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Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?


Religion, itself intolerant; preaches tolerance. The man of science who respects the faith of the believer finds himself at the dead end of a one way street.

Please embellish.

Check this: And Jehovah God formed the man out of dust from the ground... What purpose is served for the believer with these words? Interesting question. Consider perhaps that god actually knows his business, that he provided the tools necessary to cull religious nonsense; not with just reason, but with false righteousness's own sword of the lord.

Poe's law?

A Creationist who would step to the Gwynnite may find himself on the wrong side of the blade. Is this abiogenesis? Does this "dust" mean that we are all made of stars? Is this the quark? :)

Gwynnite? We are all made of star dust.


Well-Known Member
I need to make a t-shirt: I stood before the creator of the universe and all I got was this lousy shirt!:D

Let us assume I merely hallucinated. I got no problem with that. There is but a single thing that makes me "special." Nine years of being obscenely in love with a woman I have never met. Made up a religion to illustrate the folly of claiming that any religion is "true." Then I f-ked up. Big time.

From a single step forward in philosophy, of all places... to the simple act of catching all of Christendom in recurring "sin." Yikes. With nothing but positive reinforcement from all sides, by standing upon uncertainty, by always considering how I could be possibly be in error; to abandoning the folly of trying to be right with the realization of being not wrong...

To say it all in four lines - a ballad for my Gwynnie.

Or not. :D

Yeah I have no idea what this is about.


I actually am very interested in particle physics. i have followed the construction and activation of the LHC for a while now.

I believe that perfection is what allows us to discover more possibilities.

Take a computer chip for example... the reason we are now able to achieve extremely high cycles per second is because they improved the production quality of the silicon wafers and dye process. Just as some computer chips have different speed ratings with the same "core" the reason for this is that some cores are not able to run stable at as high of speeds as others due to the imperfections in the construction process.

Unlike other denominations, I believe that spirits are physical, and made of matter, however the matter is so fine and pure that we cannot see it until we have purer eyes.

Doctrine and Covenants 131

so as you can see i am very interested in this field and so far due to our limited dectection equipment we can only detect quarks and leptons. and only for a very limited time before they decay. but decay into what? something we cannot detect... yet.


Unlike other denominations, I believe that spirits are physical, and made of matter, however the matter is so fine and pure that we cannot see it until we have purer eyes.

Anyone can believe what they like. Lets have some evidence please or stop spouting this rubbish.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Unlike other denominations, I believe that spirits are physical, and made of matter, however the matter is so fine and pure that we cannot see it until we have purer eyes. -madhatter85-

so as you can see i am very interested in this field and so far due to our limited dectection equipment we can only detect quarks and leptons. and only for a very limited time before they decay. but decay into what? something we cannot detect... yet. - madhatter85-

I agree it is a fascinating study. I also would guess that we are dealing with something even smaller beyond our present technological capability to peer at. Hopefully something will transpire before we both keel over. :)

At least for a theist you appear open toward some scientific perspective. I personally haven't come across a reason to believe in "spirits" as per the common definition of such as you do, but there may be very well be something to be said regarding composition and the way it interrelates and interacts.


Anyone can believe what they like. Lets have some evidence please or stop spouting this rubbish.

the evidences are there, everyone is invited to find out for themselves if these things are real.
James 1:
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Moroni 10:
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.


I agree it is a fascinating study. I also would guess that we are dealing with something even smaller beyond our present technological capability to peer at. Hopefully something will transpire before we both keel over. :)
I agree i really hope the LHC is successful in it's tests and discovers something noteworthy, (aside from that huge mechanical devices can fail)

At least for a theist you appear open toward some scientific perspective. I personally haven't come across a reason to believe in "spirits" as per the common definition of such as you do, but there may be very well be something to be said regarding composition and the way it interrelates and interacts.
oh yeah, I hope to understand lots of things which i do not now. especially how spirit bodies can interact physically with physical bodies.
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Temporally Challenged
Quantum physics is not grounds for Theists to play in. It does point to a relationship between consciousness and material, and it does suggest an organizing principle? which "exceeds" our reductionist/deterministic understanding of the cosmos. Food for thought at any rate...



Quantum physics is not grounds for Theists to play in. It does point to a relationship between consciousness and material, and it does suggest an organizing principle? which "exceeds" our reductionist/deterministic understanding of the cosmos. Food for thought at any rate...


I would have to disagree that it is not a field for theists to play in. As i feel that the more we understand the natural world the more we can understand the nature of God.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Erwin Schrodinger made the claim to have been inspired by Vedanta in his discovery of quantum theory . His biographer Walter Moore said this "The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. In the early part of the last century, the world looked on physics like a great machine of separable interacting particles. Today because of the likes of people like, Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg and their followers we are able to universe based on superimposed, inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. This new view is entirely consistent with the Hindu Vedantic concept of All is One."Today Monism is not even a leap of faith. It is suported by science.


Well-Known Member
Erwin Schrodinger made the claim to have been inspired by Vedanta in his discovery of quantum theory . His biographer Walter Moore said this "The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. In the early part of the last century, the world looked on physics like a great machine of separable interacting particles. Today because of the likes of people like, Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg and their followers we are able to universe based on superimposed, inseparable waves of probability amplitudes. This new view is entirely consistent with the Hindu Vedantic concept of All is One."Today Monism is not even a leap of faith. It is suported by science.

Every christian, muslim, jew, scientologist, and any other type of religion would say the same about their beliefs. The thing is, no one believes what they believe is wrong, therefore all evidence is in conjunction with their belief system.

You can interpret anything to mean anything else.


Every christian, muslim, jew, scientologist, and any other type of religion would say the same about their beliefs. The thing is, no one believes what they believe is wrong, therefore all evidence is in conjunction with their belief system.

You can interpret anything to mean anything else.
However, we are dealing with absolutes. contradicting statements cannot both be true or accurate. (however how one interprets the statements is a whole other story).

for example, someone believes 1+1 = 3 and another believes 1+1 = 2. Now, regardless which one is correct, both cannot be correct. Finding truth is what our lives should be dedicated to. if you grew up in some obscure country where your parents told you that 1+1 = 24, you would have a hard time believing that 1+1 =2 in reality because 1+1 = 24 is all you have ever known.


Well-Known Member
Religion, itself intolerant; preaches tolerance. The man of science who respects the faith of the believer finds himself at the dead end of a one way street.

Check this: And Jehovah God formed the man out of dust from the ground... What purpose is served for the believer with these words? Interesting question. Consider perhaps that god actually knows his business, that he provided the tools necessary to cull religious nonsense; not with just reason, but with false righteousness's own sword of the lord.

A Creationist who would step to the Gwynnite may find himself on the wrong side of the blade. Is this abiogenesis? Does this "dust" mean that we are all made of stars? Is this the quark? :)
Gwynnite? We are all made of star dust.
#1The scientist is supposed to be sensitive to a person's religious beliefs, but the religious can **** all over science? That's absurd. If I say, Jesus Christ, some might get offended for taking the lord's name in vain; yet the Christian gets to send others to hell? That's beyond absurd. That's straight criminal.
#2Words and concepts right out of their playbook; right back at them. "Poe's Law?" It may seem archaic, but I am a man of integrity.
#3 That's funny. I'm going to forget you said that. ;)


John Frum
The Uncertainty Principle contradicts the certainty of the theist's beliefs.
This is what I believe too. The theist argument, at least one of them I've heard and read about, metion's god's little fingers, synonomous with the hand of God i guess, saying we have no way to encover God's secrets because he designed it that way. Of course, everything we know about the physical world was at one time a mystery, waiting to be solved. This is just another one.


John Frum
However, we are dealing with absolutes. contradicting statements cannot both be true or accurate. (however how one interprets the statements is a whole other story).

for example, someone believes 1+1 = 3 and another believes 1+1 = 2. Now, regardless which one is correct, both cannot be correct. Finding truth is what our lives should be dedicated to. if you grew up in some obscure country where your parents told you that 1+1 = 24, you would have a hard time believing that 1+1 =2 in reality because 1+1 = 24 is all you have ever known.

This reminds me of an example my old teacher used. If there were an erronous formula to prove 1 + 1 = 24, leading someone to believe that it actually was, and we can prove that equation wrong by clearly pointing out the faults in the math, why would someone still believe the answer is 24? Some people abandon the equation altogether (scripture, religion, etc.) and just focus on the 24.


John Frum
I think If I absolutely had to pick a theory of life, the universe, and everything, I'd go with Adam Douglas's theory of "42".


John Frum
Yes it is an open book for theists. Isn't Quantum Physics refered to as "The Field of Infinite Possibilities"? Sub-atomic particles behaved differently when observed by scientists and they were baffled, and in light of your question I have received a theory.
I believe the sub-atomic particles reacted quite predictably and I will cite the water experiments of Dr. Emoto to make my case. As you probably know, Dr. Emoto determined that we can alter the state of water molecules with the intent we put upon them. If you accept this as true, then apply this to sub-atomic particles, and then take into consideration that these particles are far more sensitive then H2O molecules.
I believe that the scientists who conducted these experiments had inner conflictions (as we all do) and was reflected by the behavior of these mega-sensitive particles.
I believe all experiments with these particles will will produce conflicting results until we resolve our inner confliction.
You ask are thes particles a footprint of God? Consider this: THEY ARE GOD!!
Are these particles not the substance that the entire universe is made of?
Such an amazing time it is!!

I've seen these expirements. If you ask me, they kind of look like standing wave patterns. Maybe he just faked it???
Standing wave patterns are responsible for the hexagonal shape of the clouds over one of Saturn's poles. This is another unique occurance in nature that people assign mystical or otherworldy notions to, while they don't actually fit. A standing wave pattern is caused by wave interference as two or more waves travel through a medium, causing harmonics. When wave cross each other, they interfere, and cause nodes (positions of equilibrium) and antinodes (places where the particles oscillate about the equilibrium at maximum amplitude) or places that appear to be still, and places that appear to be vibrating or moving. Still, there are plenty of "Saturnian cults" popping up thanks to NASA's new photos of it.
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Veteran Member
Comments about quantum physics giving us a vision of God are intended to be symbolic. As I understand it. Everything is energy. But energy can express itself in some ways, but not in any way. For example, sometimes energy is expressed an what we call a "quark". Sometimes as what we call a "gluon". Sometimes as what we call a "photon". We tend to think of these phenomena as "particles" but they really aren't. They are the phenomena right at the threshold where energy is becoming matter. We don't know why energy becomes this kind of matter and that kind, as opposed to some other. But we do know that some factor is governing what kind of matter energy becomes as it expresses itself.

Where I see "God" in this is in the fact that all this energy is being governed. And that because it's being governed as it is, it is expressing itself as the universe we are living in, and through us, of course, too. All that is, is the way it is, because energy is being governed in how it can express itself. And it's this governing factor that truly is the "creator" of all that exists.

Also, what is the origin of all this energy?

To say that energy is the direct manifestation of God's will, and that the factors governing the expression of energy are God's plan, is as reasonable, logical, and true as any statement one could apply to these aspects of quantum physics.
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John Frum
Comments about quantum physics giving us a vision of God are intended to be symbolic. As I understand it. Everything is energy. But energy can express itself in some ways, but not in any way. For example, sometimes energy is expressed an what we call a "quark". Sometimes as what we call a "gluon". Sometimes as what we call a "photon". We tend to think of these phenomena as "particles" but they really aren't. They are the phenomena right at the threshold where energy is becoming matter. We don't know why energy becomes this kind of matter and that kind, as opposed to some other. But we do know that some factor is governing what kind of matter energy becomes as it expresses itself.

Where I see "God" in this is in the fact that all this energy is being governed. And that because it's being governed as it is, it is expressing itself as the universe we are living in, and through us, of course, too. All that is, is the way it is, because energy is being governed in how it can express itself. And it's this governing factor that truly is the "creator" of all that exists.

Also, what is the origin of all this energy?

To say that energy is the direct manifestation of God's will, and that the factors governing the expression of energy are God's plan, is as reasonable, logical, and true as any statement one could apply to these aspects of quantum physics.

So could you say that God was simply a "metaphor" for quantum physics, or better yet the laws of physics in general?


Veteran Member
So could you say that God was simply a "metaphor" for quantum physics, or better yet the laws of physics in general?
I would say that God expressed, becomes energy, and the factors that are governing the way energy behaves. Physics is a medium through which God is expressing itself. If so, then the question becomes; can we learn anything about the nature or character of God from how God is being expressed through this physical medium?