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Islam, how many more will suffer????


Active Member
I agree with you fullyveiled muslimah, sorry about the mysterious frubals - my laptop decided to die on me!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Laila said:
I agree with you fullyveiled muslimah, sorry about the mysterious frubals - my laptop decided to die on me!
Then again, it could have been Allah's way of showing you you were doing the wrong thing. :)


Lacking Common Sense
This is hilarious. I have never seen this thread before today, so of course the first thing I read was the opening post.

My first thoughts: whoa, there's gonna be a landslide of:
a. Muslim posters claiming "you were never a Muslim"
b. Muslim outrage claiming "you are a liar"
c. Muslim posters protesting the fact the thread is allowed on the board.

Amazingly, the OP has never replied. It seems as though he is a very infrequent poster, which is a shame. I would have liked to have seen at least ONE ex-Muslim here on RF. Has there ever been? It would make for some interesting conversation, though such an individual would not likely feel welcome for long.

Really, the 'muslim perspective' on every subject is predictable enough to have become boring. /JMHO


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Quoth_The _Raven said:
While these people are spending their time Muslim bashing they forget the bloody history of Christianity. Crusades,conversion by the sword, the Inquisition, innocent people tortured and burnt at the stake...isn't there something in the Bible about the sinless being allowed to throw the first rock? Funny how no-one was in a position to actually start throwing them.
There are more than enough Christian fundamentalists out there whose thinking is skewed in a similar fashion to the Muslim fundies...neither of these groups do their respective religion any justice, nor in reality show any real understanding of the teachings on which they are based.
Fanaticism of any sort is hardly rational behaviour...involving a religious belief doesn't change that.
And Chookyman, surely what you're advocating with your push to 'destroy all that is Islam' is nothing more than your own version of Jihad. You're becoming what you profess to fear and despise.
Lets not get confused with those who profess to be christian but were under the banner of religion.They are 2 entirely different things.
86% of North America says they are christian ,obviously under false pretence to say the least.
A christian is one who follows and adheres to the principals and practices as Christ ,not their own agenda
One is a Christian who accepts believes recieves Christ as savior and is born agains by the Spirit of the living God,his nature is changed as long as he walks in the spirit and not after the flesh
Jesus is not affilitated with those professing christians who claimed to be eradicating jews for the sake of God,

I just watched a documentry called obsession where ex muslim terrorists and high ranking muslim Jihad leaders where quoted as saying that those who where not muslims should have their throats slit and their skulls crushed and death to America among many other things.
This was live footage in Arab countries where these leaders where instructing the children in schools to hate anything not muslim,burn american flags etc


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
chookyman said:
Being a muslim once and realising the true roots of Islam, and seeing the push of Islam onto this world, I feared for the wellbeing of all others who are not Muslim. Islam is a religion of suppression of the human will, Muslims even put god before the love & wellbeing of those close you.

What most people do not realise, is the rebirth of the push to turn this entire world & every civilisation into one big Islamic paradox one way or another. If they cannot kill, they will bread us out through multiple marriages and child births (big muslim families) from those marriages or big famillies, or through marrying non-muslims who have to convert to islam (regardles of the sex). Look at Europe now.

So as you will read from this article (below), you will see why there is an influx in Islamic fundimentlist in the world and why we must wake up now and stop ***** footing around. Islam and Muslims always come to us, with nice intentions, goodwill, etc. But behind those faces is nothing but utter evil and deception, waiting for the right time to move (most times they come on you in such away over time you do not realise it until you up to your neck in it.

If we do not fight back and destroy all that is Islam, in the future that is all there will be, and many peoples lives will suffer. It always amazed me that every one loves muslims and Islam, until something bad happens to them before they wake up, by then it is too late (Bali, Sept 11 for example).

There is little good in Islam for this world, and Islam proves to be the biggest shackels of mankind pulling us back of becoming what we can be. All our policies of human rights, democracy, etc is ******** to a muslim (see it in Iraq, the religion always comes first and does not fit into the thinking of Islam), means nothing, but does not stop them as using them as tools to convert or destroy us (one way or another).

After you finish reading this article, you will see the true agenda of Islam and of most muslims who fight for it. Yes there are some good muslims who do not care for this, that can read behind the lines, but one must remember a muslim is brainwashed the religion from such a young age, it becaomes them and it is hard to see past it. It is a constant mind fight inside the brain of a muslim. It is a cognitive conditioning. Even our laws mean nothing to a muslim (see Indonesia) Islam rules over the countries own laws when it comes to Muslims. One can not afford to separate on Muslim from another. If they are Muslim, they are Muslim. Muslims are brothers and like family they are blood and are demanded to protect the interest of another (thats why the Turks did not lose their heads in Iraq when captured, but most other non-muslims did).

This is why I am no longer a muslim, I denounce the religion as a religion of evil then of goodness, compassion for humanity, and heart. There is no such thing as peace in Islam until the whole world is Islam and everyone left is a muslim one way or another. Look at most countries which are Islamic? Look around you and wake up before your next, and you country. Fight back on Islam, before you, your family, your country is next and it is too late to be what mankind could have been.


This has to be among the trashiest OPs I've ever read on RF. Too bad the poster didn't hang around to defend his beliefs.