That's like saying "Excel" isn't a spreadsheet but is a computer, the term "spreadsheet" is referring to how we use the computer.
Hmmm, relating a software package to a computer.
If you wish to try and associate the human brain to a computer, which by the way is a very warped analogy, for they are not one in the same, but I would suggest the analogy would go like this;
The physical brain is your hardware with the grey matter being your memory and ram.
Firmware written into the processors, would be on a similar level to fixed knowledge stored in the white matter of the brain, where intelligence waits to decipher it all.
Hardwire connections of the brain would relate to the interconnections of wiring and plugs which interconnect with the motherboard and power supply to other sundry equipment. Where information can be transferred from one section to the next. Knowledge poked and popped in and out of accumulators, to form a logical pattern.
Software, such as your excel program, would equal knowledge gained via life experience which intermix with the inbuilt firmware. The brain working more like programming in assembly language rather than C++ et al.
The mind as you like to call it, is the output seen on your computer monitor.
Here again this is like saying: We can clearly detect the heat and electrical energy in a desktop computer. The more energy the cpu uses the hotter it gets and more electrical noise will be produced that could interfere with other devices.
Here is where your analogy with a computer really falls down. The human brain would be more like a computer with superconductors. Alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves all speeding along the same super highway. Each wave containing their own knowledge and processed all at the same time.
You are looking at magnetic fields and relating them to heat and electrical noise (therefore losses). Look at magnetic fields again, this time relate them to conductors.