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It seems to me that creating further confusion would be quite the achievement, sincerely.
nice for you, luis

In fact, I try to understand why following them would be an issue at all.
you should ask that to the qura'nists, perhaps ssainhu could answer that if she would like to help you.

It will probably sound odd, even disrespectful to most Muslims, but I sure do feel that you take your scripture way too seriously. And I am firmly convinced that scripture is just about the less significant aspect of most any religion, to boot.
hope you would get an answer for that from a mulsim here.


I'm sure that all the Quranists I have spoken with do not accept Hadith.

I can't post the forum here because it would violate Rule 9, but if you google Qur'an only forum, you'll see a few. Browse them and tell me if they accept Hadith. ;). There is also a Qur'anist DIR on this very forum; read through it and then tell me if I misrepresented them. :)

You should ask them from where do they get the methods for their salats, like i asked you. Then they will answer you differently, this is where you got it wrong.
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You should ask them from where do they get the methods for their salats, like i asked you. Then they will answer you differently, this is where you got it wrong.

I consulted with Union here on RF; he is a Qur'anist and supplied me with some information about Salat. With his permission, I am sharing what he sent me via PM:

Union said:
Here is a brief references from the Qur'an on the main points of Salah. Hope this will help . Please let me know if anything more needs to be discussed :

01. Name and Number of Salats :

There are three numbers of Salat mentioned by name in the Quran . These are :

(a) Salat Al-Fajr (Dawn Prayer)[24:58]
(b)Salat Al-Esha (Night Prayer)[24:58]
(c)Al-Salat Al-Wusta (The Middle Prayer) [2:238]

02. Time of Salat :

(a) Fajr before sunrise when the white thread of light becomes distinguishable from the dark thread of night [2:187] / when the stars fade away. [52:49] / at the frst terminal of the day [11:114] .

(b) Isha prayer at the approaches of the proper darkness of the night [17:78 & 11:114]

(c) Wusta prayer after the sunset until dusk . [17:78 & 11:114]

03. Prerequisite of Salat :

(a) This first pre-requisite is the conscious intention to establish contact with God Almighty [4:43]

(b) Performing ablution by washing face and hand, wiping head and feet. [5:6]

(c) Putting clean and modest dress , as decent as possible . [7:31]

04. Position of the Salats :

(a) Standing (Qiam) [2:238,3:39,4:102 ] => starting of Salat [4:102]
(b) Bowing (Ruku) [22:26,48:29]
(c) Prostration [22:26, 48:29] => finishing of Salat [4:102]

05. Number of Rak’ats :

The cycle of standing, bowing and prostrating while praising and glorifying God is traditionally called a Raka. According to the Quranic law, God did not specify any specific number of Raka to be observed in the Salat, thus it is left to the individual as per the situation , physical and mental capabilities . In congregation the leader must keep keen eyes on the average physical and mental strengths of the Muttadi [20:2,78]

06. Words in the Salat :

(a) All the words of the Salat should be from the Quran. Hence Quran should be recited while standing . [29:45,3:113]

(b) Glorifying GOD in bowing and in prostration .[7:206, 20:130, 32:15, 50:39,52:49] . Seeking forgiveness , seeking protection from Hell etc. duas can also be made in those positions [25:64-65] . Prefer to be cited as stated in the Quranic pages [e.g., 25:65]

All the words that to be recited in Salat should be for remembering/glorifying Allah (swt) only :

[20:14] "I am GOD; there is no other god beside Me. You shall worship Me alone, and observe the Salat to remember Me.

07. Tone of recitation of Salat :

The recitation of Salat shall not be too loud, nor shall be secretly; but should be maintained in an intermediate tone [17:110].

I wasn't too far off after all. ;)