Well, actually you need a whole bunch of other people to help you build that business. People like your vendors, your customers, your community, and very soon, your employees. So let's not cry any rivers for this fictitious lone entrepreneur. Because there aren't any.
You think the average starting company starts out WITH a bunch of employees??
How do you think these people are paid with a revenue of exactly ZERO?
Let me tell you a story about a large company here in Belgium which is a distributor of optical lenses. Today it is worth more then 100 million dollars.
They started out some 20-ish years ago. Their storage facility was the basement of their crummy house. Their distribution vehicle was a crummy volkswagen. Their employee list was.... the two founders. They got up at 2 in the morning and toured flanders to supply opticians with their products. With the earnings they bought a truck. With further earnings they moved to a wearhouse. With further earnings they hired a truck driver. And so on.
Their own wages the first 5 years was a few hundred bucks. TOTAL. They burned through all their savings.
This is what self-made enterpreneurs look like. You need to let go of this silly utopian sillicon valley idea where every company starts out with 5 million in the bank from investors or from good old daddy.
Self-made enterpreneurs (which is the vast majority) start out with nothing and work their way up by working 100-hour weeks and burning through their savings.
Here's another fun fact for you: do you know who earns the least in my company? ME.
Sure, I own a big portion of it and as the business grows, so does my "wealth"
on paper. My money is locked into those shares. Off course, as our reserves / surplus grows, I give myself a raise from time to time. Most of the time however, it goes right back into the company as investment: giving raises to employees, providing additional training to existing employees, hiring new employees, etc.
A company is not a money fountain dude. The hope, off course, is that it becomes one. But not at the expense of anyone. Instead, as a reward for the thousands of hours of work, tears, blood and sweat I put into it. Is that allowed for you? Yes? If I work double the hours of my average employee, is it then okay that I get double the pay out? Yes? If I burn through my savings and "risk it all" to make the project succeed, is it then okay for you that I get a proportionate pay-out if and when it succeeds? Yes?
For my employees, it doesn't matter if the company does well or not. Their wage is on their bank every single monthy.
I'm the one who loses sleep over business growth and finding new customers. They just have to do their 9 to 5 and get paid every month. No risks, no hundreds of hours of unpaid overtime, no burning through savings, ... Just show up, do the work, get paid, go on vacation.
It should be decided by all the people effected by the business enterprise. Because if your lone wolf entrepreneur decides for himself, he will of course decide that he should get all the profits. And anyone else involved should get as little as he can get away with giving them.
That entrepreneur will be unable to retain his workforce and his company will be seriously hampered, if not go bankrupt.
Again: a company is not a money-crap-machine.
If the business cannot stay solvent treating everyone fairly, then it does not deserve to exist.
Newsflash: almost every company in existence will have had a period where it struggled to stay solvent - or become solvent.
On average, a company needs 3 to 5 years of continued and consistent growth to even
become solvent
Because he is doing it at the expense of everyone else involved in the enterprise. Do you not understand what greed is?
The same is true for the employee.
More money for employee A = less money for employee B, the founders / shareholders, the company itself (re-investments etc).
You really do think that money grows on trees in business, ha?
And the same goes for employees.
What, employees don't want to be rich?
They don't want to be overpaid?
An employee would refuse getting 1000 bucks per hour instead of 40?
If an employee COULD get 1000 bucks per hour instead of 40, that employee wouldn't do what he must to achieve that?
And they are all doing whatever they can think of to make that happen. And what they all think of is keeping wages so low that most Americans are falling into poverty. And keeping prices so high that the cost of living is exacerbating that increasing poverty. Because not one of them wants to sell 10 widgets for a dollar if they can sell one widget for 10 dollars. And not one of them wants to pay one penny more in wages than they can avoid paying. And not one of them is pricing their product or service for the well being of the consumer. It's ALL about greed. It's ALL about getting as much as they can by giving as little as they can get away with. This is the capitalist's creed. And it's a creed that capitalism promotes, enables, and rewards at every turn, by giving the investor total control over the enterprise invested in. To keep it ALL about the money. Money capturing more money. Predatory wealth. That's capitalism in a nutshell.
I just informed you that your idea of the average enterpreneur is horribly wrong.
Another exercise in futility.
Bottom line is that you think that doing what you can to maximize your earnings is "greed" when the enterpreneur does it, but "normal" if the employee does it.
Clearly you hold a double standard here. And the only way you seem to try to justify that double standard is by claiming that somehow all enterpreneurs are evil sociopaths who are only enterpreneurs because somehow they enjoy exploiting people.
It's a very weird way of thinking.
That's why the only solution is to spread the control out among all those effected, so everyone can protect themselves from everyone else's greed and stupidity.
Then what's the incentive for me to start a company, if I have to relinguish control to others and / or aren't allowed to profit from my hard work and risk taking for some reason?
Okay, fine if we spread the control. But then we spread EVERYTHING and not just the control.
NO more 9 to 5. You can work on sundays also, just like I do.
NO more all the risk in my lap. We'll burn through YOUR savings also. We'll also take YOUR car, and perhaps house, if the company goes bankrupt.
NO more 38-hour work week. You can work +80 hours just like I do.
NO more guaranteed wage every month. If there isn't enough money due to bad sales the previous month, you don't get the full amount anymore.
And sure, if the company does well, you'll get a piece of the pie also.
Or is this another case of wanting all the priviliges and none of the responsabilities?
Or we can create a fair business model and enforce it through government edict. Either way, it's the end of capitalism, and the beginning of socialism.
OW! So you want to live in a species of Soviet Russia, where the government owns everything?
Right, then there won't be any exploiting of the "employees" for sure!
Which is exactly why the capitalists absolutely hate socialism. And exactly why socialism is the only viable way forward for humanity. One way or another all this greed and selfishness and stupidity has to be reigned in.
Says the guy who seems to have nothing but a rant about how he wants a peace of the wealth of succesfull enterpreneurs.
Again, I bet you don't want a piece of the debt....
Sorry, you can't have one with the other.
So you became one. And now you pay your employees as little as possible, right?
I just explained to you how I don't.
All my employees earn far above the minimum wage level.
In fact, they all earn more then ME
Am I supposed to be impressed by this?
You seem to only be impressed with yourself.
Go start your own company and make it grow into something that can actually pay 10 employees fairly and still make a profit.
Let's talk again then. Let's see then how "evil" you are or supposedly would become.
It's like the capos in the death camps sidling up to and enabling their nazi murderers to save their own skin, and then telling themselves that their the smart ones because the nazis will kill them last.
Ow, now I'm like a nazi murderer. Yep. I own a company, therefor I'm evil like nazi's running concentration camps.
Yep. Makes total sense.
Yep, that's not insulting at all.
For crying out loud........................
You should be ashamed of yourself.