That story is typical ... We got many of similar stories in all websites and forums where people try to support evolution.Evolutionists and others have named different species of apes when they do not resemble other known ones... They usually invent a new ape name every time they dig up a bone in a place where they had not done so before.
Imagine the scene: you suddenly find a bone while constructing a building on Mountain X, where the earth has never been excavated before. The bone looks like it's part of an ape skull, but they've never seen an ape with a bone like that before, so we have to name it. His name will be X-pithecus, because they found it on mountain X.
If they draw him, they are going to draw "him" as an ancient inhabitant of the mountain, so he will have their skin color, height, and facial features... Maybe we can put on him clothing, in the drawing, that resembles the clothing of a primitive inhabitant of the mountain. We put a spear in his hand, because there are bears on that mountain...
And we just discovered X-pithecus. The bone is 250 thousand years old, and is probably the first ape who managed to climb mountains on two feet. Not because we have verified that it is bipedal, but because the piece of skull that we found was at the top of the mountain, and there were no trees there according to the excavations that were done in the surrounding area.
We've added another ape to man's collection of human's ancestors, and the mountain community is very proud of their ape ancestors.
What is real in the whole story?
Anyone realizes that the only thing that is real about these stories is that they found a piece of bone or something else (and perhaps not even that is real, like the famous Piltdown man)... the rest of the story is imaginary, just like the drawings they make that put a face and a body to a little piece of skull.
How far does the blind credulity of the acolytes of evolution go?