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Is Satanism so anti Jehovah if

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Wow! Holy thread derailment!
But @ChieftheCef kept saying not to spoon feed me and to work, so I did

the adversary is sita was kidnapped and I wanted to see where lanka is on map

I'm confused, so now i'm holying this how?

if i ask questions then i'm asking to spoon feed me, if i search then i'm blame for holy

i don't understand

i'm exploring the adversary satan i still don't know word jahova due to study goats fall off a mountian that was told to me by an idiom by @RabbiO

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Satanism funels hatred towards Jehovah, yes, but it also draws up hatred against Satanists. It makes Christians afraid, and makes them try to keep their own. It funnels all their effort against the goals of Satanism by making their way of life so predictable by Biblical standards. Why would Jehovah want that? Because it causes them to hold onto their Christianity and give it out even more. I'm not saying the Satanic church doesn't do good things, I found the Baphomet dilema hilarious. There is a place, but need it be "taken by a dark lord" or maybe just someone who isn't Satan. Like can we have Satan as if he wasn't so jaded that at the first slight he prescribes death? Jehovah, and I say that name because Yahweh is a lesser Canaanite deity, and Allah the chief of the Anceint Arabic pantheon, is evil. He teaches you to drown in the river of life, to try to swim before you can tread water. The true god, the one found within and everywhere without teaches you to tread water, etc. But why have Satan as a mascot? Doesn't that just make lack of credibility yet generate credibility in Jehovah?

Either way it's all nonsense. Imagine god as a cup, whatever flavor you desire. The cup is not a cup. It is not a bekkar, nor tassi nor cuppi. It is not even the conception of cup. What is your conception of cup? A sort of circular u shaped object, with u's going around in that circle? Still wrong. It is also the air. What is the air, the oxygen, the nitrogen etc? It is also empty space. Imagine atoms, mostly space. Same as solar systems. It is all emptiness. God, however you stack it is the fullness of all of that, all of that at once. Imagine an Ocean. The waves are not propelled by themself. They are generated by the Ocean. Matter is just a wave. Which is just the Void contorted by the Sheer Consequences of the Void into stuff that seems to be not the Void but is. That is the fullness. Everything is nothing. Atoms are mostly empty space, as are solar systems, and honestly everything we know about.

There's just a bunch of masks "god(dess{es})" wears made by humanity.

@Viker as a reminder I was researching this

I asked Questions first, about does Canaanites know about Brahaman

I was told not to ask questions but to research it

So this is why I been researching the adversary in past stories

The few post were about the tribes dealing with a drought an adversary situation and how they were traveling and finding a home else where

The goat situation was from @RabbiO who was showing me about idiom language and about a nerve situation about goats falling off a mountain, he asked me do I understand

I said no I don't undertsand

@ChieftheCef asked if I'm literate,

Also @ChieftheCef kept telling me I need to research and work

I shown I researched and work, to study the adversary situation that people were in

I hadn't gotten yet to name Jahova due to the slowness of understanding the idiom

I'm not sure how this is holy when seeking for a place to farm after there's a drought


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
the Ancient Isrealite's plans for us

King David writes: The Lord will be good to you, if you are a good person. If you make a mistake, love the Lord and there will be mercy for you.

The ancient Israelite's plan is to share this optimism with you.

The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of abundant loving kindness.

The Lord is good to all; and his mercies are over all his works.

All your works shall praise you, O Lord; and your pious ones shall bless you.

They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom, and talk of your power;

To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom.

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations.

The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all those who are bowed down.

The eyes of all wait upon you; and you give them their food in due season.

You open your hand, and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and gracious in all his works.

The Lord is near to all those who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth.

He will fulfil the desire of those who fear him; he also will hear their cry, and will save them.

The Lord preserves all those who love him; but all the wicked he will destroy.

Keyword in the above Psalm: All.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Wow! Holy thread derailment!
@Ostronomos take a look

@Ostronomos I watch both videos

Yes I agree about simulation

Self-simulation is based on the idea that reality exists within reality:

@Ostronomos I watched both videos

This responds will be extremely sloppy

I understand we're in a simulation

I understand there's past stories

I found out (I don't understand it all of yet) get extremely into wanting to connect the past stories

Also to look at maps

I love it just love it and I get extremely fixated

But there's a challenge

basically i get blamed if i ask a question then i'm told i'm asking to be spoon fed. and that i must work and research,

so i research and then i'm blame for being holy

i researched about goats run off of mountain, and the droughts that people had to leave to find another home to farm

i posted what i learned

so now i'm blamed for derailing and i'm scared full of anxieties, it's just a matter of time, i'm sure

i was set up to fail that thread

oh meet @Bharat Jhunjhunwala I learned a lot from him.

however I was set up to fail at this other thread, so it's just a matter of time

if I ask a question I'm blame for asking to be spoon fed, i'm told to work and research

i researched I did, and i posted the past stories

i was so intrigue with seeing Iran and i kept thinking how did the people travel through iran at taftan volcano,

i really did watch the two videos that you shown.

but this is so unfair

I did the best I could at this other thread,

i put my all into it

how come i'm always in trouble for

i understand this is also a simulation

just watch how i'll get in trouble now

just watch

i hate this so so so much

oh you see this person is a zero, the budhist stuff

and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala has the forgot word, invenity is it, it's a forever number


when i go to light i don't have any number, i just drink from light

but the challenge is i get blamed if ask questions and when research then i'm told i'm holy

i wasn't trying to be holy all i was doing is showing adversary in the past stories

but i think this person wants me to do the zero stuff that empty stuff

and i don't do that, instead i drink from light

that empty stuff don't work for me, it probably works for some one else but not for me

i been angry lately, i think what my anger is from is

no matter what i do i'm in trouble

this person says you do your work and research

so i did

then i posted my research and now i'm blamed for derailing it to holy

so now i'm full of anxiety a panic attack, it's just a matter of time just watch

take a look at what i go through with adversary

This is why I posted all the researching is due to this

Look before you leap. I'm not going to baby you and show you he is, you have bing, gemini and chatgpt. It's time to not be afraid of the new.

@River Sea - @ChieftheCef did not call you a baby. What he said was not an insult. You mistook an English idiomatic phrase for something it was not. If anyone needs to apologize, it is you.

Look it up. You are not doing well with your questions. If you're the kind of person who should be seeking you'd seek. Not feign intelligence and ask questions you can answer. I don't want to explain everything. If you want to find out what I say is true you can use Bing or Gemini.

After I posted all the researching because i'm not allowed to ask questions then i'm told this

Wow! Holy thread derailment!

So which way do I do this, do I ask questions such as this?

@ChieftheCef How is Yahweh a lesser deity in Canaanites? What happened to the Canaanites? Did any Canaanites survive? Did any of the Canaanites know Brahman, as Brahman is for everyone, while who is Yahweh for Israel only? If Yahweh is only for Israel, then how is Yahweh for Canaanites too?

or do I post my research?

Which one?

I understand we're in a simulation

im getting worse in my failures though

i did extremely given a lot of research, even analyze goats running off a mountains

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Did "Yahweh" tell you that? Or is that simply the only reason you can think of?
Neither Yahweh tell me that nor is it the only reason that I can think of. This is from the simple study of the Bible. The Yahweh himself says in the Bible, I am a jealous God. So jealous of what? Jealous of whom? The only thing I can think of is that if Yahweh blessed the Hebrews to kill the Canaanites, who had done no wrong to the Hebrews, then the only reason is that Yahweh thinks of himself as only the God of the Hebrews and he does not care about the rest of the humanity and if there is another interpretation to this then please do let me know. I am happy to hear and to respond.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Bing searching

Common Prophets of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus in the Indus Valley: A Hypothesis for Exploration
Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Presentation at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, August 16, 2018

Further in the pdf

View attachment 93261

Figure 22: Route of the Exodus. (1) Vadnagar to Chachran. (2) Chachran to Kabul. (2A) Short Route avoided by Hebrews. (3) Kabul to Kandahar. (4) Kandahar to Tehran via Hamun-e-Mashkel, Taftan and Isfahan. (5) Tehran to the Kangavar along the Silk Road. (6) South along the east bank of Tigris River to Al-Qurnah. (6A) Proposed travel through Baghdad not permitted by King of Edom. (7) North from Al-Qurnah along west bank of the Euphrates River. (8) West of Baghdad to Yisrael along the Silk Road. 75 The Hebrews had to cross the Indus River in order to move west towards Yisrael. The short route was to cross the Indus River at Sukkur and get on to the ancient trade route that started at Mohenjo Daro and travel toward Kandahar as marked at Route (2A) in Figure 22. However, while camping at Sukkur, God advised them to avoid the shorter route through the land of Philistines, which we locate at Mohenjo Daro. 76 We suggest that they then moved north from Sukkur, crossed the Indus River at Pi-Hahiroth 77 at Chachran to continue their journey to Yisrael

Now to my question that I'll ask @Bharat Jhunjhunwala so we can further exploration in this thread

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala my question came about due to

I thought I was having a conversation

Instead I'm told this

is that unwelcome or welcome? What is the tone as one has to read in the silence of the words.

Look before you leap. What does that mean? I'm not going to baby you and show you he is, what does that mean @Bharat Jhunjhunwala you have bing, gemini and chatgpt. It's time to not be afraid of the new? Is this unwelcome or welcome? What is the tone?

Later I'm told about goats ran off a mountain. I did research this and placed it in the thread, however question due to their created laws from people, was any of the bones broken, due to kosher food?

Kosher food is food that is fit for consumption by Jewish people, according to Jewish dietary law that later pre-Christians caused a human being be Kosher food.

This is in reference continue situation following to goats run off of mountain. The challenge is is did anyone check if any bones broken, because if bones are broken then this had fail laws that was created by people.

No one check if goats bones weren't broken. Laws of a lesser god. People are gods who creates laws. Past stories remember through idiomatic. Also study idiomatic too there's a past story.

Now lets analyze look before you leap? What is leap? What is look? What past stories reason for look before leap, leap where?

What about my language drinking from light allow. Did I look before I leap? No - I clung for a home a safe place.
River, I recommend you avoid posting my matter on any forum. If you do this, then all the antagonism towards me also falls on you. So, it is best that you write what you think, in as much as possible without referring to me.

Yahweh is lesser deity in Canaanites……..

The problem with Yahweh is that the Hebrews do not make a distinction between Yahweh and Elohim, whereas my study is that Elohim is a universal God and Yahweh is a God of the people of Israel. The Jewish Encyclopedia clearly says that Yahweh is the personal God of the Jews. Then the problem arises that if the Jews are doing something wrong then their God will still most likely bless them because he is their God and he wants his people to succeed and that is the whole problem, when the Israelis believe that they have a divine right to the land of Israel. Actually, Yahweh has given them the divine right and not Elohim. So, this giving of land is not accepted by the rest of the people and that is the source of the conflict.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש


Active Member
But @ChieftheCef kept saying not to spoon feed me and to work, so I did

the adversary is sita was kidnapped and I wanted to see where lanka is on map

I'm confused, so now i'm holying this how?

if i ask questions then i'm asking to spoon feed me, if i search then i'm blame for holy

i don't understand

i'm exploring the adversary satan i still don't know word jahova due to study goats fall off a mountian that was told to me by an idiom by @RabbiO
I don't understand what you're trying to say.


Active Member
@Ostronomos take a look

take a look at what i go through with adversary

This is why I posted all the researching is due to this

After I posted all the researching because i'm not allowed to ask questions then i'm told this

So which way do I do this, do I ask questions such as this?

or do I post my research?

Which one?

I understand we're in a simulation

im getting worse in my failures though

i did extremely given a lot of research, even analyze goats running off a mountains
Meditate and learn to critically think. You'll find it will help greatly on your journey.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Satanism funels hatred towards Jehovah, yes, but it also draws up hatred against Satanists. It makes Christians afraid, and makes them try to keep their own. It funnels all their effort against the goals of Satanism by making their way of life so predictable by Biblical standards. Why would Jehovah want that? Because it causes them to hold onto their Christianity and give it out even more. I'm not saying the Satanic church doesn't do good things, I found the Baphomet dilema hilarious. There is a place, but need it be "taken by a dark lord" or maybe just someone who isn't Satan. Like can we have Satan as if he wasn't so jaded that at the first slight he prescribes death? Jehovah, and I say that name because Yahweh is a lesser Canaanite deity, and Allah the chief of the Anceint Arabic pantheon, is evil. He teaches you to drown in the river of life, to try to swim before you can tread water. The true god, the one found within and everywhere without teaches you to tread water, etc. But why have Satan as a mascot? Doesn't that just make lack of credibility yet generate credibility in Jehovah?
I'd like to add just a tid bit of information on this topic. Both denominations of Satanism (Satanic Temple and Church of Satan) are actually atheist organizations. They don't believe in Satan or God. They express that Satan to them is a symbol of iconoclasm, the idea to rebel against what is commonly accepted. It is also quite true that their use of the word Satan, as well as some of their practices, are specifically designed to irritate Christians.

Although they are rare, there are some Satanists that do believe in a literal Satan. I once had a client for counseling that had sold his soul to the Devil.


Active Member
I'd like to add just a tid bit of information on this topic. Both denominations of Satanism (Satanic Temple and Church of Satan) are actually atheist organizations. They don't believe in Satan or God. They express that Satan to them is a symbol of iconoclasm, the idea to rebel against what is commonly accepted. It is also quite true that their use of the word Satan, as well as some of their practices, are specifically designed to irritate Christians.

Although they are rare, there are some Satanists that do believe in a literal Satan. I once had a client for counseling that had sold his soul to the Devil.
Yeah and I wish I had time to explain why that doesn't matter but it requires psychology. All I can say is that's a mighty interesting choice of words, Mr. LeVay. "Destroy them"


N. Germanic Descent
Satanism funels hatred towards Jehovah, yes, but it also draws up hatred against Satanists. It makes Christians afraid, and makes them try to keep their own. It funnels all their effort against the goals of Satanism by making their way of life so predictable by Biblical standards. Why would Jehovah want that? Because it causes them to hold onto their Christianity and give it out even more. I'm not saying the Satanic church doesn't do good things, I found the Baphomet dilema hilarious. There is a place, but need it be "taken by a dark lord" or maybe just someone who isn't Satan. Like can we have Satan as if he wasn't so jaded that at the first slight he prescribes death? Jehovah, and I say that name because Yahweh is a lesser Canaanite deity, and Allah the chief of the Anceint Arabic pantheon, is evil. He teaches you to drown in the river of life, to try to swim before you can tread water. The true god, the one found within and everywhere without teaches you to tread water, etc. But why have Satan as a mascot? Doesn't that just make lack of credibility yet generate credibility in Jehovah?

Either way it's all nonsense. Imagine god as a cup, whatever flavor you desire. The cup is not a cup. It is not a bekkar, nor tassi nor cuppi. It is not even the conception of cup. What is your conception of cup? A sort of circular u shaped object, with u's going around in that circle? Still wrong. It is also the air. What is the air, the oxygen, the nitrogen etc? It is also empty space. Imagine atoms, mostly space. Same as solar systems. It is all emptiness. God, however you stack it is the fullness of all of that, all of that at once. Imagine an Ocean. The waves are not propelled by themself. They are generated by the Ocean. Matter is just a wave. Which is just the Void contorted by the Sheer Consequences of the Void into stuff that seems to be not the Void but is. That is the fullness. Everything is nothing. Atoms are mostly empty space, as are solar systems, and honestly everything we know about.

There's just a bunch of masks "god(dess{es})" wears made by humanity.
and we simply experience everything according to where we are. Maybe I'm a little off the mark here, but as a Satanist (sometimes) I mean as an enemy (sometimes) it's only because I've been chosen as one or maybe I'm simply viewed to be one due to my opinion, or maybe because of the way I am .... anyway, I'll suggest that we all play that role from time to time, even as parents and I'm sure God is very similar that way. It's a Hebrews 4 reference in case you were wondering wait I mean Hebrews 12, and not limited to Hebrews 4 umm 12, or to Isahiah 45 or the other "satanist" type attributes associated with the concept of God.