I would say yes, Satan is smarter than man. Because man does not seek the truth in the one God that can reveal it to him. Man will trust in man and his teachings. This is where Satan works his best, in deceiving mankind.
How is Satan deceiving mankind. Is it God's so-called Prophets who falsely claim that the Earth is flat, 6000 years old, centre of the whole universe, created after the Sun was conjured up. Moses says God created man before animals and says animals were created befor man. God's prophets say God made Eve from Adam's rib. Adam's rib cells have full set of chromosomes plus an X and Y chromosome (male). So Eve had male DNA. The Serpent in the Garden urged humans to seek knowldge, to think for themselves, to be sceptical of rubbish.
Satan knows scripture better than man and he will use it in a way to deceive man.
How come Satan never used scriptures to deceive man. Scriptures deceive man because of the paranoid and psychotic writings of the Prophets.
Man won't put his pride away long enough to try and find the real truth through Jesus Christ.
Many Atheist Scholars have studied Jesus of Nazareth much more thoroughly than the prophets and pastors. We do not rely on the shaky evidence of gospels. We ponder the unusual absence of Jesus of Nazareth from Roman Records of Pontius Pilate. Pilate reported other executions and all kinds of legal records but overlooked the controversial Jesus person. There is no report of Jesus of Nazareth being crucified.
Jesus according to the gospels did not know the truth. He did not know the Earth was a sphere (Devil's temptation of Jesus on the mountain.) Jesus did not realise that seizures were electrical events in the human brain which Jesus is supposed to have invented. How come he did not know about epilepsy and mental illness?
How come Jesus thought Leprosy was caused by sin, not by a bacterium? How come Jesus thought that he could cure blindness with his spit? How come Jesus didn't know that blindness was caused by viral infections, glaucoma, Loa loa worm parasites, Toxoplasmosis, Diabetes, optic nerve gliomas, retinal degenerative (genetic) diseases, retinal artery occlusion, retinal vein thrombosis, drinking Methyl Alcohol, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and intra cerebral tumours in optic pathways, Pituitary tumors that compress the Optic Chiasm. Sin never caused blindness.
Pride is the darkness of man, sin is born through pride. Anger, jealously, envy, sloth, greed, lust and gluttony are all destructive forces of mankind. We need to overcome the darkness that lives inside us and be filled with the pure love of God.
Freedom is the light of am. Intelligence drives man to learn the physical truth about us and our universe. Reason and scepticism block us from the rubbish. Sin may be born through pride, anger, jealousy, sloth which are all disruptive personality disorders. Broken brains. God claims to be angry, jealous, and vindictive. Scripure describes God as cruel, even sadistic, and narcissistic. God has pride. He demands abject submission and constant worship. This suggests he is insecure and needs our constant prone worship in fear of his cosmic greatness. I have never heard of those personality flaws in Satan. I am not the first to think this.
Cathars took the scriptures literally and considered their immortality. They used logic and reason on the Old and New Testaments. The result was that they considered JHWY the real Lucifer who created the world and fowled up so badly with his cruelty and reign of terror, Jesus had to come to free humans from such cruel tyrany. The Old Testament God was a Demon, the good God was Jesus.
For this Cathars were almost kills in a crusader genocide to stamp out this severe threat to Constantine Christianity. The other Cathars (called Bogomils) were persecuted by the Byzantines but survived. When conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1387 AD, most Cathars converted to Islam because it made more sense.
The biggest difference between devout Christians and Sceptics or Atheists is that we (non-theists) do not fear looking at all of the evidence by scholars that show us the New Testament Gospels are 60% myth.