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Is There Death After Life After Death?


Soul Pioneer
Philosopher's posited in the 18th century that "everything that has a beginning has an end." So starting with the premise that there is life after death and that that life begins after death, doesn't logic dictate that this life after death will end at some point?

If so, how will it end? Is there life after death after life after death? If it happens once, what would end such a cycle?

If not, please explain your logic of how life after death would not end. And for the purpose of this thread, saying something to the extent that "it just doesn't" isn't an acceptable response, so if that's what your answer is, there is no need to respond.

Let us consider an essence of life not subject to time being birthless, deathless, immortal in nature; - so that life would not be defined or distinguished by a 'beginning' or 'end' at all. If that life-essence is eternal, immortal in itself, it is timeless/deathless. - it is only when life or consciousness is involved with or associated with a body-mind complex (soul)...that some aspect of time (beginnings/endings) comes into the picture....so these involve the complexion of the personality or how the 'soul' evolves (any interaction between what is immortal and mortal in human evolution). So, its simple on one level, and more complex on another :) (how the the timeless involves/interacts/associates with time; how 'God' associates with 'man').

What is born and dies? again, we have to consider elements of what changes and what is changeless, essence and forms and the whole process or evolution of 'souls', which includes different mechanics and explations of transformation (reincarnation, rebirth, resurrection, etc. ) There are different schools of thought on 'rebirth' and whats all involved/evolved. In the first few centuries from a biblical perspective.....'resurrection' and 'reincarnation' were very similar if not indicating the same thing, which later became more differentiated as tradition and culture dictated. - on a universal level,....all souls are undergoing a process of birth, death, rebirth...metaphysically speaking, 'flesh' it out as you wish.

From a traditional/orthodox christian purview,...once a soul puts on immortality...it cannot die, so there is no 'death' in a conventional sense, how could there be? - unless you want to redefine 'death'. In a more traditional or nuanced reincarnation model...the various personalities assumed by a soul do indeed 'die' but the core-soul is born again as it were, so the soul undergoes various rounds/cycles of rebirth taking on new personalities acqiring new experiences. I'm open to the view that is most probable/possible/logical, but have been exploring the reincarnation model and its mechanices from different school-perspectives from a more liberal theosophical perspective.

I trust that 'God' in his/her infinite love provides a soul with whatever 'avatar/avatars'(bodies/vessels) it needs for any experience within space-time to live as a personality and explore all the potentials and possibilities of LIFE as that personality, whether that core-soul experiences many lives thru/as many different personalities or just assumes one personality and that unique personality individually continues on as immortal. - I find the question involving much more 'nuance' here as we define terms, qualifications and criteria to assume or determine anything. Just a few thoughts for now :)

