I must be missing something here, and I'm not trying to attack your view but understand it. It seems to me that by definition the scenario you're describing is where he is creating a rock that he has the capability of lifting.
What you're missing in the 'scenario' is that I am asking you to think of answer in non linear way. Because I am putting it that way (as this is how our language works), I can see why you may have tough time grasping it any other way. If I intentionally put it out of order, I think it would read confusing. Let me try it.
God lifted a really humongous rock that God created.
(Then) God created a really humongous rock that not even God could lift.
You might say, but that is two different rocks. In which case, I would revert you back to earlier logic that it is not 'rocks' we are even talking about (really). It is extension of God. The rock is God. Thus not "2 different ones." In linear terms, this may be implausible to ever conceive of.
If we want to make a clearer scenario, Can God create a stone that he will never be able to lift?, has never been able to lift, and cannot lift now? I know this implies a linear timeline, but in a non-linear timeline, the original scenario should be sufficient.
"Never be able to lift" would be where I would say, affirmatively, no. God couldn't create such a thing, that God would have no ability to how you say influence. Though the question is only about 'lifting' so perhaps there would be quite a lot of leeway for what God could do to said creation. Like God could maybe roll it around (but not lift it), or God could bounce it (but not technically lift it), or God could create "super rock lifters" whereby technically God (in linear aspect) is not the one lifting it. All these plausibilities and probably 900 others if I had the time, could be workarounds to the "rock that God cannot lift" rule that we are putting on this perceived, isolated entity who is all by his lonesome, wondering why he has become so pathetic to not even be able to lift something he made. How irresponsible of God.