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Islam, how much do you really know about it?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
So Islam suffers from what all religions suffer from. Deceit, manipulation and forgery by those at the top to control those at the bottom?

You hit the nail on the head there,this is the problem i have with religion,its basically a power tool,more powerful than Politics and created by Men for their own purposes.


Veteran Member
You hit the nail on the head there,this is the problem i have with religion,its basically a power tool,more powerful than Politics and created by Men for their own purposes.

'created by men' is the label you put. everything is open to be abused. everything has the fake version. as there is fake gold, there is also real gold.



Guardian of Asgaard
'created by men' is the label you put. everything is open to be abused. everything has the fake version. as there is fake gold, there is also real gold.


.lava it seems rather strange to me that a God would allow his worshippers to be exploited by leaders who do not soundly represent the true Islam/Quran.


Guardian of Asgaard
there are people who represent truth of Islam.

their error is your test.


Its appears as though the tests are getting harder, more fanatics hurt the world view of Islam with their horrible acts.
Is Allah challenging us more the further we stray from our origins or is he just being mean? Why does it appear that Allah is testing us further for evolving as a race?


Well-Known Member
Its appears as though the tests are getting harder, more fanatics hurt the world view of Islam with their horrible acts.
Is Allah challenging us more the further we stray from our origins or is he just being mean? Why does it appear that Allah is testing us further for evolving as a race?
I don't see it as testing. I do think everything happens for a purpose. The world has become an uncomfortable place for the most part. It is the uncomfortable things that spur us into action as humans. It makes us realize that we need to change something. I think the actions of a minority are going to be reacted upon very soon by the majority. By that I mean, it is time that those in this world that want to see harmony and coexistence in humanity need to step up to the challenge and create an environment where they are not going to allow these minorities to dictate practices that cause suffering for the rest of us. Those who spread negative messages and hate need to be challenged. Anything that involves hate cannot be of God according to most religions. If we finally understand that we can start making changes. It is time for all religions to let go of the negative messages they preach. The time has come to raise our consciousness and say no more to those that teach power and manipulation in the name of God. I don't believe in divine intervention. I believe we are responsible for how we have let our world become. No divine being is going to step in to change things. We have brains and hearts, logic and compassion for a reason. It's time to use them in balance. That can be done one person at a time. Those in the Christian world can try to help people around them understand this concept as can those in the world of Islam. People who do understand this, need to step up to make the changes we want to see. The punishment and reward system that leaders of religions have brought in for manipulation of the "masses" must be seen for what it is. It is no longer prudent to let centuries old ideas of retribution and revenge infiltrate a modern world of nuclear weapons. Our mindsets must change or we will not survive in any recognizable way. That is what I think.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
IMHO we have taken our eye off of the Ball the Ball being Earth,the glasiers in Switzerland are shrinking,the poles are shrinking and what do most Humans do? worry about there entrance to Heaven and something that happened years ago.
If the Human race replaced religion with logic we may have chance.


Guardian of Asgaard
IMHO we have taken our eye off of the Ball the Ball being Earth,the glasiers in Switzerland are shrinking,the poles are shrinking and what do most Humans do? worry about there entrance to Heaven and something that happened years ago.
If the Human race replaced religion with logic we may have chance.

We have, and millions will die because we're too concerned with fighting over God, than fighting for our planet. I wish we could divert everything religious into environmental motivation. Instead of working for God, work for our planet. God will not save our planet, we need to stop worrying about God and start worrying about ourselves and the state of our planet. If every dollar wasted on God was spent on building green technology and building solar panels, we'd be in much better shape. But sadly, we're all to stupid to realise this and would rather pray to be saved.


Guardian of Asgaard
I don't see it as testing. I do think everything happens for a purpose. The world has become an uncomfortable place for the most part. It is the uncomfortable things that spur us into action as humans. It makes us realize that we need to change something. I think the actions of a minority are going to be reacted upon very soon by the majority. By that I mean, it is time that those in this world that want to see harmony and coexistence in humanity need to step up to the challenge and create an environment where they are not going to allow these minorities to dictate practices that cause suffering for the rest of us. Those who spread negative messages and hate need to be challenged. Anything that involves hate cannot be of God according to most religions. If we finally understand that we can start making changes. It is time for all religions to let go of the negative messages they preach. The time has come to raise our consciousness and say no more to those that teach power and manipulation in the name of God. I don't believe in divine intervention. I believe we are responsible for how we have let our world become. No divine being is going to step in to change things. We have brains and hearts, logic and compassion for a reason. It's time to use them in balance. That can be done one person at a time. Those in the Christian world can try to help people around them understand this concept as can those in the world of Islam. People who do understand this, need to step up to make the changes we want to see. The punishment and reward system that leaders of religions have brought in for manipulation of the "masses" must be seen for what it is. It is no longer prudent to let centuries old ideas of retribution and revenge infiltrate a modern world of nuclear weapons. Our mindsets must change or we will not survive in any recognizable way. That is what I think.

Although your statement is very nice, i wonder whether it is possible for us to co-exist. Christians tolerate muslims, and vise versa, its not a loving relationship. We are too ignorant, to proud. Our pride and ignorance will bring us down because we think we know better than those who believe differently to us. Our mindsets (those of the masses who flock to the Vatican and so forth) are set in stone, 2000 years of separation and hate. These are dark times and they're only going to get darker. We will omnly realise our flaws when it is too late to reverse them.


Well-Known Member
Although your statement is very nice, i wonder whether it is possible for us to co-exist. Christians tolerate muslims, and vise versa, its not a loving relationship. We are too ignorant, to proud. Our pride and ignorance will bring us down because we think we know better than those who believe differently to us. Our mindsets (those of the masses who flock to the Vatican and so forth) are set in stone, 2000 years of separation and hate. These are dark times and they're only going to get darker. We will omnly realise our flaws when it is too late to reverse them.
I wonder too. I don't have a problem with it not being a loving relationship as long as there is tolerance and no harm. But like you, I don't hold much hope for our planet as long as there are religious groups bent on destroying it and each other. My "very nice statement" is more of a challenge for us to understand the implications of our continued intolerance of each other. As long as we don't see each other as worthy or even human when we don't hold the same beliefs, I don't think there is much hope. I agree with the post that said we need to spend more on our earth and less on divisive beliefs that religions support.


Active Member
a second please NASA say about 71% which
Which perfectly well with the 70.8 % that i had already quoted. About 71 %. But you claim that your number would be correct. So you must provide an exact number of 71.11 ;)

Of course we know that this is an editable source. :)

but you say all what dedat say discussed before and all is wrong
so i ask you to proof that or discuess that with me
I do not see any sense in talking with you about christian's claims that say the bible tells people about the percentage of water and earth. Its just as wrong as the claim the quran would state it.

we will never find an end to that because every one stick to his view
The difference is only that your view is neither backed up by science nor do you seem to have a good knowledge of the quran as we see here ....
I leave it up to you to find the verses. At least you come to read the quran then for once, so that you know what you talk about.

1- 6 days i explained
Scientifically wrong, already said.

2-the stars that were created to drive away devils, mapy that is your opinion but it is not like that and it it not stars and it wsn' created to drive demands
Really ?
"wa laqad zay-yan-nas samaa-ad dunyaa bi maSaabiyHa wa ja'Alnaahaa rujuumal lish shayaaTiyn wa a'Atadnaa lahum 'Adhaabas sa'Iyr "

3-earth first or the heavens,i don't know what do you want but if you want aproof from science here sorry i can't help you because here itis not about science at all
What came first ... the earth and then the heavens or first the heavens and then the earth ?

4-solar system ,yes quran matched with bing bang theory
The big bang doesnt say that this solar system is the starting point where it all began.
Actually it says that the big bang didn't happen in this system.

5-pairs what can i say about that it is not male and female it is some thing like postive and negative or 2 things share to get anew 1
or something else again or something else ... just as long as we have some interpretation that seems to fit....
We come to that below.

6-Mountains that have been set on earth , the word mountain in that topic wasn't mentioned it was centers of weights but people at that time thought it is mountin but according to science it is lava as i remember
Moutains were not set at all on earth. Mountains rose.

7-fish swallowing men ,it wasn't a fish it was awhale and he was prophet younis whose name in your books younan
And you think a whale can swallow a man, let him stay in his body for a while and then spit him up in a desert ? Really ? What does science say about this ?

9-people living 1000 year,no thing in quran about that
Really ?
"wa laqad arsalnaa nuuHan ilaa qawmihii fa labitha fiyhim alfa sanatin il-laa khamsiyna 'AAmaa fa akhadhahumuT Tuufaanu wa hum Zaalimuun"

10-he sun sets near a murky pool of water , no thing in quran about that
Really ? Well ok ... it was a spring ;)
"Hat-taa idhaa balaga magribash shamsi wajadahaa tagrubu fiy 'Aynin Hamiatiw wa wajada 'Indahaa qawmaa"

11-pharaos cruxifying people ,yes it is quan ,what in this have you never seen pics for egyptian temples ,on it pharons hit their enemyies
Unfortunately for you egyptians didnt use that punishment.
It has been reported for romans, carthagans and persians (so far)

animals created with either no, two or 4 legs ,mapy that is in stories you read before you sleep but it is not in quran
Really ?
"wal-laahu khalaqa kul-la daab-batim mim maa'* fa minhum may yamshiy 'Alaa baTnih wa minhum may yamshiy 'Alaa rijlayn wa minhum may yamshiy 'Alaa arba'A yakhluqul-laahu maa yashaa' in-nal-laaha 'Alaa kul-li shay'in qadiyr"

how all that moons work with one sun, it take rays from it and reflect
is that make connection or not
it is the negative and postive again
Of course this also is nonsense. First of all ALL objects (except black holes and other suns i would say) reflect the light from the sun, not only moons.
Secondly there is no "positive" and "negative" here. As the sun emanates light a "negative" would be something that totally absorbs light like a black hole.

Apart of that i can povide another simple example : atoms
You have positive protons in the center and electrons in the periphery and then you have neutrons in the center too.... makes three.

Alas i leave you here ...
Come back when you KNOW your deen !
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Jesus in me
IMHO we have taken our eye off of the Ball the Ball being Earth,the glasiers in Switzerland are shrinking,the poles are shrinking and what do most Humans do? worry about there entrance to Heaven and something that happened years ago.
If the Human race replaced religion with logic we may have chance.

The Soviet Union is a prime example of a country that tried to live without God and according to logic and science. They ruined the country in the process and it was quite logical for the leaders to send multitudes to their deaths in the same way that it was logical for Hitler ot seek a pure race for his Germany and kill off millions of people in the process.

The truth is that sinful man ruins anything that he puts his hands to. Scientists muddling around with global forces they don't understand could ruin things more than global warming. It isn't any wonder that God has to destroy man before he destroys the earth.


Jesus in me
لَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُمْ مِنْ دِيَارِكُمْ أَنْ تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللهَ يُحِبُّ المُقْسِطِين
good don't prevent you from having aconnection with people who didn't fight you or get you out of your homes and be friends with them

can you tell me how islam don't respect christian community

I quite agree that the Qu'ran has a great deal of respect for Christianity but I have not found that to be so on the Islamic groups that I have been a member. This could possibly be a minority but I suspect that some things that are repeated tend to be commonly held views.

Of course the other side of the coin is that Christians need to respect Islam in order to receive respect and I am sure there are plenty of Christians who don't show Islam much respect.

I have been encouraged by news reports of Christian groups and Islamic groups getting together to better understand one another.


Jesus in me
implement a social system called communism.

Commuism is not necessarily an evil. It is basically what was practiced by early Christians and the Pilgrims when they landed in America. However ownership seems to be an intrinsic need. The ego wants to express itself and I suspect that we were created to have separate identities. Even the Kingdom of God on earth allows for self expression and the Kingdom is a reflection of Heaven.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
i have posted this thread because i recon that many non muslims have no idea about islam and what sort of religion it is, well appart from the lies that are shown on tv, so i though i would give you a chance to make any questions that you want, and inshallah i will answer them , but i do not have limmitlesknowledge and so in some parts i may not be able to give good answers i hope no one would mind about that.
so who ever wishe to make a start please do so and i well get back to you as soon as possible.

all the best wishes

Do you believe and follow the tenants of the "Hadith"

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The Soviet Union is a prime example of a country that tried to live without God and according to logic and science. They ruined the country in the process and it was quite logical for the leaders to send multitudes to their deaths in the same way that it was logical for Hitler ot seek a pure race for his Germany and kill off millions of people in the process.

The truth is that sinful man ruins anything that he puts his hands to. Scientists muddling around with global forces they don't understand could ruin things more than global warming. It isn't any wonder that God has to destroy man before he destroys the earth.

But that isn't logic is it,that is an extreme counter to another extreme,i have no problem with the ten commandments because they are logical,however people IMO have a tendency to throw logic out of the window when religion is involved.
As for sinful Man,well i would substitute sinful for stupid,Scientists do muddle around but that is a Human trait and if we did'nt muddle we would not have survived as long as we have.


Well-Known Member
But that isn't logic is it,that is an extreme counter to another extreme,i have no problem with the ten commandments because they are logical,however people IMO have a tendency to throw logic out of the window when religion is involved.
As for sinful Man,well i would substitute sinful for stupid,Scientists do muddle around but that is a Human trait and if we did'nt muddle we would not have survived as long as we have.
I agree!!


your welcome in advance :)

what makes you think a Muslim who you happened to meet on internet would know about history of Sikh and why people were killed?

That is because you are arguing on the fact that islam is a ' religion of peace and tolerance' , and hence I am interested in knowing why your co-religionists had persecuted the sikhs and their prophets in India without any valid reason whatsoever. :areyoucra

we are nearly 2 billion people on Earth today. in different nations with different cultures and different languages. we are not one personality. please break that image of a Muslim in your mind then come back to me. i can't fit into those shapes. i am a simple human being and i'd ever been in India and i am not 1000 years old.

Maybe so, but it is your co-religionist muslims who had harrassed and persecuted the Sikhs for no valid reason whatsoever, and seemingly on the assumption that they were infidels or kaffirs.

We are also simple human beings who believe in peace and non-violence, and we are only interested in knowing when you guys will break the stereotypical image of the 'kaffir' or 'infidel' , in your own minds, and stop persecuting others.

every day nearly a dozen Muslims get killed but people keep judging Muslims for being murderers. if you guys really believe murdering people is an ugly truth, tell me why would not you fight for present moment? i honestly do not get it at all. no offense, i am just saying.

Muslims do keep killing themselves in large numbers in shia-sunni- ahmediya riots all over the world throughout history. That is not our problem.

What we want is that non-muslims should be exempt from these killings and murders, that muslims should apologize for the torture and slayings of these great sages, and persecution of other peoples simply because they were not muslims .