That's my point, what makes them so special? Just like science why wouldn't all cultures find out these things to a similar degree?
If Hinduism has come the closest to developing metaphysical abilities then this is terrible evidence because no one in the Hindu culture can demonstrate paranormal abilities.
One of the best known spiritual masters was known for "miracles" - Sai Baba's disciples and devotees claim that he performed many miracles such as
exorcisms, entering a state of
Samādhi at will, lighting lamps with water, removing his limbs or intestines and sticking them back to his body.
Wow, he used his powers to reproduce the tricks fraudulent performers have been doing for centuries? Except he can do them for real? What a coincidence.
Besides Dean Radin who I'm skeptical about and who would be a small piece of evidence all of the studies on ESP done by the military, Stanford:
Parapsychology research at SRI - Wikipedia
and so on have not produced results. These types of experiments have long been discarded as useless. Besides all the frauds in ghost hunting, New Age and whatever else (even Hindu masters) where is this evidence?
When I was into Big Foot I watched endless videos of detailed stories about encounters with Big Foot. Same with ufo abductions. So people's capacity to tell lies is off the chart. So anecdotal evidence is useless.
Cold reading and psychics are a skillset that has noting to do with ESP. More lies. Religious prophets, nope.
Sai Baba has millions of followers who say he's real. If that doesn't demonstrate that peoples claims are either lies or confirmation bias then there are probably many other examples.
Huge amounts of bad evidence do not add up to evidence. I would love to see evidence.