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Is there anything wrong with prostitution?


conflicted constantly
Their problems won't go away by eliminating prostitution.
Besides, NO is a high crime drainage ditch where everyone is troubled, eh?

Sir, you aren't lying. If you ever go there talk to the bouncers and bartenders and you will meet some of the most intellectual people you've ever met, and some of the most psychologically damaged people. My fellow former coworkers are proof of the saying that there is a thin line between genius and insanity. Intellect thrives in chaos.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
To me it seems strange that prostitution is effectively outlawed in many Western nations/areas.

It appears as if OT biblical morality has crept into the supposedly secular legal system.

What possible reasons can there still be for outlawing consensual prostitution?

Easy. Human trafiking.


Active Member
I feel partly responsibly for bringing up human traficking with prostitution. While obviously the two things bear some connection along the spectrum, one arguably causing the other and whatever. But, the fact is, that the legalization and regulation of prostitution as a kind of service will effectively reduce the ability of others to engage in human traffiking. I'm not saying it will eliminate it, but if you give male and female prostitutes legal protection and rights, then you take away the power of the pimp. Prostitutes in Amsterdam can make a handsome living, and their job is made safer by having legal protection and rights under Dutch law.


I feel partly responsibly for bringing up human traficking with prostitution. While obviously the two things bear some connection along the spectrum, one arguably causing the other and whatever. But, the fact is, that the legalization and regulation of prostitution as a kind of service will effectively reduce the ability of others to engage in human traffiking. I'm not saying it will eliminate it, but if you give male and female prostitutes legal protection and rights, then you take away the power of the pimp. Prostitutes in Amsterdam can make a handsome living, and their job is made safer by having legal protection and rights under Dutch law.

Exactly. You don't see many bootleggers around these days, do you?


I feel partly responsibly for bringing up human traficking with prostitution. While obviously the two things bear some connection along the spectrum, one arguably causing the other and whatever. But, the fact is, that the legalization and regulation of prostitution as a kind of service will effectively reduce the ability of others to engage in human traffiking. I'm not saying it will eliminate it, but if you give male and female prostitutes legal protection and rights, then you take away the power of the pimp. Prostitutes in Amsterdam can make a handsome living, and their job is made safer by having legal protection and rights under Dutch law.

The Netherlands is listed by the UNODC as a top destination for victims of human trafficking.[20] Countries that are major sources of trafficked persons include Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine,[20] Sierra Leone, and Romania.[21]

Currently, human trafficking in the Netherlands is on the rise according to figures obtained from the National Centre against Human Trafficking.

Prostitution in the Netherlands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I feel partly responsibly for bringing up human traficking with prostitution. While obviously the two things bear some connection along the spectrum, one arguably causing the other and whatever. But, the fact is, that the legalization and regulation of prostitution as a kind of service will effectively reduce the ability of others to engage in human traffiking. I'm not saying it will eliminate it, but if you give male and female prostitutes legal protection and rights, then you take away the power of the pimp. Prostitutes in Amsterdam can make a handsome living, and their job is made safer by having legal protection and rights under Dutch law.

Absolutely wrong. Legalizing prostitution INCREASES underground human traffiking. Check out what's happening in Nevada.


Active Member
Fine ok, I was wrong about it even reducing human trafficking - so it proves that the two are unrelated as an issue. If it is on the increase with or without legal prostitution - then the two clearly are not related. I withdraw that comment. But I stand by my argument, that there can be nothing but benefit to giving prostitutes legal status, rights and protection. It's hard to deny this fact. I shouldn't have made the connection between it and another area of crime which is apparently somewhat unrelated in its development. But that also means opposition can't use it.


Sugar and Spice
Something I posted in my blog a few weeks ago...

I’d like to be a prostitute, in an ideal world. Why not? I don’t have any personal moral taboos or hang ups about sex; I think it’s great. Sex is wonderful on many levels; it has brought me the most intense physical, mental and even spiritual pleasure. My sexual morals are based on meaningful consent plus honesty and integrity with the person I am sleeping with. So why not get paid for doing what I enjoy? Moreover I think I’d be good at it. I get great satisfaction in giving my partner a good time; I am reasonably experienced and think I am quite good at it. There is very little I wouldn’t be prepared to do or try to please my partner. I could probably get paid much more money for being a prostitute than for doing what I do now. I could choose my own hours and even continue teaching or doing something else as well if I wanted. So yes, in an ideal world prostitution could make me rich, comfortable and happy.

The problem is of course that the world we live in is far from ideal. The notion of the happy and successful hooker is seldom more than a fantasy. The truth about prostitution is that it is usually exploitative capitalism at its worst. It is riddled with exploitation, misogyny, poverty, drugs, corruption, crime and violence.

I have met a few prostitutes. The ones I have met all have very tough lives that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemies. Most of them have been fooled or tricked into prostitution in one way or another. Some have been trafficked from foreign countries and don’t even speak the language of the country they end up in, and their pimps have taken their passports (if they ever had one). Their pimps are, in my opinion, the scum of the earth. In every kind of physical and psychological way they take total control of the girls who work for them and treat them more like farmyard animals than people. I met one girl who had been trafficked from Romania to Germany where she was only allowed to eat if she pleased certain clients, although on arrival in Germany she was regularly injected with heroine until she was totally addicted until finally she would probably have cut off her own arm or killed her own mother if told to do so in order to get her next fix. She had aids and is probably dead by now.

Of course not all prostitutes have stories as horrible as the one I have just described but I would guess that the vast majority of women and men who are in the sex work industry are less than happy with their lot in life. Many are cut off from their family by shame as well as geography. A lot are quite unhealthy and I would guess that most would prefer to have a different lifestyle even if they don’t object to the sex work itself.

So how can things be improved?

As I see it there are two fundamental problems that need to be addressed. The first is that in most societies in the world sex itself is still seen as something secretive, sordid and taboo. As a result of that the sex industry is to a large degree illegal and therefore underground and generally controlled by the criminal fraternity (who seldom have any moral scruples whatsoever).

When will we grow up about sex? And when will we learn that prohibition never, ever works?

Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession and it will never cease to be a profession. I think we need to start treating it in a more realistic, intelligent and grown up way. We need to take the criminality out of the profession altogether and put the sex workers back in control of their own bodies and their own lives. They can only do that if they can operate openly and legally and free of prejudices based on outdated and hypocritical morals.

I think it is a shame that something as potentially beautiful and life enhancing as sexual service is so entangled in taboos and criminality.

We have a very long way to go but I’d love to hear other people saying these things. Prostitutes could be as beneficial to society as any other service, health or social workers. I’d like to see their social status elevated greatly.

Me Myself

Back to my username
The Netherlands is listed by the UNODC as a top destination for victims of human trafficking.[20] Countries that are major sources of trafficked persons include Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine,[20] Sierra Leone, and Romania.[21]

Currently, human trafficking in the Netherlands is on the rise according to figures obtained from the National Centre against Human Trafficking.

Prostitution in the Netherlands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is prostitution legal in these countries?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Fine ok, I was wrong about it even reducing human trafficking - so it proves that the two are unrelated as an issue. If it is on the increase with or without legal prostitution - then the two clearly are not related. I withdraw that comment. But I stand by my argument, that there can be nothing but benefit to giving prostitutes legal status, rights and protection. It's hard to deny this fact. I shouldn't have made the connection between it and another area of crime which is apparently somewhat unrelated in its development. But that also means opposition can't use it.

it's easy to deny your argument. It's been demonstrated that legalized prostitution provides a vehicle for illegal human trafiking. That reason alone is enough to not legalize prostitution.


Well-Known Member
Are they any more than figments of the imagination? Do these imaginary creatures justify the trafficking and enslavement of countless vulnerable women who are exposed to rape, mental torment, imprisonment, beatings and abuse?

I am convinced that they do not.

The issue is one of human rights and human decency. Exploitation, rape and abuse is not acceptable.

This isn't what they were talking about. Not all prostitutes are slaves.

What's the basis for your assertion?
A secret hope that women want to sell their bodies to sad men who are incapable of respect for women?

Who said he is incapable of respect? Perhaps he is unattractive or is too self-conscious to approach women romantically, or perhaps he just wants sex without all the relationship stuff.

Even such sad men need love.
Who are you to deny a girl a job, & a guy a little heaven, eh?
You think it's better to throw one or both of'm in jail?
Too many rot in prison already.

Revoltingest has a point.

May i have few questions to be answered by the supporters of prostitution.

1 - Would you be glad if your mother is working as prostitute.
2 - will you accept your sister to work as prostitute.
3 - Do you accept yourself to pay money and sleep with a prostitute.
4 - Would you accept to marry a prostitute.
5 - if you have a daughter,will you be glad that she wanted to work as prostitute.

Look to yourself,so you can wish to others,what you wish to yourself and for your family.

Based in your answers,i will post my reply if prostituation is good or bad as a job.

1. Maybe if she got laid more she wouldn't be so irritable, so I'd support that, but she wouldn't ever being fairly prudish.

2. All my sisters are underage, so no. Otherwise? Why should i care as long as they are doing it legally like in las vegas?

3. I might sell myself if it wasnt to another guy.. or maybe even then. money is tight.

4. probably not in general, but idk.

5. same as with my sisters, so long as they aer not in danger or breaking the law.


Somewhere Out There
it's easy to deny your argument. It's been demonstrated that legalized prostitution provides a vehicle for illegal human trafiking. That reason alone is enough to not legalize prostitution.

And immigrating provides a vehicle for drug smuggling. Should we shut down all the borders of all countries?

Human trafficking is illegal. Period. Even if prostitution were legal, that doesn't make trafficking legal. Especially if the government adds rules and regulations, such as requiring people to work in brothels.

1 - Would you be glad if your mother is working as prostitute.
2 - will you accept your sister to work as prostitute.
3 - Do you accept yourself to pay money and sleep with a prostitute.
4 - Would you accept to marry a prostitute.
5 - if you have a daughter,will you be glad that she wanted to work as prostitute.

1. The thought of my family members have sex at all grosses me out, prostitute or not. I honestly wouldn't care, though.

2. Sure, as long as she was being safe.

3. If I didn't have a lover already, I wouldn't mind being a whore. ;)

4. If I wasn't marrying someone else already, as long as s/he was being safe and clean, then I'd be fine with it.

5. I don't care. Again, safe and clean... if s/he is being safe, more power to her.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
And immigrating provides a vehicle for drug smuggling. Should we shut down all the borders of all countries?

Human trafficking is illegal. Period. Even if prostitution were legal, that doesn't make trafficking legal. Especially if the government adds rules and regulations, such as requiring people to work in brothels.

Obviously making prostitution legal doesn't make trafficking legal. The problem is that legalized prostitution INCREASES illegal human trafficking - something so horrific that it substantially outweighs any perceived benefits of legalizing prostitution.


Somewhere Out There
Can you explain how it'd make trafficking increase? How would making it legal, and adding government restrictions and... say, a tax... increase the ability for people to be trafficked?


Sugar and Spice
May i have few questions to be answered by the supporters of prostitution.
Well I am a woman so some of your questions don't quite work for me but anyway..

1 - Would you be glad if your mother is working as prostitute.
If she was happy and healthy yes.
2 - will you accept your sister to work as prostitute.
Same as above.
3 - Do you accept yourself to pay money and sleep with a prostitute.
4 - Would you accept to marry a prostitute.
5 - if you have a daughter,will you be glad that she wanted to work as prostitute.
I would prefer her to do other things but if we were living in a more grown up world than the present one, and she could work legally and safely I would accept her choice.

Look to yourself,so you can wish to others,what you wish to yourself and for your family.

Based in your answers,i will post my reply if prostituation is good or bad as a job.
My answers are in red.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Can you explain how it'd make trafficking increase? How would making it legal, and adding government restrictions and... say, a tax... increase the ability for people to be trafficked?

Here's a scholarly article on the topic. Beginning at page 11 the author explains the effect of legalized prostitution on trafficking. There's many more articles you can find with a simple google search.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
sorry, I cannot trust any website that Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, and ESET32 all say is not trustworthy....

That's odd. I did not get that message when I went through Google, but I did get it just now trying the link. I'll see if I can find a good link for the article. I found it through Google's scholarly articles and it's by someone at the University of Rhode Island, I believe.