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Is This Evidence Of Satan? Did He Write An Antibible? Is It Evolution?


Veteran Member
No, reading about evolution does not turn you into Satan, but it does mislead you into thinking it is true. Why else would it contradict everything God said? In these kind of situations, then we both know one is true and the other is false if there are only two possibilities.
Why is it misleading?
Apart from The Bible, where is the evidence against evolution?
One certainly is true and one certainly is false; to me it is obvious and it is not god and the Bible


Veteran Member
All of these global stories come from the historical truth and Bible. More evidence for God.

ETA: We do not have any global stories, let alone, local of apes becoming humans or dinosaurs turning into birds. We do not have any stories of a millions or billions of year Earth and universe. That was made up to explain Darwinism in 1956.

From the silliness of your language about dinosaurs and apes you clearly are incapable of understanding what Darwin wrote.

james bond

Well-Known Member
Why is it misleading?
Apart from The Bible, where is the evidence against evolution?
One certainly is true and one certainly is false; to me it is obvious and it is not god and the Bible

It's misleading because you read (or are taught it in school) and then the MSM media backs it up. For example, the Earth is 4.5 B yrs old and the universe is 13.7 B yrs old. Creationists have looked at the Bible and come up with around 6,000 years for the Earth and universe. So, which one is true? Instead of scientifically and rationally discovering the evidence and truth, you are spoonfed the biased hypothesis.

God's word should be enough. For shame. That said, the evidence against evolution is in the creation vs evolution forum. The evidence is we are here, i.e. universe and everything in it. We also have evidence for the supernatural in the life spirit right in front of your nose. There is no evidence for abiogenesis. We have Dr. Louis Pasteur's experiment to debunk spontaneous generation and show only life creates life. No life from non-life. We also find that God does not play dice. All of that which is in physical world, i.e. supernatural and the natural, the vast and the small, the living and the non-living ae all interrelated.

I realized this when I was a small child. That the complexity and beauty of life could not have just happened by chance. It was from God a supernatural being. It still the same feeling when I see something beautiful and/or complex in nature. Thus, I do not get why you say, "to me it is obvious and it is not god and the Bible."

It sounds like it's based on stuff we discussed from the 1850s and being brainwashed by the internet atheism and dogma.

james bond

Well-Known Member
From the silliness of your language about dinosaurs and apes you clearly are incapable of understanding what Darwin wrote.

Hah. What Darwin wrote became social Darwinism, genocide, Eugenics (from Darwin's cousin and that which Darwin supported), the Holocaust, Nazism and Hitler, and the deaths of God's people. No Jews. No fulfilling of their prophecy. The same with no Jewish lands. No fulfilling of their prophecy. How could all this be coincidence? Something evil lurks there.


Veteran Member
Hah. What Darwin wrote became social Darwinism, genocide, Eugenics (from Darwin's cousin and that which Darwin supported), the Holocaust, Nazism and Hitler, and the deaths of God's people. No Jews. No fulfilling of their prophecy. The same with no Jewish lands. No fulfilling of their prophecy. How could all this be coincidence? Something evil lurks there.

What a lot of Baloney..

Most prophecy was written after the fact.. or it wasn't prophecy at all but history. Doesn't matter. Its too late for you to learn anything.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
It's misleading because you read (or are taught it in school) and then the MSM media backs it up. For example, the Earth is 4.5 B yrs old and the universe is 13.7 B yrs old. Creationists have looked at the Bible and come up with around 6,000 years for the Earth and universe. So, which one is true? Instead of scientifically and rationally discovering the evidence and truth, you are spoonfed the biased hypothesis.

God's word should be enough. For shame. That said, the evidence against evolution is in the creation vs evolution forum. The evidence is we are here, i.e. universe and everything in it. We also have evidence for the supernatural in the life spirit right in front of your nose. There is no evidence for abiogenesis. We have Dr. Louis Pasteur's experiment to debunk spontaneous generation and show only life creates life. No life from non-life. We also find that God does not play dice. All of that which is in physical world, i.e. supernatural and the natural, the vast and the small, the living and the non-living ae all interrelated.

I realized this when I was a small child. That the complexity and beauty of life could not have just happened by chance. It was from God a supernatural being. It still the same feeling when I see something beautiful and/or complex in nature. Thus, I do not get why you say, "to me it is obvious and it is not god and the Bible."

It sounds like it's based on stuff we discussed from the 1850s and being brainwashed by the internet atheism and dogma.
The problem is that the Bible is not "God's word". If you looked at the Bible with half of the skepticism that you apply to reality you would die laughing. Not even the Bible makes the mistake of calling itself "God's word". That is a claim that you have to interpret into to the Bible that does not exist in reality. If I handed you a book that claimed to be God's word would you automatically believe it? How would you test it?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Hah. What Darwin wrote became social Darwinism, genocide, Eugenics (from Darwin's cousin and that which Darwin supported), the Holocaust, Nazism and Hitler, and the deaths of God's people. No Jews. No fulfilling of their prophecy. The same with no Jewish lands. No fulfilling of their prophecy. How could all this be coincidence? Something evil lurks there.
No, that is as bad as saying "the Christianity of the Bible became Hitler's Germany", Hitler claimed to be a Christian after all. You are making a very very poor logical leap there.

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
It's misleading because you read (or are taught it in school) and then the MSM media backs it up. For example, the Earth is 4.5 B yrs old and the universe is 13.7 B yrs old. Creationists have looked at the Bible and come up with around 6,000 years for the Earth and universe. So, which one is true? Instead of scientifically and rationally discovering the evidence and truth, you are spoonfed the biased hypothesis.
The age of the Earth in millions to billions of years fits all observable evidence. You want a way you can rationally discover this for yourself? View the stars, and realize that many of them are millions of light years away. It takes the light from those stars millions of years to reach us. View the planets, recognize that they are so close to spherical it is mind-boggling, and also realize that the slow churning of the Earth (works much like the air or water, just much more slowly) is what is the cause of its shape - just as it is the case with other planetary bodies. And realize that with the rate we can detect this "churning" to occur on Earth over time, for Earth to be so nearly spherical it had to have taken those billions/millions of years. Realize the length of time it takes for crude oil to form naturally from decaying organic matter, and realize that, for us to have access to as much as we do, it had to have taken hundreds of millions of years of growth, death and decay to distill this crude oil. Realize that the time it takes for diamonds to form, again - based on observable rates of geological processes - is millions to billions of years. None of these details fits nicely into a 6,000 year time-span without "magic."

God's word should be enough.
It isn't. And it can't be. Our modern judicial system will not entertain The Bible as evidence or support for ANYTHING. The reasons why should be obvious. God is your opinion... nothing more. Hence the reason many many other people have other opinions about your God and about their own God or gods.

For shame.
You are the one who should be ashamed for posing as some arbiter of truth, with nothing but a HORRIBLE caliber of evidence to present.

I realized this when I was a small child.
So you're saying that a good argument for your beliefs is that you have believed them since you were a child? When we all understand that children are more credulous, and susceptible to much influence from others. A belief you developed during that time is what you are so proud of, is it?


Veteran Member
It's misleading because you read (or are taught it in school) and then the MSM media backs it up. For example, the Earth is 4.5 B yrs old and the universe is 13.7 B yrs old. Creationists have looked at the Bible and come up with around 6,000 years for the Earth and universe. So, which one is true? Instead of scientifically and rationally discovering the evidence and truth, you are spoonfed the biased hypothesis.

God's word should be enough. For shame. That said, the evidence against evolution is in the creation vs evolution forum. The evidence is we are here, i.e. universe and everything in it. We also have evidence for the supernatural in the life spirit right in front of your nose. There is no evidence for abiogenesis. We have Dr. Louis Pasteur's experiment to debunk spontaneous generation and show only life creates life. No life from non-life. We also find that God does not play dice. All of that which is in physical world, i.e. supernatural and the natural, the vast and the small, the living and the non-living ae all interrelated.

I realized this when I was a small child. That the complexity and beauty of life could not have just happened by chance. It was from God a supernatural being. It still the same feeling when I see something beautiful and/or complex in nature. Thus, I do not get why you say, "to me it is obvious and it is not god and the Bible."

It sounds like it's based on stuff we discussed from the 1850s and being brainwashed by the internet atheism and dogma.
From the age of 4, I was taught about Jesus, we had prayers every morning at school; at senior school we were given our own Bible to study, I've still got it somewhere. I went to Sunday School as a kid. I was in The Church Lads Brigade. So I was indoctrinated by religion.

Grief, you sound like Trump/the Alt-Right - let's blame the MSM
There is no evidence for creation.
There is vast amounts of evidence for evolution.
I stand to be corrected but I do not believe Abiogenesis is a Theory, it is still a hypothesis. It is the best current explanation - but abiogenesis and evolution are not mutually dependent. If abiogenesis is proved false, that does not affect evolution.

I can't believe you are calling me dogmatic. Dogma involves not changing your mind - like religious people won't - all scientists will change their mind given the evidence.


Veteran Member
From the age of 4, I was taught about Jesus, we had prayers every morning at school; at senior school we were given our own Bible to study, I've still got it somewhere. I went to Sunday School as a kid. I was in The Church Lads Brigade. So I was indoctrinated by religion.

Grief, you sound like Trump/the Alt-Right - let's blame the MSM
There is no evidence for creation.
There is vast amounts of evidence for evolution.
I stand to be corrected but I do not believe Abiogenesis is a Theory, it is still a hypothesis. It is the best current explanation - but abiogenesis and evolution are not mutually dependent. If abiogenesis is proved false, that does not affect evolution.

I can't believe you are calling me dogmatic. Dogma involves not changing your mind - like religious people won't - all scientists will change their mind given the evidence.

I too went to church and Sunday school, vacation Bible school, We had Wednesday night Bible study.. we had daily Vespers..

But, eventually you learn the difference between childish beliefs in fairy tales and the message behind didactic literature.


Veteran Member
Not really because paleontologists are wrong and its not true. Today's science is fake science and stuff in museums are lies.

Do you ever stop to think why you believe that scientists who create computers and scientists who design airplanes and spacecraft and people with Phds in medicine are smart and honest but people who have Doctorates in biology and geology and paleontology are a bunch of ignorant, conspiratorial idiots?

They try to be scientific, but they should not put feathers on T-Rex and the other dinos. They have reptilian skin.

How do you know they have reptilian skin? Did you glean that from the Jurassic Park movies or did Satan tell you?

Thus, we get the fake science of evolution starting with no God; it's atheist science. And from there, we find evidence of Satan as per this thread. That said, I wouldn't bring up Satan if there was no credible, scholarly Bible, but there is and science backs it up.

How does science back up your claim that Satan exists? Did any scientist say he got his/her information from Satan?


Veteran Member
The only creature he created that was a baby was Jesus.

How did He do that? Did he poof Jesus into existence like he poofed all the adult animals into existence? No. He sent a part of Himself to rape an innocent young virgin and force her into the painful birth that He inflicted onto all women:

Gen 3:16
To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children.


Veteran Member
the Holocaust, Nazism and Hitler, and the deaths of God's people. No Jews. No fulfilling of their prophecy. The same with no Jewish lands. No fulfilling of their prophecy. How could all this be coincidence? Something evil lurks there.

You obviously are ignorant of the fact that Protestant Reformer, Martin Luther, was a virulent anti-Semite.

You obviously are ignorant of the fact that Hitler used the anti-Semitic teachings of Martin Luther to convince the German Christians to exterminate the Jews.

I guess that wasn't taught in your home along with Genesis.

Ignorance is indeed "something evil".


Veteran Member
It is about using facts, reasoning, and historical truths. That and some logic to come up with this great truth during a simple debate about birds from dinosaurs or now birds are dinosaurs. The latter two are wrong. Birds are birds and dinosaurs are dinosaurs. One creature didn't come from another, but that's you claim which you have no facts, reasoning, and historical truths behind it but circumstantial evidence and faulty reasoning, i.e. lies. Add the rest of the mountain of contradictions and discovery that every item is contradicted leads me to the evidence of an Antibible and you know who.
I'm still waiting for you to tell me what you think Archaeopteryx is.