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Is the Bible Really True?

Is the Bible really true?

It does indeed depend on what we mean by 'true'. Do I believe it's a real historical grouping of documents from the ages that it claims to derive from? ... yes. Do I believe it's the perfect. infallible, exact word of God? ..... lord, no!

The Bible, like all religion, is a human construct. It was of course written by men. The canonical Bible was compiled by men who - for whatever reason - were most definitely constructing a religion, against an agenda. A bad or corrupt agenda? ... not necessarily. Perhaps the agenda was underpinned by good intentions. But an agenda for sure. What became the canonical Bible, was the components and gospels that reinforced a legalistic and authoritive religion. Many of the teachings of Jesus were thus ommitted from it, where they did not contribute towards this legalistic and authoritive agenda. Thus gospels such as that of Thomas, that alluded to a more open, freely accesibly spirituality, were quite definitely and aggresively excluded from the Bible.

Like all ancient religious scriptures, I believe it contains some inspirational and useful content, some largely irrelevent content, and some downright dangerous content; when used and interpreted in our present age.

It doesn't point to a truth or truths in my opinion; it's more a devotional document of what some men two thousand years ago considered their truths.

In our post-structuralist times, I'm less and less convinced in any static, unchanging, objective truths. It seems all truths are relative to the paradigms that we presently consider them within.

The best way to know the truth at this time, in my opinion, is in inward contemplation of the present moment and one's experience of it.


New Member
This is a classic example of a man who lost his faith and then tried to make others loose theirs. Alternatively, it's the work of a professional journalist (which Harpur is) trying to make a quick buck. Not being a Christian, I have no axe to grind, but I have studied Biblical criticism and I suspect I know a bit more about Egypt than he does.

The historian Michael Grant (whom I don't think was a Christian) pointed out years ago that no professional historian has ever accepted the "Jesus myth" theory. The evidence for the existence of Jesus is as good as that for Pythagoras or Confucius, and no-one questions their existence. In Antiquity, none of the critics of Christianity ever said "this Jesus you worship never existed."

Mark's gospel reads like a work based on the personal reminiscences of Peter should, and was mentioned by an author (Papias) working only about 60 after it was written. The Jewish writer Josephus, writing about 60 years after the crucifixion, speaks of "that Jesus whom they said was the messiah". The Roman historian Tacitus, writing about 20 years after Josephus, knew about "Christus, executed by Pilate".
This is the clearest message on Jesus I've read so far. It's concise, short and to the point. Congrats.


Just reading a really interesting book, "The Pagan Christ" by Tom Harpur. It details the many common features of the Christian myth and the early Egyptian myth of Horus, which took place several thousand years prior to the Christian faith being established. It gives a person new thought about the stories in the Bible and is a real eye-opener. The basic conclusion of the book is that the Bible is mainly myth that has been copied from earlier Egyptian writings about the Egyptian god, Horus.

Anyone else read this book? If so, what were your thoughts? From reading my description above is there anyone who feels this book is "of the devil" or just not true? And if so, why do you feel that way?

And finally, do you believe the Bible to be true? If so what proof do you have?

I learned about that idea of Horus & Jesus 30 yrs ago. I wonder if Abraham brought that story to his people from the land of Ur.

Is the bible true? I believe those who wrote things that became part of King James' bible believed what they wrote...not necessarily being true...especially when it came to non-provable religious beliefs.

Was Jesus a real person? I believe there was too much written about him and his 'miracles' to not believe he existed.

Personally, I believe he was our only example of entry into spiritual life. He had to enter the spiritual state to be able to perform those acts.


I think that parts of the bible are true, but the overall message is one of confusion, fear tactics, and control. I believe that true faith is found from the inside out.


New Member
".....And finally, do you believe the Bible to be true? If so what proof do you have?...."

Have you really found the "truth"? Does this book Pagan Christ reveal all the truth?

You think Science is very clear on Truth ?

To me it is not what Bible says, it is what it means to my life. Bible says to go beyond ... not to confine its meaning in a neat little box.


You have to also consider that some of what is written about Jesus and what He did was prophesied in the old testament. So these will date back before other copycat stories. There are many non biblical references to Jesus. There are 2nd generation disciples of the disciples who also testify to what happened. They are then linked to further generations which also testify. There is more evidence for Jesus and the bible than in most other history. In fact even for the time of Christ there are other important figures that are regarded as real who have a fraction of any written material or reference to them. Yet people are quite willing to accept all these.

There is a lot of archeological evidence for what happened in the bible. The bible has named people , places and the way of life for those times and has been the source of unearthing a lot of the history for those times. People have disputed what the bible has said about those times only for archeological discoveries to prove it true later. The bible should be viewed as one of the greatest books of the life and times of our past history. As well as a book of truths about how to live life and find salvation.


New Member
Soooo much pop pseudo-history being thrown around in this thread, haha.

Seriously, there are already some extremely detailed and nuanced historical studies into Ancient Judea and what might be confidently ascertained about the life of Jesus and his immediate followers. Why compare Jesus to Horus when a more apt comparison would be to the legends of other Jewish preachers around the time of Roman rule? Context is everything, and I cannot recommend enough the amazing podcasts by Philip Harland ( Podcast (series 1-8) | Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean )

I learned a lot from this very admirable (and unbiased) scholar. Namely, that the serious historical facts suggest with great confidence..

1. Jesus was a real person
2. He was a student or associate of John the Baptist.
3. Like John the Baptist, he was an apocalyptic preacher.
4. He was executed
5. His immediate followers believed he rose from the dead (i.e. whether or not he actually did rise from the dead, it was not something that was tacked on to the story later as his church grew)
6. Paul's letters are the oldest documents in the New Testament.

So yeah, I'm putting credence in these fairly mundane facts rather than some Internet-age Egyptian conspiracy theory.. :p

As for the whole "Bible being true" question, well you're on your own for that one!


Veteran Member
Just for the record, the Gospels (which are the most important part for Christianity) were NOT written by eyewitnesses. They were written decades after Jesus' death by authors who heard the stories from eyewitnesses. That makes the gospels told by a 3rd party...which is hearsay.

Hearsay can be accurate or inaccurate.
Great and true point. I always find it hilarious that there are still Christians out there thinking that the Gospels were written by the men they were named after, eventhough no claim of this nature is made by the authors.


New Member
Just reading a really interesting book, "The Pagan Christ" by Tom Harpur. It details the many common features of the Christian myth and the early Egyptian myth of Horus, which took place several thousand years prior to the Christian faith being established. It gives a person new thought about the stories in the Bible and is a real eye-opener. The basic conclusion of the book is that the Bible is mainly myth that has been copied from earlier Egyptian writings about the Egyptian god, Horus.

Anyone else read this book? If so, what were your thoughts? From reading my description above is there anyone who feels this book is "of the devil" or just not true? And if so, why do you feel that way?

And finally, do you believe the Bible to be true? If so what proof do you have?


New Member
Soooo much pop pseudo-history being thrown around in this thread, haha.

Seriously, there are already some extremely detailed and nuanced historical studies into Ancient Judea and what might be confidently ascertained about the life of Jesus and his immediate followers. Why compare Jesus to Horus when a more apt comparison would be to the legends of other Jewish preachers around the time of Roman rule? Context is everything, and I cannot recommend enough the amazing podcasts by Philip Harland ( Podcast (series 1-8) | Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean )

I learned a lot from this very admirable (and unbiased) scholar. Namely, that the serious historical facts suggest with great confidence..

1. Jesus was a real person
2. He was a student or associate of John the Baptist.
3. Like John the Baptist, he was an apocalyptic preacher.
4. He was executed
5. His immediate followers believed he rose from the dead (i.e. whether or not he actually did rise from the dead, it was not something that was tacked on to the story later as his church grew)
6. Paul's letters are the oldest documents in the New Testament.

So yeah, I'm putting credence in these fairly mundane facts rather than some Internet-age Egyptian conspiracy theory.. :p

As for the whole "Bible being true" question, well you're on your own for that one!


New Member
Anyone with any common sense wold not ask that question.
just looking at the nature of man and the atrocities should tell you the bible is 100 p ercent true.


Active Member
It does indeed depend on what we mean by 'true'. Do I believe it's a real historical grouping of documents from the ages that it claims to derive from? ... yes. Do I believe it's the perfect. infallible, exact word of God? ..... lord, no!

The Bible, like all religion, is a human construct. It was of course written by men. The canonical Bible was compiled by men who - for whatever reason - were most definitely constructing a religion, against an agenda. A bad or corrupt agenda? ... not necessarily. Perhaps the agenda was underpinned by good intentions. But an agenda for sure. What became the canonical Bible, was the components and gospels that reinforced a legalistic and authoritive religion. Many of the teachings of Jesus were thus ommitted from it, where they did not contribute towards this legalistic and authoritive agenda. Thus gospels such as that of Thomas, that alluded to a more open, freely accesibly spirituality, were quite definitely and aggresively excluded from the Bible.

Like all ancient religious scriptures, I believe it contains some inspirational and useful content, some largely irrelevent content, and some downright dangerous content; when used and interpreted in our present age.

It doesn't point to a truth or truths in my opinion; it's more a devotional document of what some men two thousand years ago considered their truths.

In our post-structuralist times, I'm less and less convinced in any static, unchanging, objective truths. It seems all truths are relative to the paradigms that we presently consider them within.

The best way to know the truth at this time, in my opinion, is in inward contemplation of the present moment and one's experience of it.

I tend to agree with most of what you said. I especially agree that inward contemplation and one's experiences are the best way to know the truth. I enjoyed reading your post.


Active Member
I learned about that idea of Horus & Jesus 30 yrs ago. I wonder if Abraham brought that story to his people from the land of Ur.

Is the bible true? I believe those who wrote things that became part of King James' bible believed what they wrote...not necessarily being true...especially when it came to non-provable religious beliefs.

Was Jesus a real person? I believe there was too much written about him and his 'miracles' to not believe he existed.

Personally, I believe he was our only example of entry into spiritual life. He had to enter the spiritual state to be able to perform those acts.

I like what you said about those who wrote the Bible believing what they wrote. I think that's probably true. I'm still on the fence about whether or not Jesus was a real person. Maybe someday in the next hundred years I'll be able to make a decision on that. I think there is much to be said for both sides of this discussion.

I don't believe he was our only example of entry into spiritual life, however. I think there are/were many other 'prophets' and just ordinary people who can show us ways to make our lives more spiritual. People like Gandhi for example. And many people who use their lives in the service of others and many who provide us with joy and who uplift us. Oprah comes to mind in that category. I have certainly been spiritually blessed at times while listening to her show.


Active Member
I think that parts of the bible are true, but the overall message is one of confusion, fear tactics, and control. I believe that true faith is found from the inside out.

It's interesting that you find the Bible full of fear tactics, confusion and control. I also find it full of fear tactics and control, particularly the Old Testament. Amid all that stuff, however, I find gems that really make sense to me and I feel I can use on my journey. I do agree that true faith comes from the inside, however.


Active Member
".....And finally, do you believe the Bible to be true? If so what proof do you have?...."

Have you really found the "truth"? Does this book Pagan Christ reveal all the truth?

You think Science is very clear on Truth ?

To me it is not what Bible says, it is what it means to my life. Bible says to go beyond ... not to confine its meaning in a neat little box.

I did not suggest that I had found the truth in "The Pagan Christ". I don't believe any book or person has a monopoly on truth. I have found some truth in many books and from many people and mostly from going deep inside my own heart and seeking answers that I know are compassionate and kind. I found what I would consider some interesting things to ponder in the book but I do not see it as "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth". I don't see any book, including the Bible, that way.

You ask if I think science is very clear on truth. My answer is that science provides us with the best information available at this current time about how the world works, mechanically, and how we can prevent/cure diseases. It also has provided us with the means to travel to the moon and much, much more. However, science is only as good as it's last experiment. Over the years the scientific view has changed as new information has become available. For example, just last week there was an item on our news that said scientists/doctors are now saying that the foods we eat do not have a major affect on our cholesterol. Up until this time we have been told to avoid foods high in cholesterol content. New information, new instructions. I usually ignore all such suggestions, however, as time has shown that they change over time. So I think science is 'true' at the moment but is definitely subject to change.

It's great that you find meaning for your life from the Bible. I do also.


I recently in the last few days have had a spiritual awakening I guess you could call it so I am a believer. I have had a lot of questions and some doubts in the past though due to today's media, like the History Channel with their alien god theories (you know the guy who has his hair moused up like Albert Einstein? The more he tries to convince viewers that Jesus was an ET the more that hair sticks up all over. Modern media discounts Christ everyday on television or in a book either by making a joke of his life on South Park, or by some crackpot actor/scientist (in that order) doing a questionmentary on History Channel (its not a documentary its just people who only ask questions, Could Christ have been beamed up Scotty and to people who had never seen advanced technology it just appeared that he ascended into heaven? Not that bad but the words really amount to a question that retarded. Denying Christ is the in thing lately. Comedians write it into their acts, cartoons use it, the media is the media and they are in the business to make money not lose it. If that guy wrote a book saying that everything in the Bible about Jesus is true, he wouldn't make money. You have the Shroud that t.v. devoted an hour too proving it wasn't old enough to have been on Jesus, the DiVinci Code, Angels and Demons and Supernatural. Pop culture is going out of its way to kill Christians faith in a big way.. It's harder and harder to be a believer with all this unwelcome input in fact.

But let me try to weigh in on your question without going off on one of my anti-mainstream media tangents too much. I do NOT have any respect for today's mass communicators FOX News, Reality TV, Time Life, I think its all just opinion, deception, and there is often an unseen agenda of the producers and writers that people get duped in to falling for either sooner or later. I have asked myself, "Well the Bible is media basically, MEN wrote it, not only that but it was written in other languages or interrupted from other languages and its impossible not to lose a lot in translation. So I do not take it to be the literal word for word truth. But I am not saying its not based on truth or that the people who's lives are described are fictional characters at all. I think that the details were added into the important teachings by those who either translated it or gave accounts of what happened after the fact. Here's an example: Jesus has the children around him and he says something to the effect that anyone who causes a child to sin would be better off tying a stone to his neck and jumping into a lake of fire. Drowning and burning criminals was probably a form of punishment in Jesus time but it wasn't very common as it would become later on. I believe Jesus said that anyone who causes a child to sin would be punished but I suspect the form of punishment was added in to make an impression on the audience at the time the Bible was actually written in its English form.

I am of the opinion that just because I don't believe the Bible is totally accurate and that it was probably modified and edited too much in no way is proof that Jesus was a myth, not at all. History Channel and all its modern findings in no way proves it. I challenge anyone who thinks that because there is no proof as to when Jesus was born or died to show proof that anybody from that era lived or died. It can't be royalty or government, just show tangible proof of a regular working person who lived at that time. Jesus was just a regular person who lived a very short life on earth. I think that he would have had to have been pretty amazing to have been talked about and taught about by so many, for so long. He must have done things that no one had ever witnessed anyone else do.

It's hard to put tell someone how you know what you know to be true by what it makes you feel. Recently my son has been praying I found that out that I would find my way back to believing in God and Jesus. He didn't tell me this until I happened to mention that I have had a desire to be close to God recently and that I have been watching Mass online. (I'm not Catholic but I notice they talk about the same things Calvery Chapel talked about. I have been looking forward to watching and I didn't know why, it was like a need or a want to do anything interesting or fun. When I told him this he then told me he's been praying very hard that I would do just that. He asked God to call out to my heart and I felt it. That amoung other personal experiences is what makes me a believer. It takes faith. Faith in God many ways is a lot more reliable than logic and knowledge you acquire from fellow beings. I know I thought I knew a lot of things I have been wrong about. That's the lesson in life I've learned at 48 years old. I can't know anything that happened that long ago, I can't know that the Bible is totally true because it has been written edited by man and its our nature to error, lie and a exaggerate or minimize. I do believe that it is based on truth and the truth is Christ was much more than a man or a book.
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5. His immediate followers believed he rose from the dead (i.e. whether or not he actually did rise from the dead, it was not something that was tacked on to the story later as his church grew)

This brings up so many good questionable points.

Was it a spiritual or physical resurrection or both?

The books were written by Hellenist, far removed from Galilean life. After Passover did some of these people claim to have talked to another teacher and confused this with jesus generating the 40 days mythology?

We know in some cases, they did not even recognize him ;)

2. He was a student or associate of John the Baptist.

Excellent point overlooked by most.

How much of the NT parables were his instead of jesus? How much did Jesus create himself?

How many were just typical Galilean parables John learned and passed on to Jesus?


Active Member
Just reading a really interesting book, "The Pagan Christ" by Tom Harpur. It details the many common features of the Christian myth and the early Egyptian myth of Horus, which took place several thousand years prior to the Christian faith being established. It gives a person new thought about the stories in the Bible and is a real eye-opener. The basic conclusion of the book is that the Bible is mainly myth that has been copied from earlier Egyptian writings about the Egyptian god, Horus.

Anyone else read this book? If so, what were your thoughts? From reading my description above is there anyone who feels this book is "of the devil" or just not true? And if so, why do you feel that way?

And finally, do you believe the Bible to be true? If so what proof do you have?

Nice Post.

Yes, absolutely it is "true". But, there is a HUGE catch.

Please allow me to share with you what I am seeing and hearing in the past 3 years of in-depth solo study of scripture in the original words but also with what I know of this natural world, my life and science itself. (I believe they fully reconcile) Plus there were tons of journaling, drawing, pondering and "cyphering". But, mostly just "listening" and writing and "pondering".

Please make your own conclusions. Mine is from a view of believing every original word of scripture to be 100% revealed, error-free truth. But, these are also fully reconcilable with science too. I write about this in my blog frequently.

Get ready for a wild and awesome ride that is going to sound crazy... I apologize for the length of this. Once I "get started" I can't stop.

There are two versions of "truth" and one will be "dissolved" as it is merely the "foam on the soda" while the other is the liquid itself. One is the actual and real truth or true "substance" (liquid) and one is merely an image of the truth (foam) that simply "points to the truth". You could also use the analogy of a mirror's reflection (foam) and the person standing in the mirror (true substance) or an object standing in the sun vs. the "shadow" it casts. You get the point I am sure.

Version 1 or Realm 1 - "The Shadow" or "foam"

The "foam" if you will is called the "shadow" version which is "the law" (old covenant) which is "outer". Colossians 2:17, Hebrews 10:1. This is the realm of our natural bodies and this world that we see with our natural eyes and ears. This one, however, is merely a pointer that points to the true hidden one. The book called the Bible is the shadow version. It is a set of God's very written words (my opinion) of truth on physical pages in the shadow realm. I call these "shadow truth".

However, it's very words point to bits of living truth (God himself) in the other hidden and TRUE realm (the Spirit). When our inner man or "mind" "sees the real truth" (God himself) they breathe powerful and true LIFE inside us once we truly understand what God is really saying.. His words are not for this current, natural world. They apply to a hidden, never ending realm of realms called "The Spirit". This is as big as God himself. (think "Matrix"... and that word actually APPEARS in the OT!)

(Sorry, I am getting ahead of myself...but) When these realms connect within us and we truly understand the words, this is called "revelation" or "seeing God" or "knowing the truth" (of that one particular law-based thing via the written words). It is very powerful and it gives you life that flows from within you! Jesus calls these the "rivers of living water" and man are they awesome!

Version 2 or Realm 2 - "The Spirit" or "True substance" or "liquid"

The other is the "true substance" which is still hidden and according to Jesus in Luke 17:21 is not "up" but (hidden) "inner". This is the realm of Christ who is the Spirit of God.

Again, there are two separate realms, but God can mysteriously mix them together so we can't "figure" them out from a mind in the outer realm. The realms are: Natural (outer) of "flesh" and spiritual (inner). There is a veil (of Moses) separating them which is also part of the Lords actual body. Hebrews 10:20 This is the very veil or "firmament" of Genesis 1 that separates the "heavens" (inner) from "the earth" (outer).

We as humans and this entire world is a mysterious blend of BOTH Kingdoms. One under eternal life (inner & Kingdom of God) and one under eternal death/law leading to life (outer & Kingdom of Heaven). Our (natural) bodies are made of the same darkened spiritual "dust" of the ground. Part of our body we can see called our "outer man" or natural body and one we can't see called our "inner man" or spiritual body. 2 Cor 4:16, Eph 3:16.

All of the "outer" that is under law will die and be dissolved as it "lacks the true form of Christ" revealing the true "inner" Kingdom of God. This is when "life (inner) swallows up death (outer)". 2 Cor 5:4, Is 25:8 This includes this entire current world which will be swallowed and "transformed" fully as it still "lacks (true) form". Gen 1:2.

The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters Gen 1:2

Our Lord is a gigantic spiritual man who is actually wearing the creation as his outer "garment". When he "changes his garment" is when this current world will be refined and purified fully by God's Holy, cleansing and purifying fire. We call this "the day of the Lord". All will be made new as he will "wash everything" with his holy "fire" (soap). Christ IS all and IN all. Col 3:11

Here is what it looks like from a very high level (God's view) from both "inner" (spiritual mind) and "outer" (natural body/mind)

Hebrews 1:10-12 And,

“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the works of Your hands;
11 They will perish, but You remain;
And they all will become old like a garment,
12 And like a mantle You will roll them up;
Like a garment they will also be changed.

But You are the same,
And Your years will not come to an end.”

I believe this is what occurs in Zech 3:3-6 as our Lord is Joshua.

Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and standing before the angel. 4 He spoke and said to those who were standing before him, saying, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” Again he said to him, “See, I have taken your iniquity away from you and will clothe you with festal robes.” 5 Then I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments, while the angel of the Lord was standing by Zech 3:3-5

(Hebrews 1:10-12 and Zech 3:3-5 above are the hidden "inner view of God" and Mal 3:2 below is "outer view of natural man" from natural "Earth")

But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap Mal 3:2

That's right, God is going to "cover our nakedness" (inner) from Genesis 2 and "wash those clean" under law (outer) with his powerful soap called his Holy Fire.

Notice the book with Joshua is "Zechariah"? Know who he is the father of? See Luke 1. Who wrote the "4th" and "highest (level) Gospel of "John"?

It's huge once the Lord connects all the "dots" between the "new" and the "old". Turns out they are all one but it was hidden from us. Now they are being "reconciled (as one!) in Christ" even now as we first "hear" but then truly "see" these things within. Eph 2:15, 2 Cor 5:18.

I see God as truly bringing the "Israelites" of the old testament and the "Christians "of the new into one body like Paul told us. Maybe this will sound like craziness, but I see it as very powerful and a fulfillment of the new covenant.

May God give all of us "ears to hear" and "eyes to see". Truth is not a respecter of "religion". All "religion" which is "doing to become" is of the outer man. He must "worship the image" he sees called the "shadow". That's how God made him. He must "die" and pass over to the true "inner". This is why the truth truly offends the religious man because he can take no credit or "boast". I have a "religious" outer man too. I know offense. Truth is that God does it all from start to finish. We just "die" and become his children via adoption.

God bless you friend.
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New Member
This brings up so many good questionable points.

Was it a spiritual or physical resurrection or both?

The books were written by Hellenist, far removed from Galilean life. After Passover did some of these people claim to have talked to another teacher and confused this with jesus generating the 40 days mythology?

We know in some cases, they did not even recognize him ;)

Excellent point overlooked by most.

How much of the NT parables were his instead of jesus? How much did Jesus create himself?

How many were just typical Galilean parables John learned and passed on to Jesus?

In every living thing, plant or animal cell, in every living organism - material or spiritual- there is an in satiable craving for the attainment of ever increasing perfection.
Is the Bible the truth? If you can except the fact that we are an evolutionary being, with evolving intelligence, you bet the bible is true, or at least it was at the time it was written. As we evolve, truth evolves also. Wikipedia says that the first written language we had was in the tenth century BC. It was a thousand years later that Jesus came to this world. If you believe that we are the same people now that lived then, then why didn't they have cars, trains, planes, computers. etc. at that time. As the creator of our local universe, Jesus certainly knew of all these things, but we had not evolved far enough at that time to be able to understand. It would have bee like walking into a third grade class room with a senior math book and say, we will have a test on this at the end of the week. All will fail. Everything must wait until evolution makes us able to understand.
Jesus is a Michael son who is a creator son. The Creator sons are a creation of the Father and the eternal son. There was 700,000 of them created and Jesus number is 611,121.

The Andronover Nebula had a history that went back, 9 hundred 87 billion years. about 600 billion years ago Christ Michael went out to the nebula and he and the power directors started the nebula to spinning. 500 billion years ago the first Andronover sun was born.
6 billion years ago, our sun was born but our planet was not thrown off until 4 billion 500 million years ago when the neighboring Angona system got close enough to our sun to cause it to cast off our solar system ( Monmatia ).
A local universe is made up as follows. A local system is 1 thousand inhabited worlds, Ours is known as Satania and at the present it contains 619 inhabited worlds and our number is 606 in the system of Satania. Our Universe number is 5,342,482,337,666. e hundred local universes, makes a constellation, ours is Norlatiadek. one hundred constellations make a local universe or 10 million worlds. Again I say, Jesus is the father of our local universe.
550 million years ago, a corps of 24 life carriers came to our world with the life formula that had been created at Salvington, our local universe capital, and the life plasma was planted in the warm costal waters of Australia, Africa, and North America. 993,458 years ago, intelligent life was developed on our world. Intelligent life meaning, one who can make a decision between right and wrong. They were given the names of Andon and Fonta. we have been a evolving race of intelligent beings ever since.
Everything in the Grand universe is evolving even God himself. You are asking how that can be. 1 Cor, 3 16 states, Know ye not that your body is the temple of God, God is the only being in the universe who is self created. As such he has not experienced anything but he had a plan from the beginning. When we are born, we are born with a personality but no spirit. when we reach the age when we can make a decision between right and wrong, we receive a Devine fragment of God who comes to live with in us. This is known as a mystery monitor, thought monitor, or thought adjuster. The average age for this blessed event as of this time era is 5 years 10 months and 4 days. This Devine adjuster is a spirit but does not posses a personality. He desires our personality and we desire his spirit so it is a match made in Heaven. God gets to participate in everything we do and gains the experience of all we do. When we reach a certain stage in our ascension we will fuse with our adjuster and become as one with God. This has not happened on our world but twice. One was Elijah and the other was Enoch. Both were taken up in a chariot of Fire. both were much older than we will ever make it on earth but we will fuse on the mansion worlds. As we evolve and develop, some day we will be living much longer and many will fuse here on earth, but that will be a long time yet.
Is the Bible the truth, Of course it was the truth as man knew it back when, but truth is a changing thing when you are living on a evolutionary world, and we are. Matthew 7 7 says seek and ye shall find, ask and it will be given, knock and the door will be opened unto you. If the bible was totally true, why would the Bible it's self tell you this. You already have it in you hand reading it. If the bible was able to stay up with truth it would now read, the earth is round, but it does not because it was written back when people thought it was flat and had four corners. Now we know better. This is only one small example. To finish this I will say, you have3 no idea how long I did seek, ask and knock before I found the truth, but I have now been in possession of it for 42 years and I study it every day