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Is the Bible Really True?


The sources are not credible.

Moore, Megan Bishop; Kelle, Brad E. (2011). Biblical History and Israel's Past. Eerdmans. ISBN 9780802862600.

Walton, John H. (2003). "Exodus, date of". In Alexander, T.D.; Baker, David W. Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch. InterVarsity Press.

Sparkes, Kenton L. (2010). "Genre Criticism". In Dozeman, Thomas B. Methods for Exodus. Cambridge University Press.

Im sorry but you have no credibility to talk down to these fine educated people.


He is always right

Because unlike you, I have an education and teach some of this this material.

You tend to focus on known biased apologetic sources and due to your lack of education here, you have no clue what your even debating.

You post sources that state what I do, because you cannot comprehend what your even doing here.


Well-Known Member
No, I have not read the book but I see this urban myth comes up quite often on line. It has been thoroughly debunked:

Horus and Osiris vs Jesus

I would say the Bible contains truth rather than the Bible is true. It's not necessarily true in a historical literal sense.

I disagree that Egyptian myth/history has been debunked Naz. The parallels are too blatant IMO. I do agree that the Bible contains some elements of truth. Much like the Vedas, and so many other books of spiritual thought. I love Blavatsky's books that are the foundation of theosophy.


Well-Known Member
Chistianity is not a myth. Its very much real. Jesus was very much an historical person and the mark he left on history is very much real.

If they are calling Christianity a 'myth' they need to go back to school and learn what myth actually means.

While I respect your beliefs I do not share them and strongly disagree. Christianity was built on the shoulders of many other older belief systems. Even a cursory review of older religions reveal that. And to state that Jesus was an historical person is simply your belief. There is not one ounce of credible evidence to believe that. That he, if he existed, left a mark is true however, that mark was the result, IMO, of some very good men trying to keep the masses in check. Your last statement is a knee jerk reaction to what you believe. Again, I respect your belief and your right to do same but do not dismiss other's right to believe in something else as a lack of educational prowess.


And to state that Jesus was an historical person is simply your belief.

Actually he hold complete historicity as an Aramaic Galilean.

This is almost a complete consensus by academia and scholars. Only a small handful of oddballs out of thousands have proposed a mythical core.

And to date, they cannot provide a credible replacement hypothesis that gets around mine.


Well-Known Member
Actually he hold complete historicity as an Aramaic Galilean.

This is almost a complete consensus by academia and scholars. Only a small handful of oddballs out of thousands have proposed a mythical core.

And to date, they cannot provide a credible replacement hypothesis that gets around mine.

Well, I do agree he most likely did exist, in some form. I simply said, from the post, that that poster's belief is more conjecture than that held by most theologians, including me. Having not read this board very long, I am afraid I do not know your views. I am sure I am will learn over time however. My point here was more about his deification, not his actual existence. I hope this helps.


My point here was more about his deification, not his actual existence. I hope this helps.

Agreed. he has no historical divinity other then in this time it was common to give divinity to mortal men. ;)

[side note] bolding all text is like all caps and considered yelling, no need.

But its fine to highlight important details, with bold text. ;)

All you have to do is highlight specific words then click the B to get this done.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. he has no historical divinity other then in this time it was common to give divinity to mortal men. ;)

[side note] bolding all text is like all caps and considered yelling, no need.

But its fine to highlight important details, with bold text. ;)

All you have to do is highlight specific words then click the B to get this done.

Lol....I was trying, very unsuccessfully from what I see, to make my font different such that others can differentiate. Mea culpa dear sir.


Lol....I was trying, very unsuccessfully from what I see, to make my font different such that others can differentiate. Mea culpa dear sir.

claro, no problemo ;)

I only have 1/8 American Indian lol, I did marry a Peruvian a while back. :p but only earned about 30%
It is interesting that all of the so called proofs that Christians use to prove that the trinity doctrine is true has at one time been edited by Catholic scribes and or copyist. Every hint that supposedly teaches this doctrine can be easily refuted ….See the website “The Trinity Delusion”. The idea that YHWH is the God of "Jesus the God" is indeed ridicules. Think about it. The N.T. teaches that Jesus had a God. That would be" the God of God". The New Testament is riddled with errors, and many Christians believe that it is the inerrant word of God….I would never blame that mess on God and I would surely never stake my life on such a confounded collection of contrived ideas. I must admit that there is a lot of good advice in the NT. and the story of the crucifixion of Jesus is very touching. The Old Testament is a complete narrative with all of the things needed for salvation included. Goggle the changes that have been made to this book....It will amaze you.
It is interesting that all of the so called proofs that Christians use to prove that the trinity doctrine is true has at one time been edited by Catholic scribes and or copyist. Every hint that supposedly teaches this doctrine can be easily refuted ….See the website “The Trinity Delusion”. The idea that YHWH is the "God of Jesus the God" is indeed ridicules. Think about it. The N.T. teaches that Jesus had a God. That would be" the God of God". The New Testament is riddled with errors, and many Christians believe that it is the inerrant word of God….I would never blame such a mess on God and I would surely never stake my life on such a confounded collection of contrived ideas. I must admit that there is a lot of good advice in the NT. and the story of the crucifixion of Jesus is very touching. The Old Testament is a complete narrative with all of the things needed for salvation included. Goggle the changes and problems of the New Testament . You will be amazed.


Active Member
The reason all of the past civilizations had similar themes in their beliefs is because it all goes back to a common root.

That root was, is and always will be Mankind's goal of becoming Gods.

The Bible is the only Truth we have in deciphering "what means what" in Comparative Theology.

Basically, what you are seeing in these ancient religions are bits and pieces of a long lost scientific and alchemical knowledge that has been hidden in symbols, allegories, metaphors etc. until the day finally arrived in which they can be re-discovered again.

We are at that point now.

Researchers from around the globe are piecing the evidence together at this very moment...





My suggestion would be to use the KJV as your only source of Truth.

I've seen many good people get suckered into these ideas of "Bible copied the stories" bla bla.

Maybe you are gullible OP and will fall for it like most. I pray you don't.

Good luck.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
yes all poe.

they sucker a lot of people. had me going at first.
When one of the "true Christian" titles had a user name of Lord Satan I started to question. And the more I read the less serious it seemed. Though there are plenty of people it seems that logged on thinking it was real (the majority to say how terrible they were only to be torn a new one by the whole website of trolls). Its a neat little forum...hell I might even join.