I acknowledge the timber in my own eyes.
I have many problems. But I don't approve of torturing, mutilating, and killing in the name of God. Jesus said "let the one who is without sin cast the first stone. He called self-righteous religious people "brood of vipers, children of the devil".
Radical Islam is the epitome of self-righteous Religious hypocrites that Jesus had a problem with! Muhammad promoted obvious terrorism!
@Sir Doom
What are you doing trying to be the good guy and making me out to be the bad guy?
I'm promoting love, freedom, women's rights, treating gays like human beings, freedom of speech, non-violence, peace, virtue, and social justice!
What's the problem with pointing out the greatest threats to those rights, freedoms, luxuries, and virtues that we both cherish?
In the name of love and compassion I'm simply condemning tyranny, bullying, terrorism, hate, bigotry, viscious cruelty, torture, and calls to violence.
When over 1.4 billion people are calling psychopathic literature the word of God, that is a HUGE threat to our liberties!
These policies are already causing hell for countless millions of people who love freedom and can't speak the truth less they be tortured, imprisoned for decades, mutilated, or executed.
People have had their tongues cut out for speaking the truth in Muslim Theocracies. I'd much rather be dead than missing a nose, a tongue, hands, or feet, and Muslims have been doing this to people in the 21st century! The Qur'an supports this barbaric treatment and mutilation of people!
I love Shiites because they are a less extreme form of Islam on average, they are a persecuted minority, they get raped, sold into slavery, their mosques get bombed, and I have sympathy for any persecuted minority!
I'm simply pointing out and condemning cruelty and torture. I'm promoting love and compassion.
What's the problem?
I disagree!
In order for me to renounce the bigotry and cruelty in the Bible, someone had to show me how asinine, and psychotic it is that Israelites killed people for working on the Sabbath.
This and other
terrible disgusting atrocities in the Bible against polytheists and unbelievers needed to be placed before me in a most repulsive fashion, almost like a dog getting his nose rubbed into something he did wrong. I had to see how disgusting the hate, mass-killings, and bigotry was in order to wake-up and say that's ****ed up!
Suddenly I realized, OMG! I cannot condemn groups like ISIS and defend the Bible. That is HYPOCRISY!
I'm using the same tactics that were used to open my eyes! If i can reach one person, then it's not in vain!