Is that what you call it, when people ask you to substantiated your position?
You didn't disappoint....let's forget about the trolling for now and let me try and do what hitherto has not been achieved...and that is to pin you down...
You said...."The OP is about a fine tuned universe. You have implied you think it is. Wondering what you have beyond faith."
I responded...."Where did you get that from...please provide some evidence?"
You said in response..."ah right here. "ben d said: 'the principle being that complex existence is no accident' "
I responded..."So....where's the mythology in implying that complex systems require an ordering principle."
You said in response..."Where isn't it?"
Now honestly, I find your "where isn't it?" a totally obfuscating response and I am none the wiser. I do not see any mythological implication in my comment...can you please be more specific and explain clearly the offending faith/myth part?.
No rhetorical obfuscation please...