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Is religion something you can develop on your own?

A most facinating thread, though it seems to have drifted a little off topic, so I hope no one minds if I regress.
I would love to be the founder of my own religion. How ego inflating it would be to hear the words, "Man, you are so profound, can I be your disciple?"
And so I would have my inner group of disciples and together we would attrack tens of thousands of followers. Actually why not billions? I want mine to be the biggest one of course. There have probably never been more people in search of a new religion or people disenchanted with the one they currently belong to throughout history then there is now. The world is anxious for the next Messiah and I am The One!
Perhaps my expectations are a bit too high. Is my vision perhaps grandiose and delusional?
God only knows...


Well-Known Member
I think everyone creates their own religion. I have never met two theists who have the same definition of god or live by the same morals.

Metalic Wings

Active Member
A most facinating thread, though it seems to have drifted a little off topic, so I hope no one minds if I regress.
I would love to be the founder of my own religion. How ego inflating it would be to hear the words, "Man, you are so profound, can I be your disciple?"
And so I would have my inner group of disciples and together we would attrack tens of thousands of followers. Actually why not billions? I want mine to be the biggest one of course. There have probably never been more people in search of a new religion or people disenchanted with the one they currently belong to throughout history then there is now. The world is anxious for the next Messiah and I am The One!
Perhaps my expectations are a bit too high. Is my vision perhaps grandiose and delusional?
God only knows...

Of course I don't mind if you stay on topic! Isn't that what a thread's for, silly?
(Meant in the most cutesie, non-offensive way possible, of course)
But to be honest, religions like that tend to scare me. That's part of my disinterest with the organised Christian religions. I roll more towards personal beliefs than mass agreement (or chaos, sometimes)


Well-Known Member
And if so, how do you know that you are right?
Does being right even matter?

I grew up in the kind of Christian household where you went to church on the holidays (which didn't help me warm up to it, with all the crowded pews).

I know I believe in a greater being, most likely a God, but beyond that I'm stumped. How does one even go about creating their own religion? I get the feeling that's something I might not even want to toy with.
And why do you feel the need to adopt a religion? Do you feel something is missing from your life? Do you need religion for moral guidance? If you believe is a greater being, why not just leave it at that, do you feel a need to worship this being? You will never find out anything about this being, he will remain hidden from you, so just know in your own mind that it exists and leave it at that.


To Extinguish
And why do you feel the need to adopt a religion? Do you feel something is missing from your life? Do you need religion for moral guidance? If you believe is a greater being, why not just leave it at that, do you feel a need to worship this being? You will never find out anything about this being, he will remain hidden from you, so just know in your own mind that it exists and leave it at that.

Discouraging speculation and theory is counterproductive, it forces you into sacrificing opportunities for growth and creativity. This is the main problem I have with most Deists (Including the demographic statistic that claims to have no religion but believes in a higher power of some sort). Not all mind you.

Many of our views, concepts, morals, and ideas came from religious speculation. Telling someone to "leave it at that" evokes a certain practicality, practicality didn't discover the theory of relativity my friend.


Well-Known Member
QUOTE=Morse;1721693]Discouraging speculation and theory is counterproductive,
True, in most cases, but where religion is concerned, I think speculation is counterproductive and any theory needs to be based in a realm other than the supernatural.

it forces you into sacrificing opportunities for growth and creativity.
I don't see growth and creativity arising from religion rather rigid dogmatic thinking.

Many of our views, concepts, morals, and ideas came from religious speculation.
And in my opinion these views, concepts, and ideas, are what makes religion the poison to our species that it has always been.


To Extinguish
[True, in most cases, but where religion is concerned, I think speculation is counterproductive and any theory needs to be based in a realm other than the supernatural.

I don't see growth and creativity arising from religion rather rigid dogmatic thinking.

And in my opinion these views, concepts, and ideas, are what makes religion the poison to our species that it has always been.

True in many cases, but not all. It is not religion that is the poison, it is the people who use it as an excuse for control that are. Religion is but the vial that contains the lethal substance.

You could break the vial and spill the poison, but then you've wasted a perfectly good vial.

Shame nobody has heard of a rack and pinion.

Oh, and my comments and creativity and growth apply to everything. It tends to prove true that if somebody has been stifled in one prominent area of their life, they will be stifled in most of their others.

Regards from the floor,


Its only a Label
Friend Metalic Wings,

How does one even go about creating their own religion? I get the feeling that's something I might not even want to toy with.

The very question you have posed PROVES that you are forming a religion.

What is a Religion?
It is only a PATH/WAY.

Path to what?
Towards knowing the SELF/god.

How is it proved that friend Metalic Wings is forming a religion?
By asking it is proved that deep inside there is an eagerness to know and towards that you have joined RF as a member and asking such question; meaning that you are already on the WAY/PATH towards knowing/ Understanding the SELF and that itself is a religion.

Love & rgds


I would recommend reading the Talmud, Quaran, Bible, Book of Mormon, etc.. learn how God fits into your life, if you are pre dominantly Christian, Learn how Christ fits. Something will speak to you and when you hear the truth, you will know it.
I personally think truth is a very important component of faith. uncertainty can be painful and exhausting, certainty brings comfort but certainty only comes by faith and that is the part that you have to search for. Good Luck.
Many feel that the religion they were born into is perhaps the true one. Is it reasonable to assume that the religion imposed at one’s birth is necessarily the whole truth ? If you were born in Italy or South America, then, without any choice, you were probably raised a Catholic. If you were born in India, then likely you automatically became a Hindu or, if from the Punjab, perhaps a Sikh. If your parents were from Pakistan, then you would obviously be a Muslim. And if you were born in a Socialist country over the last few decades, you might have had no choice but to be raised an atheist.

Therefore, is the religion of one’s birth automatically the true one, approved by God ? If that had been the concept followed over the millenniums, many among mankind would still be practicing primitive shamanism and ancient fertility cults, on the premise that ‘what was good enough for my ancestors is good enough for me.’

Hence, what is the measuring stick to determine the true religion, or as James wrote, the "pure religion" that is acceptable to God ?(James 1:27, King James Bible) While most religions have a body of beliefs or doctrines, these can often form a very complicated theology, beyond the understanding of the average layperson. Yet the principle of cause and effect applies in every case. The teachings of a religion should influence the personality and the daily conduct of each believer.

Thus, each person’s conduct will normally be a reflection, to a greater or lesser degree, of that one’s religious background. What effect does your religion have on you? Does your religion produce a kinder person? More generous, honest, humble, tolerant, and compassionate? These are reasonable questions, for as one great religious teacher, Jesus Christ, stated: “Every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men.”(Matthew 7:17-20)

Certainly world history must give us pause and make us wonder what role religion has played in the many wars that have devastated mankind and caused untold suffering. Why have so many people killed and been killed in the name of religion ? The Crusades, the Inquisition, the conflicts in the Middle East and Northern Ireland, the slaughter between Iraq and Iran (1980-88), the Hindu-Sikh clashes in India, the Rwandan bloodbath in 1994, whereby almost 80 percent of the population professes to be Catholic—all these events certainly make thinking people raise questions about religious beliefs and ethics.

Does it matter what religion one is attached to ? Yes. Just as a combination lock has only one set of numbers and in a precise order that will unlock it, so likewise there is just one true religion that is acceptable to God, "that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father " called the "pure religion" by James (James 1:27), and the "one faith" by the apostle Paul (Eph 4:5), that was established by Jesus, starting in 29 C.E.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
No one should dispute that you can create your own religion, but is it necessary to have one? Assuming that you are making up your own, because you are dissatisfied with the preexisting ones, why even make up a new one?
Because you believe in God.

Why not fill that vacuum with knowledge and dedication to discovery, or art, or music?
It's not either/ or.

And even if it were, so what? Different people have different passions.

Is god necessary to recognize beauty or the mysteries of the universe?
Not at all.


New Member
Religion binds through doctrine and reading such doctrine confuses and binds the mind.

Rather than developing your own religion look within yourself to discover yourself and your own divine spark and you will then have no need of religion as you will have discovered that what you are looking for is what is looking and that divinity is latent within you.


I suppose you could. But why would you? Scientology is a good example of this I guess. Religions are man made and are subject to scrutiny just like everything else.


Well-Known Member
I think after lots of reading and observing we do develop our own unique understanding of this world and give it our own unique meaning. That is, we do in a sense develop our own spirituality just by living and processing what we experience. In many ways what you would likely be more comfortable with is a spirituality not a religion, but I could be wrong.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
And if so, how do you know that you are right?
Does being right even matter?

I grew up in the kind of Christian household where you went to church on the holidays (which didn't help me warm up to it, with all the crowded pews).

I know I believe in a greater being, most likely a God, but beyond that I'm stumped. How does one even go about creating their own religion? I get the feeling that's something I might not even want to toy with.

You cant really build a religion on your own, as it inherantly needs other people....
You canbuild a belief system on your own though, or a set of practises or participate in a tradition (a tradition arguably is differentiated from practice in that a tradition has no real discernable author).

Being right only matters for you...one man's meat is another man's poison. That being said if you believe in pink skinned flying goblins, then good for you; although I tend to think one should at least ground themselves in some previous tradition, use that as roots so to speak..afterall humanity has been exploring religion and all tis possibilities for millenia...why discount it all and just start believing in pink skinned wombats from Glasgow?

How does one go about .... you look and seek. Begin with reading maybe...Myself I started with fractals in my early teens.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Friend Metalic Wings,

The very question you have posed PROVES that you are forming a religion.

What is a Religion?
It is only a PATH/WAY.

Path to what?
Towards knowing the SELF/god.

How is it proved that friend Metalic Wings is forming a religion?
By asking it is proved that deep inside there is an eagerness to know and towards that you have joined RF as a member and asking such question; meaning that you are already on the WAY/PATH towards knowing/ Understanding the SELF and that itself is a religion.

Love & rgds

There is a difference between a belief system and a religion

a belief system is just a way of believing and seeing things, and perhaps practises enabling you to see that way

Religion requires other people...other inputs