My own religion
And? many things in math are abstractions. That is what math is, basically. Ever seen a negative cow?
Anyway, Where does that make your case that the empty set is NOT the subset of any set? Maybe I cannot understand English, but I do not see it. can you show where they defeat my, and everyone’s case, that the empty set is a subset of every set? i really do not see it. And by the way, that is philosophy, which is interesting but not even that discipline makes your case. And what has physics to do with that? What about the opinion of some biologists? Lol
Anyway, again, even in those articles, my case still has no defeater. In fact, it cannot have it because it can be proven, very easily, that the empty set is subset of every set, including itself, as we have seen.
here is another one, that is also pretty simple. Explains pretty clearly your confusion between elements and subsets. Please let me know what part is too difficult, and we will work it out together.
and this should settle it. also with concluding reference to basic material to study classical logic.
- viole
Here is the problem. See has 2 definitions relevant for this:
See as see with your eyes.
See as understand with your brain.
So you don't see as see logic, you understand it. And that is one kind of truth.
Then there is see as see and that is another kind of truth.
So if you want to claim that logical truth is universal, you run into the problem that is dependent on brains and only true for brain and computers.
Where as universal for all humans as independent of brains function differently and is another kind of truth.
So yes, logic is true for brains, but that is not the same truth as independent of brains. Even I can understand that as a skeptic.