The democrats are just as corrupt. I agree. And I hate to say it, but WE HAVE NO CONTROL, anymore. The only remedy we have, now, is to vote out all incumbents, every election, until we get politicians that are willing to take action to stop the corruption
I think that there is no remedy. What you are describing is synonymous with
non-democracy. Forget what America calls itself. How does it behave? The sine qua non of democracy is that the people hold the power. and the evidence for that is that their will determines law and policy, or at a minimum, is not disregarded. If you poll the American people and compare it to what its government is doing, you'll find the disparity that toy are calling
no control.
One might object and say, "But we hold elections." Still, if you aren't being represented however you vote, the elections are just an meaningless exercise. You might agree with me that if George Washington were alive today and elected president again, he would face an obstructionist Congress and accomplish nothing.
We still see signs of democracy at the local levels of government. The people still get to choose the dog catcher and choose the libraries hours, issues about which the Koch brothers have no interest, but have no say over issues at the national level. Democracy has probably already been lost there already.
Here's the problem with the loss of democracy: You can't recover it with democratic activities like the one you're suggesting: voting. Collecting signatures, writing Congressmen, assembling to protest, running for office, third parties - all fail to make any difference. And you can't expect the people that stole the government to give it back. If you can't take it back, you won't see democracy again.
And you can't take it back as they did in the late 18th century. At that time, it was musket against musket and cannot against cannon. Today, there is no hope of defeating an oppressive American government. While modern day minute men are loading their assault rifles, the government is cutting off their power and water, rolling tanks down their streets, seizing their bank accounts, cancelling their credit cards, and if they feel like it, launching a missile from low earth orbit up your dog's pitoot. As I see it, you'd pretty much need the majority of the military to mutiny, as well as to get most government employees to refuse orders.
So, if what I just described is correct or approaching correct, what to do? I say it's still love it or leave it, where by love I mean accept the new reality and try to adapt to live with it as the people of all unresponsive states do. The government is not there for you and me. it now serves corporate interests. The corporations are its citizens, and the common man capital that serve the corporations and the uberwealthy. Isn't that what the proposed changes in the tax code and the ACA tell us? Poor people with health problems are like a work horse with a broken leg. They have no more inherent value to these people than that.
Yes, I know that that is giving up on America, but only in the spirit of having the courage to change the things we can, accepting what we cannot, and possessing the wisdom to know the difference. We also see the merit of that attitude in hospice, where the sooner one recognizes that a medical problem is not amenable to mitigation or cure, and that all care other than palliative care is futile, the sooner one can switch gears and adopt a more rational approach that optimizes the situation in a way that false hope cannot.
It's my opinion that there really is no reasonable expectation of ever seeing the country of our birth again. Yes, we will all suffer and grieve for our motherland. But acceptance is the fifth and final stage of grief according to Kubler-Ross.
I agree with whomever it was that said that Trump is not the problem. He's just another symptom of a nation with multisystem failure: government, the media, the schools, corporate America, and most importantly, the intellectual and moral reserve of the American people, who 35-40% of which think still approve of Trump. Where is the cavalry coming from? Nowhere, I say.
Too pessimistic? Too defeatist?