Well the bible in the old testament do have the whole if you rape a unmarried virgin you have to pay a fine of 30 silver and marry the rapist. So it has its share of messed up stuff too. Gonna assume the argument is virgins are holy or something therefor this is their crime (which it isnt lol).. still messed up
I prefer virgins because its gross to me that a girl I want to be intimate with has been doing the same with some other guy! Even if she was raped, but her being legit raped is less disturbing perhaps as her being all meow meow with some other man! Doesn't matter if it happened before me!
The Qur'an has no such laws, and the Historical Islamic Rulers for the most part seemed to have allowed communities to practice their religions and follow their religious laws mainly, so the Jews could basically keep to their Jewish laws under the Islamic rule, which the Christians tended to be more persecutory about more often.
Anyway, the bottom line is, you don't care, and we don't have the button available for you that will simply wipe out all the Muslims and make the world less polluted with them. So if you can wake up and smell the curry, you're in a world full of them and there is nothing you can do about it.
I think what you should learn to do, is how to actually get along with them, and asking them why their Koorayn or Hadooths don't talk about them breaking their wive's arm isn't really a great ice(arm)breaker to start with.
You hate em, but they ain't going nowhere, your attempts are like a weak gas, one that dissipates very quickly. Thanks for your hard work completing audio books of the Hadith, that is a great resource for people, and an educational service, which makes it pretty funny that you were the one who was convinced to do it. I think Allah is controlling your mind.
All the Muslim Governments you are sooo supposedly worried about (would you shed a single tear if they all suddenly dropped dead? I wouldn't, so why the heck would you Mr. Common Sense?) have laws against spousal abuse and domestic violence and people breaking people's arms and you can report it, sue for it, and make police cases about such things.
There is domestic violence all across the world, a lot of it doesn't go reported for various reasons where the woman is concerned for her safety, future, livelihood, extreme changes, reputation, whatever. I have never seen a Muslim woman wearing a cast on her arm though, probably because their sicko husbands won't let them wear a cast on their arm, and forces them to walk with two completely shattered legs too, which are hidden under their Burkhas.
Richerd, can you just face it, you had no good intentions at all in making this thread, you despise the Muslims, that is the whole story, there isn't much more to it, and you enjoy wasting your time on this great mission to try to bring to light the Evil Islam and take it down. Good luck, but I don't think you're going to get anywhere with it overall, you're just creating Islamic resources for them to use and educate themselves with? Ridiculous.