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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Well-Known Member
ahh come on!!! who cares if she was buried till neck or waist. if you're follower of Mohammad (PBUH) you could not even stone an animal. stoning a human being?? the most precious creature of Allah? stoning people does not exist in Qur'an and noone, NOONE could show you any verse that says we should stone people. it does not exist. so where's it coming from? fake hadiths. it is Muslim's duty to compare hadith with Qur'an but they don't do that. they are still responsible and they would pay for satanic acts. same goes with execution of gay people, death penalty for gay people does not exist in Qur'an. there are so many wrongs in Muslim nations and that's why they are poor and suffering. law of God is simple. loving human is equal loving God and God does not love cruel people. foundation of religion is LOVE, if not, it is not religion of God, it is desire and darkness of men. God gave women freedom and men took it away. they play God. that's what mushrik means.

I wish every body believed like that. Our world would finally be a place where people could live without the fear of intolerance just because they were different or had a different opinion. That is what is wrong with most religions imo. People forget the core foundation is Love and try to use God's law to justify what they want to do.


not true
women can't marry unless she is adult
no thing called 9
for a women rules for marriage
1-she is adult
2-she is normal ,not have some thing like mental disease
3- she accept the one who she will marry
no thing called marry when she is 9
and i know you will tell me that prophet mohamed marry isha when she was 9
that is not true ,we don't know exactly how old was she when she married
but we are sure she was adult
and it wasn't usual in arab nations to marry children

By adult brother you mean she is mature. The normal ages of maturatiy for girls is
9-14. while boys are 10-15. So there was no problem with the prophet amrrying aisha at the age of maturatiy and also the fact it was a wide-spread practice at that time.


Iranians are Muslims but their sharia is based on hadiths, not Qur'an.

You can not claim a countrey according to its religon. Iran contains a majority of muslims and a majority of shia muslims. If byou are trying to place your words on the "shia" muslims in Iran then your quote is completely wrong and bias. There are shia everywhere;lebanon, iraq, syria, saudi arabia, iran,yemen,kuwait,india,afghanistan and pakistan. I am follow the shia sub religon and trace back my threads on this forum all my points have been in the support of the quran and on many occasions used quranic verses to prove my points. Your quote proves and clearly shows your ignorance about the shia islam.
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Veteran Member
It was a bit below the belt but it did upset me when i saw it:sorry1:

really? a bit huh? hehe

let's see;
i am OK with hidden cameras and exposing cruelty just to make things better in this world. if we must, we should expose. although i find it rather amusing your princess did it. i like Lady Di better. she was noble, kind and she had dignity. hope she rests in peace. i don't see same quality in Sarah.

and about the problem. that problem has nothing to do with religion. it is about education and more about money. Turkish government spent huge money on PKK terror and there are nations who's supporting PKK. also, except for our first leader after Ottoman Empire (Ataturk), all the leaders were OK to take money from IMF. IMF put the highest interest for Turkey. now government takes more money to pay the debt. which means even unborn Turkish is debted to IMF. but don't get me wrong, i don't blmae IMF. they are vampires so it is normal for them to suck our blood. i blame our government. so, after impact of your princess, that one place now had better conditions. but what about rest? there are hundreds of orphan houses, retirement houses...etc. problem remains because government can not effort better conditions. instead they must pay for guns and for IMF. maybe your princess was right about the problem itself. but she could not manage to show solution. if she meant to solve this kind of problems that's depend on mostly money, i believe she would have focused on how IMF works, how IMF made nations their poor slaves. it is upseting. but they don't tie kids because they are Muslims. those kids unfortunately hurt themselves. they need special care with special equipment even special designed rooms, so, even if they hit their heads to the wall, they would still be safe and you know, that means money.



Veteran Member
You can not claim a countrey according to its religon. Iran contains a majority of muslims and a majority of shia muslims. If byou are trying to place your words on the "shia" muslims in Iran then your quote is completely wrong and bias. There are shia everywhere;lebanon, iraq, syria, saudi arabia, iran,yemen,kuwait,india,afghanistan and pakistan. I am follow the shia sub religon and trace back my threads on this forum all my points have been in the support of the quran and on many occasions used quranic verses to prove my points. Your quote proves and clearly shows your ignorance about the shia islam.

Shia Islam does not exist in Qur'an. there is only one Islam and it is written in Qur'an. sharia that practiced in Iran is not the same with Qur'an. but of course, there are people who's following Qur'an correctly yet they are not authority in Iran. that's what i am saying.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
really? a bit huh? hehe

let's see;
i am OK with hidden cameras and exposing cruelty just to make things better in this world. if we must, we should expose. although i find it rather amusing your princess did it. i like Lady Di better. she was noble, kind and she had dignity. hope she rests in peace. i don't see same quality in Sarah.

and about the problem. that problem has nothing to do with religion. it is about education and more about money. Turkish government spent huge money on PKK terror and there are nations who's supporting PKK. also, except for our first leader after Ottoman Empire (Ataturk), all the leaders were OK to take money from IMF. IMF put the highest interest for Turkey. now government takes more money to pay the debt. which means even unborn Turkish is debted to IMF. but don't get me wrong, i don't blmae IMF. they are vampires so it is normal for them to suck our blood. i blame our government. so, after impact of your princess, that one place now had better conditions. but what about rest? there are hundreds of orphan houses, retirement houses...etc. problem remains because government can not effort better conditions. instead they must pay for guns and for IMF. maybe your princess was right about the problem itself. but she could not manage to show solution. if she meant to solve this kind of problems that's depend on mostly money, i believe she would have focused on how IMF works, how IMF made nations their poor slaves. it is upseting. but they don't tie kids because they are Muslims. those kids unfortunately hurt themselves. they need special care with special equipment even special designed rooms, so, even if they hit their heads to the wall, they would still be safe and you know, that means money.


From Sarahs visit a few Charities have been started for these Children so something positive has come from her visit and i admit it has nothing to do with religion.
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You can not claim a countrey according to its religon. Iran contains a majority of muslims and a majority of shia muslims. If byou are trying to place your words on the "shia" muslims in Iran then your quote is completely wrong and bias. There are shia everywhere;lebanon, iraq, syria, saudi arabia, iran,yemen,kuwait,india,afghanistan and pakistan. I am follow the shia sub religon and trace back my threads on this forum all my points have been in the support of the quran and on many occasions used quranic verses to prove my points. Your quote proves and clearly shows your ignorance about the shia islam.
brothers that is not the place to talk about that
we here to show islam not fight between moslems


Shia Islam does not exist in Qur'an. there is only one Islam and it is written in Qur'an. sharia that practiced in Iran is not the same with Qur'an. but of course, there are people who's following Qur'an correctly yet they are not authority in Iran. that's what i am saying.

firstly the shia islam is mentioned in the quran and secondlly if you want to discuss this further then you can open a new forum about this topic and i happy to answer your questions
as brother pharon mentioned this isnt the place or the time


Veteran Member
firstly the shia islam is mentioned in the quran and secondlly if you want to discuss this further then you can open a new forum about this topic and i happy to answer your questions
as brother pharon mentioned this isnt the place or the time

i am your friend :)

you started to defend something else. i was not even talking to you. i was not even talking about Shia Muslims. i was talking about authority in Iran.

Islam rejects sections very openly. since this thread is about Islam and this is Qur'an below how is not related to topic? if you still feel like this issue needs another thread, you're free to start. (and please let me know, i might miss thread sometimes)

30:31/32 Turning to Him, and be careful of (your duty to) Him and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists. Of those who divided their religion and became seas every sect rejoicing in what they had with them.

42:13 He has made plain to you of the religion what He enjoined upon Nuh and that which We have revealed to you and that which We enjoined upon Ibrahim and Musa and Isa that keep to obedience and be not divided therein; hard to the unbelievers is that which you call them to; Allah chooses for Himself whom He pleases, and guides to Himself him who turns (to Him), frequently.

42:14 And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves; and had not a word gone forth from your Lord till an appointed term, certainly judgment would have been given between them; and those who were made to inherit the Book after them are most surely in disquieting doubt concerning it.

3:105 And be not like those who became divided and disagreed after clear arguments had come to them, and these it is that shall have a grievous chastisement.

21:93 And they broke their religion (into sects) between them: to Us shall all come back.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
first the name of that chapter in quran is not an nur it is elbakra
second the translation is wrong and entered words not exist
third and that is very important ,that part is about marriage with atheist and no thing else
you must know that the biggest crime in islam is to deny god existance
the translation is
(don't marry atheist women unless they belive in god,marry a salve is better than marrying an atheist even you like her,and don't marry atheist men unless they belive to marry a salve who belive is better than an atheist even you like him,they invite you to hell and god invite to heaven and his forgivness ,and god show miracles to peo[le mapy they remember)
you talk about your self as anon moslem
that paragraph don't talk about non moslems it talk about atheist
so a moslem man can marry achristian women
because she belive in god and he admit that jesues is prophet
that is also the case with jewish women
but can achrstian or jewish man marry amoslem women?
because he don't admit that mohamed is aprophet
what if he admit that mohamed is aprophet?
here he can marry her
but at any case moslems don't marry atheist
so that part is about marrying
not about how moslems look at atheist
i'am sure you think we will kill them with out a question
which is not true
but let's discuse that later
discuse that at the begining what do you think?
is it unfair

I don't think it matters if someone is an Atheist,after all they are Human beings and i do not think Slavery is acceptible no matter how well they are treated.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
not true
women can't marry unless she is adult
no thing called 9
for a women rules for marriage
1-she is adult
2-she is normal ,not have some thing like mental disease
3- she accept the one who she will marry
no thing called marry when she is 9
and i know you will tell me that prophet mohamed marry isha when she was 9
that is not true ,we don't know exactly how old was she when she married
but we are sure she was adult
and it wasn't usual in arab nations to marry children

I have checked and it is acceptible for 9-14 year old Girls to Marry.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Does anyone think that when Muhammed died that this is what caused problems in Islam ie the Shia and Sunnis and Immams,is this when it fragmented.


Veteran Member
I have checked and it is acceptible for 9-14 year old Girls to Marry.

1400 years ago they did not care for females very much and they did not care when they were born. girls did not have birth certificate. when they reach at certain age and start having their period, they were considered as a girl can marry. some say that after first period they used to count their ages. so maybe 5 years old could be even 13+5 years old. who knows?

we don't even know what's really happening on Earth today, but we insist to discuss about age of a woman who lived 1400 years ago. we are weird.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
1400 years ago they did not care for females very much and they did not care when they were born. girls did not have birth certificate. when they reach at certain age and start having their period, they were considered as a girl can marry. some say that after first period they used to count their ages. so maybe 5 years old could be even 13+5 years old. who knows?

we don't even know what's really happening on Earth today, but we insist to discuss about age of a woman who lived 1400 years ago. we are weird.


I agree to some extent but some people are living in a world from 1400 years ago,i think thats weird,we need to move forward not back.


Veteran Member
I agree to some extent but some people are living in a world from 1400 years ago,i think thats weird,we need to move forward not back.

yes, i am well aware of it. if they followed commands of God written in Qur'an, that would have never happened. abusive and cruel men, women with no rights, child abuse, giving no value to human life...etc this is a bleeding wound. i can not change this on my own by talking to you. God let this happen for a reason. it is about to end. it is gonna be fixed soon. for now all i can do is to let you know what you see is not Islam. you're witnessing darkness of ignorance of men. Western media never carry any good event that happened in Muslim nations. they always talk about ugly stuff to keep you 'reminded'. they make you believe that is what happens if you are a Muslim, this is what Islam brings...etc. that is a lie. see my problem here? i would never defend inhumane behavour. i would not defend someone else's wrong doing because he is Muslim. i am open to talk about wrongs. but i can not agree it is because of Islam. Islam means submission. someone being cruel...he submitted to hatred. hatred belongs to satan. so? what kind of submission is that?



Veteran Member
The Index of Islam I am genuinly interested to know if this is correct

what do you mean? is there a certain hadith you want to ask about? there are thousands of fake hadiths that's been added to hadith books. general knowledge of Islam in Islamic nation is based on hadiths. in religious schools they teach hadiths. even Imams deny verses of Qur'an by telling us "this is what hadith says" or "there is no such a thing in hadith books". stoning people, killing gay people...these two are from hadith books and both are fake hadiths. there are many more. fake hadiths and commentaries are the reasons why Muslims do not know Islam as it is revealed in Qur'an.



Well-Known Member
what do you mean? is there a certain hadith you want to ask about? there are thousands of fake hadiths that's been added to hadith books. general knowledge of Islam in Islamic nation is based on hadiths. in religious schools they teach hadiths. even Imams deny verses of Qur'an by telling us "this is what hadith says" or "there is no such a thing in hadith books". stoning people, killing gay people...these two are from hadith books and both are fake hadiths. there are many more. fake hadiths and commentaries are the reasons why Muslims do not know Islam as it is revealed in Qur'an.

So Islam suffers from what all religions suffer from. Deceit, manipulation and forgery by those at the top to control those at the bottom?


Veteran Member
So Islam suffers from what all religions suffer from. Deceit, manipulation and forgery by those at the top to control those at the bottom?

yes. masses sincerely trust religious leaders and leaders are mostly wrong.

here you go;

33:67 And they shall say: O our Lord! surely we obeyed our religious leaders and our great men, so they led us astray from the path;

28:41 And We made them Imams who call to the fire, and on the day of resurrection they shall not be assisted.
