Just reading a really interesting book, "The Pagan Christ" by Tom Harpur. It details the many common features of the Christian myth and the early Egyptian myth of Horus, which took place several thousand years prior to the Christian faith being established. It gives a person new thought about the stories in the Bible and is a real eye-opener. The basic conclusion of the book is that the Bible is mainly myth that has been copied from earlier Egyptian writings about the Egyptian god, Horus.
Anyone else read this book? If so, what were your thoughts? From reading my description above is there anyone who feels this book is "of the devil" or just not true? And if so, why do you feel that way?
And finally, do you believe the Bible to be true? If so what proof do you have?
For centuries, people who do not want to believe in a God, who has the right and authority to give to state rules for their behavior, have tried to find anything that is incorrect, in God's word The Holy Bible.
Here is a warning to everyone who claims the Word of God is wrong, a myth, or not useful in our modern times. The Bible says that there is one sin that cannot be forgiven, Sin against The Holy Spirit, Matt 12:30-32. So what is The Holy Spirit?? The Holy Spirit is the power that God uses to accomplish His will!!!
Consider 2Tim 3:16,17, and 2Pet 1:20,21, where the Bible says that ALL scripture is inspired by God, and that the Holy Spirit guided the writers of God's word. So anyone who claims the Bible is myth and inaccurate is actually calling the Holy Spirit a lier. Could this be sinning against The Holy Spirit. It sure is to me.
There is so very many things that prove that The Bible is The Word of God, that I could write for several hours on the subject, but I will give only a few that any reasonable person could see, unless they are WILFULLY blind.
That the Bible as a book written by about 40 men, over a period of over 1,600 years, having a single theme, and having all these men write in complete harmony, and being correct in their writings even writing so that their words are just as true today as when they were written, and just as applicable. Impossible for men without the Holy Spirit guiding them. Today books are obsolete before they reach the book shelves, or they are proved wrong by science, but not so The Bible. So-called Higher Critics have searched and searched the scriptures, and have not found even one thing incorrect in the Bible, except, they say, some names and numbers, which are easily understood with research, because in early times people used many different names, and some common words were also used as numbers.
Bible writers never wrote the myths that were believed by their contemporaries, the received their knowledge from God, and wrote things that no man on earth knew at the time of writing, and some things only understood in modern times.
Any time the Bible mentions something pertaining to science it is always completely accurate, although not written as a science book.
Something that proves that The Bible is definitely The Word of God is the fact that about a third of the Bible is prophecy. Some of the prophecies came true quickly, some over hundreds, ever thousands of years, but every one was so accurate, that many men tried to prove that the words were written long after the prophecy had been fulfilled, but each failed.
Think!!! Without a supreme God how would it be possible for men to write correctly, every time about things that would happen so distant in the future??? This would be impossible except that the powere and wisdom came from The Omnipotent, omniscient God, whose name is Jehovah, whose name in Hebrew means, He Causes to Become. The All powerful God is the only person in existence who can rightfully carry that name!!!