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Is this the right way to deal with terrorism?

Is the current Israeli response to kidnapping correct

  • Yes, this is the right way to clean up terrorists

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Yes and No, this will only solve the problem temperary

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • No, this will create more terrorists

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • This is not changing anything

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters


Virus of the Mind
Personally , I don't want to start comparing the " Holocaust " with today's politics . We have a way of becoming that which we fight agaisnt ....

Anyway , how does forcing someone to pay for another's crimes justify the State of Israel ? It doesn't . It was a quick fit and remains an excuse . And how some one has to clean up the mess .

The question isn't who started it , but what should be done to fit it . Israel isn't going anywhere , nor are the Palestines .


Well-Known Member
Arrow said:
According to Sun Tzu, the only real way to fully eliminate terrorists is to
1) befriend the people so that the people give the terrorists up to the government
2) Land burning policy of total destruction.

The second one seems kind of severe though...

Looks like Israel and US have never heard of choice #1, pretty sad:sad4: . I thought the first option is the better path.:yes:


Deviled Hen
greatcalgarian said:
Looks like Israel and US have never heard of choice #1, pretty sad:sad4: . I thought the first option is the better path.:yes:

So did I. Tell you what GC, why don't you drop by Hezbollah's HQ and ask them if they'd be interested in talking nice to us?

I'm sure that will work, if you only try hard enough.


Well-Known Member
Booko said:
So did I. Tell you what GC, why don't you drop by Hezbollah's HQ and ask them if they'd be interested in talking nice to us?

I'm sure that will work, if you only try hard enough.

It is for the Israel to be nice to the Hezbollah (which they claimed to be the terrorists).

Of course it applies also to the Palestinians if they considered Israeli action to be terrorists. So do you consider Israeli action to be terrorist, and if so, definitely I can go and ask the Hesbolah if they'd be interested in talking nice to the Israel. By the way you are 'us' as well?


Deviled Hen
greatcalgarian said:
It is for the Israel to be nice to the Hezbollah (which they claimed to be the terrorists).

Of course it applies also to the Palestinians if they considered Israeli action to be terrorists. So do you consider Israeli action to be terrorist, and if so, definitely I can go and ask the Hesbolah if they'd be interested in talking nice to the Israel. By the way you are 'us' as well?

The assumption was the "we" would ask the Israelis to be nice.


Well-Known Member
Booko said:
The assumption was the "we" would ask the Israelis to be nice.

I see. I think the right path forward is "we" would ask both the Israelis and the Arabs (not only the Hezbellah) to be nice to each other, and the problem of middle east will be resolved immediately.

I believe 'we' should not be selective into speaking to only one party, or patting one party on the shoulder with encouragement, without doing the same for the other side. Let us all stop stereotyping one side to be terrorist, horrible human being, and treat both as just human being who have short coming and need to be given love in order for them to behave nice to each other, OK?


Well-Known Member
175 views this thread up this moment, but only 14 voted. Okay, I shall give frubals to those who vote, how about that? Just enter a line "I have voted", and I shall send a frubal to you upon the first opportunity (as you know if I have already given you one recently, I cannot give to you again until I have given to two or three others)
:camp: :grill:


Active Member
175 views this thread up this moment, but only 14 voted. Okay, I shall give frubals to those who vote, how about that? Just enter a line "I have voted", and I shall send a frubal to you upon the first opportunity (as you know if I have already given you one recently, I cannot give to you again until I have given to two or three others)

I put this is not changing anything.

Before the reason hostilities in the Middle East, Hezballah were just waiting for an opportunity or excuse to begin violence against Israel, which came when they captured the two soldiers, citing Israeli activity in Palestine as their motivation.

The hatred from Hezballah, and those supplying them with weapons, was there to begin with, the hatred is still there now. I think if, when a ceasefire is brought into place, Israel conduct themselves well by aiding the Lebanese government in rebuilding the country without terrorist groups hijacking power and stirring up hatred, Israel can go some way to restoring a good reputation with the Lebanese people.


Booko said:
True. The Edict of Toleration was issued in 1844.

edit: Though it might be fair to say that WW2 provided the impetus that ended up founding the state of Israel. Without some sort of world recognition of the problem (and the Holocaust was rather hard to miss, despite our contemporary loonies who deny it), there probably wouldn't have been the push to create a homeland.

Yes ,this was where I was comming from. Israel has said "Never Again"(the holocaust)
and when you have other countries wanting your destruction, you only take so much,
(again I don't want anyone to die) Israel has shown much restraint up to when hizbullah kidnaped the soldiers. Israel could have done this many years ago. In my opinion Israel has been in favor of peace, Israel left Lebanon.
I've heard that hizbullah was in violation of the U.N, as they didn't disarm when Israel left their country. Could this be a hizbullah ploy to keep power?


Not your average Mormon
Snowbear said:
What's really amazing is how people think that peace can be attained through war...
Somehow, I suspect that the people who are fighting aren't even thinking about attaining peace. They are after something else entirely, and have no desire for a resolution that would benefit both sides. Those of us who are less directly involved, or not involved at all, can look at the situation from a much more objective, and even detached, perspective than can those who are in the thick of the conflict.

By the way, nice to see you back.


Not your average Mormon
Jon said:
what are Frubals ?
I'm confused :confused:
Frubals are like brownie points we give each other. If you like something someone says, you click on the word "Frubals" by the post that you liked and compliment the poster. When you say something that others find noteworthy, they'll give you frubals. The more frubals you get, the more the frubals you give other people are worth.


Deviled Hen
greatcalgarian said:
175 views this thread up this moment, but only 14 voted. Okay, I shall give frubals to those who vote, how about that? Just enter a line "I have voted", and I shall send a frubal to you upon the first opportunity (as you know if I have already given you one recently, I cannot give to you again until I have given to two or three others)

I haven't voted, and I would no more do so than answer questions like "Have you stopped beating your wife?" or answer the push-poll questionairres sent out by political parties.

The fact that there are so many views, some responses, and so few voters should tell you something about the way you worded the poll in the first place, GC.


Deviled Hen
Jon said:
I've heard that hizbullah was in violation of the U.N, as they didn't disarm when Israel left their country. Could this be a hizbullah ploy to keep power?

Yes, UN resolution 1569 I think it was said, among other things, that Hezbollah should disarm.

And as I've said before, the world community knew they were arming *more* not less, and we just turned a blind eye. I mean, everyone knows that little slip of paper just solved the problem from 6 years ago, right? We don't actually have to put any *actions* behind our words, right?

I don't blame the Lebanese and Israeli gov'ts for this fiasco nearly as much as I do the rest of the worlds' gov'ts, frankly. We're so pathetic in our unwillingness to actually *do* anything.

I guess we're all just too darned busy looking out for our own selfish interests to notice that failing to look out for the needs of humanity always ends up adversely affecting our...selfish interests.


I voted "No, this will create more terrorists"". Anywho.

Yes, UN resolution 1569 I think it was said, among other things, that Hezbollah should disarm.
You mean 1559, right?

Well, a lot of people think that what's going on now is right. After all, Hizbullah started the war, right?

Hold on. Let's have a look at history, shall we? Hizbullah was created after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, not before. So Israel can thank itself for Hizbullah's existance.
Hizbullah succeeded in getting Israel off Lebanese soil. That a bad thing? Israel shouldn't even be in Lebanon in the first place. It's Lebanon, for crying out loud, not Israel.

Now, why did Hizbullah kidnap those two soldiers? We hear it is for a prisoner swap. Amazingly, that's what Hamas was asking for when they kidnapped a soldier themselves. So, we understand that Hizbullah's aim is to release unjustly-held Lebanese citizens (or held without trial - same thing). Also, they believe the Sheb'aa Farms are Lebanese territory, so they would like Israel off of that. Then, if Israel shows its kinder side (if it has one), Hizbullah won't aim for total destruction of the state. If they actually present peace instead of violence and take all possible steps possible (outlined above), there is a very high chance that Hizbullah will cease to be a militia. After all, they call themselves a resistance, and if there is nothing to resist against, they lose their reason to exist. Of course, they might surprise us and nuke the Negev, but that's highly unlikely. Basically, when their terms are met, it's unlikely that they will continue to bombard Israel to no end.

Israeli Attack Kills Dozens as Rice Postpones Lebanon Trip
According to hospital and morgue officials in Qana, there were 28 confirmed dead, 20 of them children. Some officials put the death toll higher, with the Lebanese prime minister, Fouad Siniora, saying there were more than 50 people killed and news agencies saying the toll was at least 57.
''Yes, this is the right way to clean up terrorists'' - 6 35.29%


A fool
Hold on. Let's have a look at history, shall we? Hizbullah was created after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, not before. So Israel can thank itself for Hizbullah's existance.
Hizbullah succeeded in getting Israel off Lebanese soil. That a bad thing? Israel shouldn't even be in Lebanon in the first place. It's Lebanon, for crying out loud, not Israel.

But freeing Lebanon is clearly not Hizbullah's goal when they were helped for so long by the Syrians who were also occupying parts of Lebanon.

Basically, when their terms are met, it's unlikely that they will continue to bombard Israel to no end.
That may be true but it simply isn't good enough. These people need to be brought to justice for the death and suffering they have caused. I can't start murdering people and then say "okay look, Ill stop now as long as you stop being mean to me" and expect to be let off scot free.


Active Member
Basically, when their terms are met, it's unlikely that they will continue to bombard Israel to no end.

So you're saying Israel should give in to unreasonable terms, just to appease some terrorists?