Everyone regardless of religious affiliation is welcome to express their thoughts. I personally believe Salvation is the Person of Jesus Christ. He also goes by Yeshua, the Hebrew word for salvation. Just my religious opinion, but I want to hear yours.
From my experience it isn't a literal salvation (jesus doesn't pop into the 21st century and talk to people) but more changing your life by giving your sins to Christ (sacrificing your Self to follow Christ). You serve christ by serving others and in doing so, christ forgives you of your misdeeds.
What happens is as a gentile, back then, the people killed jesus. When they killed him, jesus offered them to forgive them for they don't know what they've done. In that respect, a christian who is sorryful for the sins of their ancestors and ask forgiveness as a whole will receive pardon from christ and thereby the creator.
Salvation comes when one serves christ and forgives others in serve to the creator through Christ. Wharever one does for another, they do for Christ. When one harms another, they harm christ. The creator pardons believers who act in devotion to Christ by serving others.
Salvation is only a gift when the person is willing to repent and serve others. It's not handed free because to open it you have to serve not sit it on a shelf and be happy you got it.
Salvation is three fold: it's ones life (following jesus by serving others and creator), ones sacrifice (repentence), and ones resurrection (being born again unto salvation)
Through his passion (for short) a person is saved. But it's only a gift when opened and followed via his passion.
Salvation is also an action. It's what you do for the creator and others so that one lives in christ, dies/crucified of self, and resurrected in christ.
I have been crucified in christ. The life I live is no longer my own. Insofar, I live no longer for myself but for the son of god.
Salvation is christ passion. Live those three things and one is saved by faith in that through faith, they no longer live for self but for the hope for eternal life.