The suffering servant of Isaiah is about a righteous man being punished, from birth, for fake manmade sins. In other words, if it is deemed to be a sin to wear white after Labor Day, and you do it, you will be punished with peer pressure for your fashion sin. Or if you fail to say the correct pronouns in some schools you will sin against Liberalism and be given detention. These are not a real sins connected to truth and justice. They are fake manmade sins, that allow some people to become abusive ,while pretending to be righteous, relative to their clan.
The suffering servant was a person who did good by the Lord; 10 Commandments, but he was abused, constantly, based on the laws of man and its many artificial sins. He was not with the program and takes the abuse, since he could not compete with city hall. There is no good sacrifice for fake sin, other than to become fake; conformity. That will break God's 1st commandment; idol worship.
Jesus came up with forgiveness of sins, based on the life of the suffering servant. This forgiveness was more connected to forgiving fake sins that humans have created in way excess of the 10 commandments. These fake laws often are designed to creates cliques and exclude others. Jesus reduced the real working law to just love God and love your neighbor. The rest is optional. Now if you forget the correct pronouns or you wear white after Labor Day, do not worry, since your fake sins are forgiven.
In the end, the suffering servant gets his reward. He shares the booty with the strong, because he poured out his life being abused for fake sin, so the many who should have suffered by being abusive, based on their faith in fake sin, would be forgiven. An awareness appears, and in the end, things are made right for the suffering servant.