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Is religion the major source of homophobia?


Veteran Member
I do not want to imply all religions. I know the site I linked was very bold in its use of the word "religion" but it is very clear this is not true of all religions.
That's my point.
Thanks for posting the link. :)
But it's just a survey of 1500 people. Concluding that
It also turned out that more religious people were more likely to be authoritarian, conservative, poorer, and Protestant - all factors that also predicted homophobia
kind of says it all doesn't it.
If you're religious you're likely a Protestant....
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Guardian of Asgaard
Christians and muslims (in general) sure have a good time slandering the poor homosexuals for what they choose to do behind closed doors. I hope it earns them extra browny points in hell because everyone else sure thinks they're rediculous for their completely baseless statements and hatefilled ramblings.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think it's more of a male thing than anything.

Not all religions are homophobic but it seems in male dominated societies, they tend to be more in that area.

Ancient Greece and Rome were notoriously tolerant of homosexuality and yet both were male dominated.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I agree but at the same time, the opposite is also true. You are basically saying, religion is neutral, and people bring their homophobia to it. Of course that must happen sometimes. But it also sometimes happens that some religions are homophobic, and they bring this to otherwise neutral people.

I mean if kids were raised to believe God smote an entire city because they were black, and blacks are sinners, we all know that would be a racist religion and those kids would be racist as a result of the racism inherent in the religion. Replace the word "black" with "gay" and "racism" with "homophobia", and the same reasoning seems to hold.

I agree, Spinks. To suppose that religious views and doctrines never influence people who otherwise would not be influenced is
a might strange. It seems a safer bet to suppose that religious views and doctrines can be as influential as, say, secular advertising on people who are drenched in them.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Mr. Cheese, I am gonna be brutally blunt with you. I have absolutely no interest of having a discourse with you, of any type.


Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.


quite clearly you have become one....

but there, I shall leave you to your whining
if others want to entertain your "whoa is me, I'm gay, and christians and religious people hate me" stance, fine

all power to you.

I just hope you'll grow up eventually, but only you can do that, not I

:) good luck on your life's journey, I shall bother you no more:)

my apologies


"If a man has transgressed one law, and speaks lies, and scoffs at another world, there is no evil he will not do.
The uncharitable do not go to the world of the gods; fools only do not praise liberality; a wise man rejoices in liberality, and through it becomes blessed in the other world.
Better than sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better than lordship over all worlds, is the reward of the first step in holiness.

Not to commit any sin, to do good, and to purify one's mind, that is the teaching of (all) the Awakened.
The Awakened call patience the highest penance, long-suffering the highest Nirvâna; for he is not an anchorite (pravragita) who strikes others, he is not an ascetic (sramana) who insults others.
Not to blame, not to strike, to live restrained under the law, to be moderate in eating, to sleep and sit alone, and to dwell on the highest thoughts,--this is the teaching of the Awakened."

--The Dhammapada

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Homophobia has been found to be more common among religious people. Is the heterosexism expressed in some religions the reason for this? Or is it that bigots, in trying to justify their prejudice, turn towards religion as an excuse? And if not religion then what is the source of homophobia?

They feed each other.


Veteran Member
Aren't there some religions which are supportive of gay people?
What about the Anglican churches with gay bishops?
I thought I read somewhere that some types of Judaism (Reform Judaism?)campaign for equal rights for gay people?
Aren't UU congregations completely disinterested in sexual orientation?
I'm sure there are plenty more, what about all the New Age/Reconstructionist religions?


Veteran Member
Christians and muslims (in general) sure have a good time slandering the poor homosexuals for what they choose to do behind closed doors. I hope it earns them extra browny points in hell because everyone else sure thinks they're rediculous for their completely baseless statements and hatefilled ramblings.
I know you said in general but what about all the millions of gay Christians and Muslims? I think your generalisation might be to general :)

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Christians and muslims (in general) sure have a good time slandering the poor homosexuals for what they choose to do behind closed doors. I hope it earns them extra browny points in hell because everyone else sure thinks they're rediculous for their completely baseless statements and hatefilled ramblings.
Similar to this post.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I mean if kids were raised to believe God smote an entire city because they were black, and blacks are sinners, we all know that would be a racist religion and those kids would be racist as a result of the racism inherent in the religion. Replace the word "black" with "gay" and "racism" with "homophobia", and the same reasoning seems to hold.
Could you point out the Scriptures that state God destroyed any cities due to their sexual preferences?


Well-Known Member
That's my point.
Thanks for posting the link. :)
But it's just a survey of 1500 people. Concluding that
kind of says it all doesn't it.
If you're religious you're likely a Protestant....

" But it's just a survey of 1500 people. Concluding that "

There is nothing wrong with that survey, allot of work was put into. Although, if you want I can provide other links but one does not really need a survey to realize how influential some religions are to homophobia, as it is very obvious.
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Well-Known Member
Homophobia has been found to be more common among religious people. Is the heterosexism expressed in some religions the reason for this? Or is it that bigots, in trying to justify their prejudice, turn towards religion as an excuse? And if not religion then what is the source of homophobia?

I am homophobic when I was a child. "Literal" homophobic. I fear homos back then. In my case, it's our culture that caused it.
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Could you point out the Scriptures that state God destroyed any cities due to their sexual preferences?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Bible doesn't necessarily state "God destroyed ... cities due to their sexual preference". Nevertheless, it is true that "kids were raised to believe God smote an entire city because they were [gay]", as I suggested.


Active Member
I think it has to do more with left and right winged traits. People seem to fall on a scale between left, which seem to value individual rights, and right, who seem to value the protection of the group.
The left values the individual ?
Never heard of that i must say.

I think a two dimensional (coordinate-)system is a better appraoch with left and right being attitudes concerning economic things and up and down being indicators for hirarchical and/or anarchistic views (see politicalcompass.org).

Anyway... i think that patriarchalic religions naturally have a tendency to increase or fuel homophobia. A religion which defines homosexuality as evil and defines heterosexual relationships (under specific conditions) as good surely does more harm to homosexuals than a beliefsystem where sexual preference is not mentioned at all.

Scott C.

Just one guy
Homophobia has been found to be more common among religious people. Is the heterosexism expressed in some religions the reason for this? Or is it that bigots, in trying to justify their prejudice, turn towards religion as an excuse? And if not religion then what is the source of homophobia?

For the purposes of your quesion, what is your definition of homophobia?

Does the belief that homosexual behavior is a sin, independent of any other beliefs, attitudes or actions, constitute homophobia by your definition? Obviously this belief is unique to religion, since non-religious people do not believe in sin.
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sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Bible doesn't necessarily state "God destroyed ... cities due to their sexual preference". Nevertheless, it is true that "kids were raised to believe God smote an entire city because they were [gay]", as I suggested.
So pretty much, barbarism is commited by people's own misguided ideas. That some may use religion to hide behind is not a condemnation of religion but misguided people. Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people.