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Is The Hell Fire Justice


Bodhisattva in Recovery
1. Are you going to answer my question about exactly how I am contradicting myself?
You made statements which show your confused. Do you believe in God or not?

Have you read anything I have written? I'll make it easy for you. In YOUR terms I am an atheist. In MY terms, I believe very deeply in a personal relationship with God and that relationship is about as far away from Islam as it is possible to get. Let's just say I worship Shaytan and call it a day. Heck, another sweet Muslim child, Mary23 said I AM Satan, lol. I guess I could do worse. *sigh*

2. Why do you keep saying that I am being emotional? (And if I was in fact being "imotional") what precisely is wrong with that?)
In fact emotion is a very important characteristic, but if it exceeds your knowledge you'll deviate.

I suppose that it has not occurred to you that you are exceeding your own knowledge?

3. Just how have I proven the illustrious verse to our home audience?
You tried to show mistakes in the verse when theres none ,this shows your false argument stated in the verse.I challenged the audience to look it up for themselves, and they will see. You were trying to divert there attention with your falsehood.
Amin, you made some serious spelling and grammar mistakes in English that reduced the effect of the verse. I rather suspect you are writing from memory however your usage of English renders the verse relatively meaningless. The last three words, AS written by YOU, do not make sense in English. THAT is what I am trying to tell you. I thought you might just understand that I was being sarcastic about a verse you mangled into English. I wasn't actually inferring Big Al, got it wrong but rather was referring to the writer of the text as it was written on this web site.
I understand it takes some time to get used to English humor.

PS: I do realize that this is an old Muslim "debate" technique, as I have dialogued with Muslims for a few years now. It is normally used to imply that the writer is just being silly and so cannot be taken seriously, whereas, in reality the Muslim in question cannot answer the questions effectively.
Its clear whos silly and confused.
There is little doubt in that regard, Amin.

Amin, you need to try much harder, if you want your esteemed message to get across.
Im not trying anything but to share whats been taught to me.
I understand this is what you have been taught, but do you have any personal revelations to backup what you are saying or not? I care for you too big guy. :hug:


God is the King
[quote Ymir]

I understand this is what you have been taught, but do you have any personal revelations to backup what you are saying or not? I care for you too big guy. :hug:[/quote]
Always nice to hear from you,
lets chat about something we
both agree the Love of God.



~Amin~ said:


"God so loved the world that he made up his mind to damn a large majority of the human race." - Robert G. Ingersoll[FONT=arial,helvetica][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][/FONT]


Well-Known Member
John 3
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


Joe said:
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Now, this is the real crux of the matter. God is the one making the people perish. There is absolutely no reason why God must seperate people from Him for all eternity. He most assuredly could forgive people after they have died.

If we replace God with an Earthly dictator, almost everyone could see the madman clearly. "I will not recant on my promises. Everyone who follows me will live an excellent life and be happy till the end of their days. I am not willing that any of you should perish, but if you oppose my party and ideology, I must punish and eradicate you without mercy. Know that I love each and every one of my citizens and it would pain me to have to do something so horrible."


Citizen Mod
John 3
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Darkness writes: Now, this is the real crux of the matter. God is the one making the people perish. There is absolutely no reason why God must seperate people from Him for all eternity. He most assuredly could forgive people after they have died.
Not to mention that if a realm like hell exists it must have had a creator or have been allowed to be sustained by the one who has created all things. It is a shame that that such a wise BEing who "so loved the world" would misunderstand and confuse fear with Love.


God is the King
Not to mention that if a realm like hell exists it must have had a creator or have been allowed to be sustained by the one who has created all things. It is a shame that that such a wise BEing who "so loved the world" would misunderstand and confuse fear with Love.
He has not confused it but your confused
please clarify your response.:)


Well-Known Member
John 3
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

quote] IF God so loved the world he would of not created sin & the means to sin in the first place.


~Amin~ said:
God does not love everyone ,
this is why your misunderstanding this
basic concept.

If God does not love His own children, then He is a very lousy Father. Thank you for admitting that.


Citizen Mod
He has not confused it but your confused
please clarify your response.:)
The opposite of Love is fear. If fear is used to encourage a relationship it is not a relationship founded in Love. Whether one believes that God created Hell or one believes that God supports Hell, it seems that no matter how you reason it, God is the one who decides who is delivered to Hell. To dangle any judgment or punishment above another entity's head is not an appropriate act of Love-thus...this God has no concept on the definition or expression of Love.


Well-Known Member
So, if God doesn't love me anyway, what reason is there to pay attention to him?

Excatly... I know another guy in another fourm who believes with all his heart that his kids deserve to go to hell. He's the first parent ever I've seen that believes that! So sad!


God is the King
If God does not love His own children, then He is a very lousy Father. Thank you for admitting that.

If your an atheist what makes you think God has children?
your mixed up in your mind, I believe were the children of Adam,
if you read carefully it means God loves some of his creation and
dislikes some.
do you love everyone youve ever known if not and im SURE
you dont then why must God?:)


God is the King
The opposite of Love is fear. If fear is used to encourage a relationship it is not a relationship founded in Love. Whether one believes that God created Hell or one believes that God supports Hell, it seems that no matter how you reason it, God is the one who decides who is delivered to Hell. To dangle any judgment or punishment above another entity's head is not an appropriate act of Love-thus...this God has no concept on the definition or expression of Love.

Who's funny philosaphy is this?


God is the King
Excatly... I know another guy in another fourm who believes with all his heart that his kids deserve to go to hell. He's the first parent ever I've seen that believes that! So sad!
Whats that got to do with what were chatting about?:D


RF Addict
It would be nice to have some hell sentence times. If I was thinking of lying, for example, it would be nice to know how many days I would have to spend in hell for it, so I could work out whether or not it would be worth it in advance.


~Amin~ said:
If your an atheist what makes you think God has children?

I was speaking hypothetically (which I thought was obvious).

~Amin~ said:
your mixed up in your mind, I believe were the children of Adam,

God is the creator of the Universe therefore He is its Father. We are a part of the Universe, ergo we are His children.

~Amin~ said:
do you love everyone youve ever known if not and im SURE
you dont then why must God?:)

I exist in a central position where I cannot visualize the greater picture. God can see everything and if human souls/spirits are immortal there is no reason for God to hate someone for making a finite mistake.