Argument and coercive human behaviour is all exhibit it every day.
The topic. Did you human living as a human only due to a stone planet existing owning an atmosphere...with you living inside of it, own the creation big bang and cosmic beginnings?
The answer is no.
Then you would ask, as a human doing all comparative reasonings about everything living inside of an atmosphere how would you inventor designer Creator the consciousness who uses the quote create, when conditions created and creation did not begin as an already taught scientific conclusion.
About Christ and Jesus revelations as stated by many male ancient groups in a human world community?
The basis of which, science all used the origin of science quotations from the ancients about the Moses, or other themed reviews....Gods, yet the Gods were given a male or a female thesis, when the real male and female were only humans, as humans.
Science in modern times updated how science was expressed for it stated in a known quanta that to infer male and female concepts was lying when using fact by defined self quantified human conscious idealism.
A male group stated, Moses era pyramid temple sciences is categorically stated to be voiced taught and by visionary idealism science. Archaeology then finds machines parts deep inside of the Earth body held in fusion. Knowing that when sink holes...original sin meaning God O the stone mass energy history of....opened up and the ground life fell into the Earth body.
Based on a pre existing science concept, Satan, the residue of mass burnt out, but energy cannot be destroyed completely fell to the floor of space or deep pit review by spatial vacuum suck down leaving space empty.
To copy, Earth sink holes opened into a space, residue fell to the bottom of the hole quoted as copying spatial information in the cosmos.
So how did science as science, human expressed copy the big bang thesis?
His answer is cold mass or some form of colder something existed before it bang blasted into the second law thermodynamic/heat. Don't know what that other something actually was. Factual.
For when you only live on a cold fused planet as cold mass. As a human and a male and a brother agree to take the mass, convert it by melt to cool it artificially to own a machine. Then your owned quote is I am copying God the planet as a secondary advice to a first advice a string theory concept about out of space exploding converting.
To quote no beginning and no end in creation as conversion is all that you knew and idealised. So it was never creation ever, it was just converting of a pre existing colder substance into a heated application to cool and gain a lesser amount of energy. Conversion the law of science.
You are only a human living on a planet and all you represent as a scientist is the Earth body evaluation for the application of copying, which you already stated was an Earth God reaction, fusion conversion, a study of the mountain ^ tip removal historic by vision.
So science was human brain mind learnt by vision...which is why today image/voice and vision is important in the life mind psyche of a male and his brothers about gaining scientific advice. Yet the visionary sacrifice of life detail was how you personally as a living male quoting all quotes about O God and the Earth sacrificed/attacked your own life.
For living humans are the scientists.
Living humans only quote real science information relating to the planet upon which they live, where they abstract the substances for human sciences.
And talking and using words in coercive lying arguments is titled Sophism how you all get conned in science and then destroyed. Actually.