Anybody that has an axe to grind can be reasonably knowledgeable on a subject matter especially if they choose to cherry pick Quranic verses along with other aspects of Islam to suit their own biases. I'd be more impressed considering his antics that he were an Islamic scholar who held anti-Muslim views.
Motivation doesn't matter when discerning between who is knowledgeable and who isn't. And being knowledgeable doesn't mean one is fair or acting in good faith. On the contrary, more knowledge better enables you to construct a biased polemic.
He's certainly not a genuine scholar striving for truth and veracity, but he is familiar with a wide range of classical Islamic sources.
Have you actually read any of his books?
Quite the contrary especially if one cherry picks without the substantial knowledge and command of the Arabic language in conjunction to the contextual history to which Quranic verses were made. Many people make this mistake online all the time.
How much do you believe classical Islam differs from modern humanistic Western liberalism?
How hard do you think it is to find genuine classical Islamic sources that say things which are incongruent with secular liberal values?
Also, you don't need Arabic to have a good knowledge of historical Islamic theology as there is much translated (obviously there is much that is not also), but he is not engaging in scriptural exegesis, he's generally reporting what other people have said.
It's not particularly difficult to find bias or errors in his scholarship, but most criticisms of him tend to be generic or ad hom rather than actually making a case with recourse to his actual writings.
As I understand it, there is not one Muslim community here in Southern California that enforces Shari'ah Law. Most Muslims live by secular law. For example one may divorce in accordance to Islamic tradition but one still has to go by the state government to divorce. There is no advertisements to any "Qadi" on television nor am I aware of any Islamic courts in California. Hence is why I mentioned countries that enforce them. Here in the United States, banning aside there are no indications here that the Muslim community is practicing Shari'ah Law.
That wan't my point.
Sharia is not limited to 'the law of the land', but also covers religious obligations, ethics, rituals, personal conduct, family, etc.