entirely different thing to me and I do find those wrong. Prostitution itself though, no...I don't believe it to be "immoral".

I don't see how it could be any more immoral than homosexuality or incest between consenting adults.

Humans sell services all the time. Why would selling sex be immoral, while selling one's mechanical services would presumably be moral? I can't figure that.


Well-Known Member
Martin, it is rather.... rare for you to advocate legalising something yet ignoring its morality; usually you insist that if it is immoral it should be illegal...

perhaps I have turned over a new leaf.....;)

there are types of immorality though, ie: normal and abnormal ones.

abnormal ones would be those that I consider to be against Nature - ie: bestiality and incest.

Prostitution is normal in a natural sense but slightly immoral socially.

but I believe, it does benefit society and is in fact needed so should be legal.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Is prostitution "immoral" to you, and why or why not?

To me, it's not. As long as the person doing so has made the choice to do so fully aware of what they are doing and is taking proper precautions against spreading disease, then I don't really see an issue with it. Now, pimping and coerced/forced prostitution is an entirely different thing to me and I do find those wrong. Prostitution itself though, no...I don't believe it to be "immoral".

And yes...I put "immoral" in quotes as I find morality to be highly subjective.

They are selling a service for money.

It is not any more immoral or "objectifng" than being a taxi driver, a nurse, a massagist, a dancer, a teacher or a number of other service jobs.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Obviously this thread is very long and almost certainly all i'm going to say at this point is redundant, but what the hell. :D

Is prostitution "immoral" to you,

Nope, not in principle. Not as a general idea.

However, many if not most of the actual conditions in which it is practiced are very harmful to the prostitutes, which are mostly women. It can also be harmful to others involved. So there are many situations where i'd consider some of the things being done to be immoral.

That doesn't mean that these problems can't be addressed (but that's a more complex issue), and the prostitutes in most cases are not to be blamed for these problems. So when it comes down to it, if i know someone is a prostitute, i'd be mainly concerned for their well-being, rather than calling them immoral (even though it'd be possible they are doing some things which i would deem as such).

If i know someone who is a pimp, i'll be more concerned about what things they're doing which would most likely be immoral in my eyes, given the current conditions.

Mainly because i can't formulate any intelligent argument for why i should consider it immoral, and i have not seen such arguments made by others either, so far. Nothing seems to be inherently harmful about it, despite of the harsh reality it often takes place in.
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